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This made me happy!




A tiny owl that was found stuck in the Rockefeller Centre Christmas Tree in New York was released back into the wild this week after being treated at a rehabilitation facility.


I love that.


This part of the world is very urban, but a lot of people do pull together to help imperiled wildlife when they have the opportunity.


I was working on a heavy construction site a couple years ago, and a goose had nested on the driveline of a massive sheet pile retaining wall. I don't know if you're familiar with sites like this, but it looks a lot like Mordor in the Lord of the Rings. Fire and brimstone.


Each day, the massive machines moved closer to this goose and her eggs. And the eggs just wouldn't hatch! Seriously, this goose had to be the last goose in the whole area to hatch her eggs.


It caused me a lot of stress. It was a $63 million project and I'd never worked on such a massive project. I didn't know what to expect from the construction workers, but I couldn't imagine these ornery, cantankerous dock builders pausing the whole operation to wait around for Mother Goose to hatch her babies.


I pointed the nest out to an excavator operator and he said, "I was thinking of just lifting the whole thing out with my bucket." That didn't make me feel better. I felt like I was going to have to throw my body over this stupid goose.


The eggs hatched on literally the last day the goose and her nest could remain unperturbed. The machinery was just yards away.


But the cool thing was, I wasn't the only one who was concerned. The seemingly oblivious dock builders were aware of the nest, and they congregated when the babies were born.


One Polish guy, who obviously had a lot of experience with geese, walked right up to the mother, patted her firmly on the head, grabbed a fluffy baby, and placed it in my hand. It was so light that I could barely sense it was there. I took a picture, but it came out blurry. I'll try to dig it up and post it.


One of the babies got stuck in its egg and the goose family abandoned it. The aforementioned man placed the baby in his truck so that the baby could take its time getting out while remaining in a safe environment.


When the baby was ready, the man returned it to the edge of the lagoon. The baby made its chirping noise and the mom (possibly the dad) came to meet it. It rejoined the brood, which was very large, and we got to see the family swimming around happily for a couple weeks after.


Even the most curmudgeonly of the men melted at the site of the babies. It was really cute to see.

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I love that.


This part of the world is very urban, but a lot of people do pull together to help imperiled wildlife when they have the opportunity.


I was working on a heavy construction site a couple years ago, and a goose had nested on the driveline of a massive sheet pile retaining wall. I don't know if you're familiar with sites like this, but it looks a lot like Mordor in the Lord of the Rings. Fire and brimstone.


Each day, the massive machines moved closer to this goose and her eggs. And the eggs just wouldn't hatch! Seriously, this goose had to be the last goose in the whole area to hatch her eggs.


It caused me a lot of stress. It was a $63 million project and I'd never worked on such a massive project. I didn't know what to expect from the construction workers, but I couldn't imagine these ornery, cantankerous dock builders pausing the whole operation to wait around for Mother Goose to hatch her babies.


I pointed the nest out to an excavator operator and he said, "I was thinking of just lifting the whole thing out with my bucket." That didn't make me feel better. I felt like I was going to have to throw my body over this stupid goose.


The eggs hatched on literally the last day the goose and her nest could remain unperturbed. The machinery was just yards away.


But the cool thing was, I wasn't the only one who was concerned. The seemingly oblivious dock builders were aware of the nest, and they congregated when the babies were born.


One Polish guy, who obviously had a lot of experience with geese, walked right up to the mother, patted her firmly on the head, grabbed a fluffy baby, and placed it in my hand. It was so light that I could barely sense it was there. I took a picture, but it came out blurry. I'll try to dig it up and post it.


One of the babies got stuck in its egg and the goose family abandoned it. The aforementioned man placed the baby in his truck so that the baby could take its time getting out while remaining in a safe environment.


When the baby was ready, the man returned it to the edge of the lagoon. The baby made its chirping noise and the mom (possibly the dad) came to meet it. It rejoined the brood, which was very large, and we got to see the family swimming around happily for a couple weeks after.


Even the most curmudgeonly of the men melted at the site of the babies. It was really cute to see.

❤️❤️❤️❤️🥰 lovely

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Oh I love this story!!


My happy "thought". I was listening to Terry Gross today on NPR. She said how during the pandemic she hasn't had the chance to listen to much music what with all the political podcasts she has to listen to for her work, etc. Anyway she said that when she does she really feels it -since it's so rare. And so she introduced her guests -Wainright and Giordano - who worked on various movies etc (never heard of them) who collaborated to do a big band type CD this year that just came out. 1920s-30s music. Called "I'd Rather Lead a Band." I like this type of music -my husband LOVES it. And within the next week it is his bday and our wedding anniversary (fun fact- he is three months younger than me so I insisted on not marrying him Thanksgiving weekend before his bday - but after so we'd be the same age. So we married two days after his bday -he still jokes about the older woman thing).


Anyway I heard a few songs from the album and - WOW. So joyous, fun, lovely. And now I knew what to get him for his bday/our anniversary. He's trying to maintain the "surprise" (we share an amazon account) - but luckily the CD is available for download so we will play it on his bday at cake time. And our anniversary at cake time. Hopefully even though I didn't hear all the songs they're all awesome like the three that were played. I've had a hard time figuring out what to buy him -yes Black Friday makes it a wee bit easier but we don't really need anything and you know it's hard especially since I can't really do an "experience" gift right now.

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Last week, I heard the artists who collaborated on the new "I'd Rather Lead a Band" on NPR (the show Fresh Air) and I just knew it was for my husband's bday (which is this weekend!) - so I ordered it and it has the newfangled "Autorip" so you can listen to it right away (the CD is arriving next week). Anyway -the happy part is I believe they said they recorded it this year, and intended to have joyous music on it. It's 1920s-30s big band (not holiday music, American Songbook classics) . Anyway we played it tonight with our birthday pie and it's just the best. It is so uplifting and lovely. They collaborated on the music for Boardwalk Empire apparently. Never had heard of them but my husband loves big band and also jazz.


Check it out if you like!

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I'm counting my blessings and so grateful for peace in my life, security, family and friends. 

During this holiday season, I'm hunkering down at the home front with my husband and sons. 

After home cooked dinners, we play board games, cards, word games, etc.  We hadn't played games in ages so it's refreshing to rummage through our big box of games and enjoy our family home evenings together. 

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I'm counting my blessings and so grateful for peace in my life, security, family and friends. 

During this holiday season, I'm hunkering down at the home front with my husband and sons. 

After home cooked dinners, we play board games, cards, word games, etc.  We hadn't played games in ages so it's refreshing to rummage through our big box of games and enjoy our family home evenings together. 

We also strung colored lights on the house's exterior and lawn decor. 


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23 minutes ago, itsallgrand said:

I'm having difficulties navigating the site and figuring it out still, so I'll drop this here hoping it's seen.. 

Happy Challah Days for all the wonderful people here who may celebrate it!! 

Makes me happy thinking of people celebrating what matters to them right now. 

Completely agree. So lovely to read. Happy days right back to you as well. 🥰

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