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How do I use this "tool" to flirt?


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Here's a funny story about something I received today -how can I play it into my flirting with the girl I like?


Before track practice today, my friend, who works at the local golf course gave me a golf ball. My question to him: "Why?"


Apparently, there is a golf-ball making company that is named, well, the same name as the girl I like. Her name was engraved in the ball and the name of the company was typed in the back, so it is legit (at first I thought my friend wrote it in). He gave me the ball and asked me what I thought of it and he asked if I can make anything out of it (regarding the girl). (the italicized part was edited)


Anyway, how can I put this into play when I'm talking to the girl I like? My one idea (although it can use improvement) is to ask her to "mini-golf" and tell her the course is "calling her name"...literally (then I show her hte ball)


Any other suggestions? I just thought of this one off the top of my head, there are probably better ways.

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thats a very very odd tool indeed, have you thought of asking why your friend thought of it? if he came up with the idea, perhaps he has some ideas as to what to do with it.....i'm drawin a blank here sry


My friend didn't come up with the idea. He found the ball while he was working on the golf course and gave it to me, sicne he knows who I "like". He said "What do you think of this?" After that, I started to speculate an idea of what to do with the ball as a "tool" to flirt with the girl I like.


Any better?


P.S. I edited it on the original post as well.

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Why don't you tell her the truth?


That you always wanted to say something to her, but couldn't. Instead of playing the waiting game fate stepped in, and you wanted her to have it.


I forgot to add this in too...


...I did "ask her out" a couple of weeks ago but she felt unsure about the whole thing. At first, after I "asked her out". we didn't talk as much as before (she wasn't as open), but it is getting better now. I think it was just awkwardness setting in. I don't know if she was ready quite yet (she hated her last bf of two months) and I feel a little bit of wit here (with the golf ball) can nail down the date. She wanted to go in "a big group" because she has two best friends and didn't want to leave one out (the other one has a bf and we were thinking of a "double date with them, but the bf backed out of it). My solution: us two alone or nothing. I don't want her to be clingy towards her friends and this (a single date) could be the perfect fix. It also makes things a lot more complicated IMO.


Due to this, I still want to use the golf ball (for a fun/flirty purpose) - the humor can make things a little easier in terms of actually getting the date. 8)

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i honestly don't know how this can help you at all and i also don't know why you would need something like this. Sorry, but i think you should just flirt with her like normal, don't think too much about it and don't try to come up with things that you think will be really awesome.


I say all this because i don't think she'll think or see this as you flirting with her, or you liking her.

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It seems to me like you're making an awfully big situation out of this golfball thing. Yeah, her name is the same name of a golfball company. I'm not harsh to people very often. Really, I'm not. Wilson is a baseball/tennisball company. I'm sure someone has tried that on a guy named Wilson. Names are names.


It's cute, yes, but honestly I don't think she will take it like you do. You're thinking about it way too much and expecting a lot out of it. I agree with Shyguy44 -- just forget about the golfball and flirt with her normally. At least then you know that she isn't weirded out.

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Maybe, "Kept on losing at golf- all I could think about was you."

Nah, too cheesy and stupid. And wouldn't you be embarrassed if she rejected you?


Oh! Or tie a ribbon around it attached to a note asking her to mini-golf or whatever. But then she might think your too wimpy to ask her out in person. I don't know, I'd say think of something else, there are tons of cute ways to ask out someone- the golf ball isn't necessary.

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I wrote this earlier, but in the wrong spot so no one really saw it I wrote it at around 4:41 PM


Alright, I found my solution.


With my potential chances with the girl looking bleaker, I found the perfect plan of what to do with the golf ball...


1.) Take the ball with me when my gym class goes to the local golf course

2.) Grab the driver and a bucket of golf balls

3.) Head over to the driving range

4.) Place the ball with her name on the tee

5.) Watch that baby fly!!


No, I am not "giving up" on this girl. I've talked to her/flirted with her a little, but it doesn't look too good. Today, I passed her twice in the hallway. Both times though, she didn't say hi (I know she tried to make eye contact at least once too sicne I caught it out of the corner of my eye (I learned that if you look straight ahead or to the side when the girl is passing you, it shows control of oneself, that I have other things in my lfe, etc. and not desprateness...it's something like that).


Up until three weeks ago (for the last few months), she said hi to me at every possible moment and we got along real well (but not quite "friends"). Ever since I "asked her out", not much. She has been more "closed" towards me and I don't know what I can really do.


Perhaps I should not worry about it, lay back (not try to force anything) and if it's meant to be, the opportunity will present itself.

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Up until three weeks ago (for the last few months), she said hi to me at every possible moment and we got along real well (but not quite "friends"). Ever since I "asked her out", not much. She has been more "closed" towards me and I don't know what I can really do.


This is the root of the problem as to why I can't "ask her out" again. I'll probably go through with my golf ball plan (using it at the golf course) so it avoids all the hassle.


Any solution as to the situation I quoted above? I know someone else who had a similar problem and didn't know wehat there was for him to do. There has to be a solution as to how I can get her to act towards me like she did a few weeks ago and not the way she does now...I just don't know it.

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Stop avoiding eye contact with her- you're being "closed" to her to if you do that. What, you think she'll think your "easy" if you pay attention to her?

You can give up or go for it. Go right up to her and scream, "WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME???"

Or try something more subtle. She could have lost interest, or she might have something else on her mind.

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Stop avoiding eye contact with her- you're being "closed" to her to if you do that. What, you think she'll think your "easy" if you pay attention to her?

You can give up or go for it. Go right up to her and scream, "WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME???"

Or try something more subtle. She could have lost interest, or she might have something else on her mind.


Well, no, I don't want to appear to be REALLY easy. In high school (I see you are only 14 - my guess is ur a Freshman?), if a guy seems to be "too easy", they don't get the girl because there is nothing to chase, nothing to look for, etc. If the guy is "too easy", he will be preceived as almost needy and the girl will not keep lunging for him (in many cases). There has to be some mystery and intrigue as well.


And, if I scream at her, I'd likely get slapped lol

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Well, no, I don't want to appear to be REALLY easy. In high school (I see you are only 14 - my guess is ur a Freshman?), if a guy seems to be "too easy", they don't get the girl because there is nothing to chase, nothing to look for, etc. If the guy is "too easy", he will be preceived as almost needy and the girl will not keep lunging for him (in many cases). There has to be some mystery and intrigue as well.


And, if I scream at her, I'd likely get slapped lol


You're right this method does work- she's making you chase her. Don't explain it to me like I'm an idiot.

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Well, no, I don't want to appear to be REALLY easy. In high school (I see you are only 14 - my guess is ur a Freshman?), if a guy seems to be "too easy", they don't get the girl because there is nothing to chase, nothing to look for, etc. If the guy is "too easy", he will be preceived as almost needy and the girl will not keep lunging for him (in many cases). There has to be some mystery and intrigue as well.


And, if I scream at her, I'd likely get slapped lol


You're right this method does work- she's making you chase her. Don't explain it to me like I'm an idiot.


I never said that.


I'm just implying, from my personal experience that if I appear to be TOO easy, she'll more likely lose interest. I want to make it a bit of a challenge and perhaps she'll be chasing me. That's all.

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Do what you think is best. You can't go wrong if you think carefully about whatever you do and also do the right thing.


Some people say you gotta make yourself happy. With that in mind, it's best to just give out the kind of feelings you want. Picture the woman of your dreams; be the man that captures her heart. Is being that person making you happy too? That's the important thing.


Others say all you can do is give and if you don't get it from the person in return, don't worry. What you give out never gets lost and it will find it's way back to you. Good luck with the girl, man.


Dude, I read something once. It said a certain type of guy is just aggressive, he just keeps trying (w/o appearing obsessive) every possible way until she says 'yes' or 'no.' If you feel up to the task, just have a sense of humor and go for it. Above all, thinking less is good. Maybe there is a place you can combine strategy with compassion. That's where I'd aim if I were you.

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