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Traveling to Switzerland


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I'm traveling to Zurich, Interlaken and Geneva and I was hoping for some advice on a few things. I'm coming from the United States, and have been doing some research and just want to verify some things.


So I have heard the train cost is 0.08 CHF per minute, is that true even for me as a foreign US citizen?


How easy is it to get from place to place? How are the train times? Do trains run often? What about trains from Geneva to southern France?


I hear there is some sort of pass you need in order to get access to the parks, specifically Grindelwald/ Cable car/ hiking/ overlook. What is the most worth seeing and what are the prices like?


Anything else I should know about traveling to Switzerland? What's your favorite part about this country?


Any resources or advice will be great. Thank you!

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Hey there,


I live here so should be able to help you a bit :) train travel is regular and reliable but expensive. But if you book in advance you can get 'supersaver' tickets' that can end up being quite cheap.




Check out that site, its in english.


You can also get a half fare card for like a month, which will save you some money. But you should be able to find all that info on this page. If you buy a ticket from Switzerland and it takes you through france, italy and germany for example, you would pay for it all through the swiss rail. And if yoi start your destination in germany and gi through switzerland and go through france etc, then you would pay german rail. But you can also buy your tickets seperately or go through europe rail - whatever works for you.


I dont really know what to recommend other that what you can find when you google ' top 10 things to see'. I live in lucerne and mainly go to the lake and mountains etc. And when the family visits we go to the lake and mountains :D you can easily catch a train from Zurich to Paris. Maybe not right now (corona) but by the time you visit it will be easy peasy again.

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At this time the United States remains on the list of high-risk countries and U.S. citizens will remain subject to the current entry restrictions.


Mandatory quarantine for persons arriving in Switzerland

From 6 July 2020, people arriving in Switzerland from certain countries (incl. the USA) will be required to go into a 10-day quarantine(this is not simply a recommendation). The list of countries will be updated continuously.


If you are arriving in Switzerland from one of the countries with a high risk of infection you will be required to: with a high risk of infection you will be required to:


Go immediately on arrival to your home or to other suitable accommodation.

Stay there for 10 days from the day of your arrival without going out.

Report your arrival within two days to the responsible cantonal authority.

Follow the instructions from the authorities.



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At this time the United States remains on the list of high-risk countries and U.S. citizens will remain subject to the current entry restrictions.


Mandatory quarantine for persons arriving in Switzerland

From 6 July 2020, people arriving in Switzerland from certain countries (incl. the USA) will be required to go into a 10-day quarantine(this is not simply a recommendation). The list of countries will be updated continuously.


If you are arriving in Switzerland from one of the countries with a high risk of infection you will be required to: with a high risk of infection you will be required to:


Go immediately on arrival to your home or to other suitable accommodation.

Stay there for 10 days from the day of your arrival without going out.

Report your arrival within two days to the responsible cantonal authority.

Follow the instructions from the authorities.





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I would also make sure you are able to stay beyond the time you are planning.


I've seen umpteen YouTube videos of people who traveled overseas and got "stuck". Either the country they were in would not allow flights to the US or the US would not allow flights from where they were traveling from. Some people got stuck for 3 months!


If you work remotely you could arrange to work from Switzerland. If you don't work remotely it might be a good time to see if you can in the event you are subject to travel restrictions when trying to come back home.


And buy travel insurance! Now more than ever this is key.

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