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Drop a happy thought here?


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I've been using the 6 minute diary, and had been struggling to write done '3 positive things' without saying the same old things each time. My therapist last night reminded me it isn't just about the positive exterior things (my house, my dog) but about you as a person....'you are kind, loving etc....'


Always worth reminding ourselves of the good inside us and what we can offer others.

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Beautiful thought.^


I bought a palm tree (for indoors) and it's flourishing and growing very quickly. I always love that funny job of pruning roots and you can tell so much about the health of a tree or plant by the health of its roots. I usually do root prunings when the roots are more or less on the drier side and outside so the debris and soil don't get all over the house. My only thought is... do I want this tree growing any bigger?

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The one where he gets dressed while driving the car to the dentist (along with using the windscreen washes to wash his mouth out) is a favourite along with the episode at the swimming pool! 


Lol I love the swimming pool one. The car to the dentist I believe was one of the first episodes... such a classic.

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Looking forward to NYE this year and hopes for a better year.🥳. Actually can't wait for 2020 to be over. Let's see what 2021 brings.

Same here. The world has been a mad mad mad place this past year. I've been really lucky living where I do as most of the madness never reached us and life has been good and carrying on as normal for the most part (except for health). So I'm pretty happy but very sad for the crazy world we live in.

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Hope this qualifies -making my mother laugh (phone call) when I told her my popular brand frozen meal, korean beef....... had no beef!! We immediately thought of our favorite Wendy's commercial with the older woman "Where's the beef??" (Yes, I emailed the company, yes they're sending coupons but no beef lol). She just loved the story.

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We immediately thought of our favorite Wendy's commercial with the older woman "Where's the beef??"


True story:


That commercial came out when I was about 10. Like you said, it was famous. Everyone had heard it; everyone was saying it.


One day, one of my dad's employees went to McDonald's for lunch and got a burger. When he bit into it, there was no meat. He opened the burger and found a piece of paper that said, "Where's the beef?"


My sister and I thought that was so funny..... but thinking about it now, I'd probably be kind of grossed out!

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I love what World Central Kitchen is doing. My goodness, that man Jose Andres is one of the most giving, caring and self-less people I've ever read about. I've donated a couple of times to the organization and will do so again once I am employed.


Also, there are two firefighters who were badly burned fighting the most recent wildfires. People were asked to donate blood. So many people showed up they had to turn some away and ask them to return Monday. During a pandemic! It's amazing.

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True story:


That commercial came out when I was about 10. Like you said, it was famous. Everyone had heard it; everyone was saying it.


One day, one of my dad's employees went to McDonald's for lunch and got a burger. When he bit into it, there was no meat. He opened the burger and found a piece of paper that said, "Where's the beef?"


My sister and I thought that was so funny..... but thinking about it now, I'd probably be kind of grossed out!


Yes and yes - LOL! Love that story. And that was a great commercial.

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