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Choice between two careers?

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Hi everyone,


Just wanted to get some input/opinions if possible.


If you had a choice between the following two career/job situations, which would you choose and why?


1. A dream job of yours, which you love, and is challenging, however, it is in a small town, with not much going on, and in which you can't see yourself spending your 30s (or meeting people who have the same interests as you).


2. A not so dream job, but nonetheless, is still satisfactory, not so challenging, but in a big city which you love to live in and can see yourself live in and settle down in for the rest of your life.


Currently, I'm in item 1, and thinking of changing to item 2. What about you guys?


Thanks for any input!

Kung fu

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Tough choice really. I'd honestly pick the dream job, because you can always drive to other places for fun. Or even live outside of the dream job area and just commute. Depends how far it is really.

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I would choose a job i would love/ have fun doing and not feel like im forcing myself or giving up to much. With 'small town' do you mean sub urban or rual? I would never live in a rual community. It would be too depressing and boring for me

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I suggest you see more things in a big city. After you go in the city, look for other opportunities while you're at your job 2. Being stuck in a small town will waste your youth. You are still young, take job 2 but do additional stuff while you're in the big city. Take some training courses in your spare time. When you're ready, opportunities will come to you.

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I personally would choose the non dream job in the city just because I love being in big cities. If the dream job gives you the opportunity to transfer to a more ideal location later on i'd stick with that.

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Oh, I guess I didn't answer the question fully.


I'd have to go with #1. I would play music anywhere in the world because that is what I love doing more than anything else, even if that would mean living out a hotel. Now if this town wasn't big enough that I could make a living whatsoever, then I'd probably go with #2. It is really hard to make a living as a musician in an urban area, let alone a rural area.

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