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Is it porn or is it me?


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If you stay hyper-focused on his porn use as the sole cause and start thinking he has a disease, you will dump all the responsibility of this disconnect on that theory without doing anything to provide insight or examine the whole situation.


Not every bedroom slump is due to a "disease" that doesn't exist in medical journals. If he overuses porn because he is lazy/overworked or turned off by your super-mommy, mode you need to look at the whole picture.


How easy is it to blame that rather than examine the entire pregnancy, baby, etc marriage, rut, adult free time situations which, by the way is when this started. He's probably masturbated to porn here and there since adolescence.


Many hyper-religious people believe masturbating and porn are sins and will blame it for everything. Use common sense. It started when you redirected your focus on sex toward getting pregnant and then add to that the stress of a new born.

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