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After 1,5 months she wants to take things (very) slow - heartbroken


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1 hour ago, smackie9 said:

Bing bong! she's not feeling it. She gave you a shot at least and made effort. Better/ other opportunities are on the horizon I say. Oh and don't waste your time with "friendship" status....booooo!

Yeah, I agree with friendship thing, it never works so it is out of a window.

She reached out to me again today and said she likes me (probably friendly vibes, idk) and enjoys her time with me so a same wishy washy goes on. I guess she is stringing me along but I simply can`t stomach this ride anymore. I told her that if we are not in a same page, we should separate our ways for now just for the sake of sanity. I don`t know but I feel this could be the end (for now).

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