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How are you dealing with the trashcan fire that is 2020? How are you?


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The annoying Covid scare-mongering and drama-rama is so unhelpful. Blasted at us from all sides. What is the point, I ask?


A little level-headed reporting would be such a treat.


Even previously sensible radio talk programmes with good content have joined the Covid-scarey party. So, as I like to have radio on while I work, I have tuned to an all-music station.


I'm tending to now just do a quick covid google to see what's happening in the UK once a day. It's becoming difficult to take it all in how things are currently looking over here. Absorbing myself in netflix and books between working, escapism is bliss.

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I am "over here" too DB! lol.


I check the WHO website now and then.


Don't watch a lot of T.V.but I did enjoy "The Bridge". Very well produced and acted. People have been phoning all day as it is my birthday.


I quite enjoy VERA too, when I remember to watch it.

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From The Financial Times:



"If Britain were the bolshie, rule-breaking nation ministers assumed we were back in March, it might make sense to be unveiling graphs of doom, spreading rumours about cancelling Christmas and lecturing pubgoers about drinking in “the last chance saloon”.


On Tuesday chief scientist Patrick Vallance presented the public with an extraordinary graph projecting 50,000 daily new Covid infections by mid-October. This, he was forced to admit, was not actually a prediction. The point was to try and scare people into changing behaviour: stop households mixing and large groups socialising indoors, the two most potent sources of virus spread."





"Fear is a natural response to a pandemic. But if messaging makes people increasingly phobic, the impact on their mental health will be appalling, and their anxiety will ricochet through the economy.


Will the new measures slow viral transmission by curbing the recalcitrant, the students who want to congregate or the shop assistants who are reluctant to wear face masks?


Some behavioural research suggests that once people identify as rule-breakers they will simply break more rules; this phenomenon was seen in the 2000s after antisocial behaviour orders were introduced. Other studies suggest that people are more likely to make sacrifices if they think that others will suffer as a result of their actions. Young people were understandably upset by being urged “don’t kill gran”. Yet that message may prove more effective than sending marshals into house parties.





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Ironically, 2020 hasn't been as bad on a personal level as 2019. When the previous year saw your father pass away, your brother have a stroke, and your mother and best friend have serious health scares... any other year starts looking better. I can handle staying inside and away from all the disasters, I'm an introvert anyway.


I am, however, deeply saddened and upset for all the people who are going through tough times right now. My heart and soul is pained by what people are experiencing. Once we get through this, I hope there is a serious reckoning regarding numerous issues - racism, environmentalism, health care, economic equality, etc. It's time to take a stand and start working towards building a better system.

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I must endorse what you said, ShySoul.


"Once we get through this, I hope there is a serious reckoning regarding numerous issues - racism, environmentalism, health care, economic equality, etc. It's time to take a stand and start working towards building a better system."

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As if there is not enough to contend with already. Sigh!


"Pages associated with anti-mask and anti-lockdown campaigns were found to be growing on Facebook. Five anti-mask pages analysed had 60,000 likes between them, up from 47,000 at the beginning of August, according to CrowdTangle data, a rise of 28%.


"One viral video shared by a prominent anti-lockdown account shows an employee of a large UK care home chain claiming “Covid is a load of bollocks”. The original post, which received 310,000 views on Facebook, also contained the hashtag #WWG1WGA, a slogan associated with the far-right conspiracy theory QAnon."


"A Facebook page for an alternative medicine business that has 1.9m likes shared about 50 posts expressing scepticism about vaccines during the last three months. These included posts containing conspiracy theories about Bill Gates and false claims that vaccines are a form of population control.


According to polling published this summer, 53% of the UK population said they were “certain or very likely” to take a potential Covid-19 vaccine, and a further 20% were “fairly likely to”.


Another of the pages analysed has more than 500,000 likes and posted several times linking to a feature-length followup to the Plandemic conspiracy theory video that went viral in May. One post promoting the film, hosted on a separate site, received 118,000 views. The film blames the outbreak on big pharma, Gates and the World Health Organization, and warns that wearing masks is dangerous because it “literally activates your own virus”."




The Guardian



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Caught myself watching CNN with a stupid smile on my face. Feel guilty that I'm glad, then sad at the state of the world and the drama that follows.
I do not feel guilty for feeling glad. Finally the results of so much reckless and irresponsible behavior has come home to roost.
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I do not feel guilty for feeling glad. Finally the results of so much reckless and irresponsible behavior has come home to roost.
Just to be clear, glad he got it. I've said all along, I'd hope he'd get it. It got to the point it just needed to happen. Guilty that I feel any sort of pleasure that it feeds the sh*t show that doesn't seem to end. I just want us to move past all this and regain some normalcy. That reality of this happening seems to slip further and further away.
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I must endorse what you said, ShySoul.


"Once we get through this, I hope there is a serious reckoning regarding numerous issues - racism, environmentalism, health care, economic equality, etc. It's time to take a stand and start working towards building a better system."


LaHermes, sadly I think things have to sometimes hit rock bottom before they can get better. And I really want to believe we aren't going to go lower then this.


I was just talking this over with a friend. Instead of being frustrated, we're trying to be encouraged by the number of people who are fighting to make a difference and cause change. It's not going to be easy, but maybe from all this horror there can come some hope.

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I do not feel guilty for feeling glad. Finally the results of so much reckless and irresponsible behavior has come home to roost.


Actions have consequences. He, and everyone supporting him, know what they are doing and deserve what they get. And hopefully next year there will be some legal consequences as well. The irony of certain people being locked up would really make me smile.


Actually, I feel angry for all the people who have been infected for just having to be around such reckless behavior. Journalists, staff, people setting up a debate.... you shouldn't get sick and risk your life for doing your job.

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"MULTIPLE vaccination sites are set to spring up across the UK as the NHS prepares to vaccinate tens of thousands of people daily by Christmas."


"The first of the coronavirus jab centres is expected to open next month, with five up and running by the time the festive season rolls in. According to leaked documents, London will host a major site as will the northern cities of Leeds and Hull, where a second wave of the killer virus is spreading fast.




From The Express.


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  • 4 weeks later...

"The University of Oxford hopes to present late-stage trial results on its Covid-19 vaccine candidate this year though its top scientific investigator cautioned it would still take some time for life to return to normal."


"I'm optimistic that we could reach that point before the end of this year," Oxford Vaccine Trial Chief Investigator Andrew Pollard told British MPs of presenting trial results this year.


Prof Pollard said working out whether or not the vaccine worked would likely come this year, after which the data would have to be carefully reviewed by regulators and then a political decision made on who should get the vaccine.


"Our bit - we are getting closer to but we are not there yet," said Prof Pollard, the director of the Oxford Vaccine Group.


Asked if he expected the vaccine would start to be deployed before Christmas, he said: "There is a small chance of that being possible but I just don't know.""





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Covid myths




FACT: Most people who get COVID-19 recover from it

Most people who get COVID-19 have mild or moderate symptoms and can recover thanks to supportive care. If you have a cough, fever and difficulty breathing seek medical care early - call your health facility by telephone first. If you have fever and live in an area with malaria or dengue seek medical care immediately.

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"Moderna said its experimental vaccine was 94.5% effective in preventing Covid-19 based on interim data from a late-stage clinical trial, becoming the second US company in a week to report results that far exceed expectations.


Together with Pfizer's vaccine, also shown to be more than 90% effective, and pending more safety data and regulatory review, the US could have two vaccines authorised for emergency use in December with as many as 60 million doses of vaccine available by the year's end.


Next year, the US government could have access to more than 1 billion doses just from the two vaccine makers, more than needed for the country's 330 million residents.


The vaccines, both built using new technology known as messenger RNA or mRNA, represent powerful new tools to fight a pandemic"[/i]





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I am with you there, W.


"I'm so tired of the whole thing"


So dreary and so tiresome. Not to mention all the chopping and changing of the so-called "rules". Worst of all is the scare-mongering.


Meantime here we have a vaccine trial volunteer (Florida - USA) telling her story.



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The anti-vaxers A menace!




And from an article on Forbes.com


"For the WHO, "vaccine hesitancy" is a polite phrase designed to engage the public and highlight how serious the problem is, without angering those who are guilty of it. I'm not going to be quite so polite here: "vaccine hesitant" means anti-vax. The anti-vax movement, which aggressively spreads fear and misinformation about vaccines, has become a major, worldwide threat.


It also resembles a cult, as I'll explain."


""Anti-vaccine sentiment is a poisonous scourge.... There's no debate about vaccines. Let's get over that nonsense that the media and celebrities have created, okay? There is nobody in the medical community of any actual reputation who believes that there are two sides to this."


The problem is that anti-vaxxers are continuously creating new websites, Facebook groups, and even movies to spread misinformation about vaccines, "

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  • 2 weeks later...

We needed some good news.


"The UK has become the first country in the world to approve the Pfizer-BioNTech Covid-19 vaccine for use and said that it will be rolled out from early next week.


Care home residents will be first in line for the vaccine, followed by those 80 years of age and over, as well as frontline health and social care workers.


The roll-out will continue for other age groups and those deemed clinically vulnerable or with underlying health conditions."



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