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Today I made my first friend in 5 years


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I'm 20 years old. I have not had a friend for 5 years. I've felt beyond lonely, to the point of just not caring. When corona started, it didn't change my life one bit. You'd think that it wouldn't affect me then, but it did.


When corona started and everyone I know and everyone online started having all these changes made to their life, and I sat there completely unchanged, I realised how much I hated it. I realised how lonely I am, and how long I just haven't cared.


Today, after 5 years, I had a meeting set up with a complete stranger. I couldn't even sleep last night because I was so nervous. Couldn't eat breakfast today.


And guess what? It went great (I think)! We talked for almost 3 hours but it felt like years. Had a bunch of laughs and it felt natural. I wasn't really able to hold eye contact but that needs practising I guess. I feel good right now. I feel like the future is just a tiny bit brighter. I wanted to share it because well, I obviously don't have anyone else to share it to.. thank you.


Edit: you're all really sweet

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