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Starting A Book Club - Kindle vs A Real Book - Your Opinion Please!


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I have a lot of books and very little space. I thought I'd never go the route of the kindle (or nook), but not long ago I was seriously considering it.


I'm like up to my armpits in books. The simple act of cleaning this apartment is like solving a 4x4 sliding puzzle. And books are a b*tch to move.


But I never caved in to my impulse to buy the kindle. I don't know if I ever will.


One thing I really like about books (besides the tactile experience of reading them) is the fact that they're not blasting light into my eyeballs.


My boyfriend has a kindle and he reads comic books on it. THAT is really cool. Kindles and comics work well together.


Computer screens don't bother my boyfriend's eyes, though.


As for books on tape... I enjoyed one once. It was called In the Kingdom of Ice and it was fantastic.


I probably never would have read it in book form. But the audio book was perfect for the long, mindless drives that I was making during that time.




So cool to hear from you, thank you for your response! You always give an intelligent and very quirky insight into just about everything.


I get it, I do! My Uncle, he is a retired judge now, but him and my Aunt used to live in this amazingly old, dim, sprawling cottage in Northumberland in the middle of nowhere. So isolated, that the only building 5 miles from them was, get this; a monastery. I didn't even realise those places still existed. Driving up, you'd come across a monk on a hill verge just meditating out into the sunset! Incredible.


Anyway, in their cottage it was what you could call a book haven. A book heaven? A book dumping! Seriously, that place was full to its creaking, caving rafters with books. They stacked them on the stone flags high enough to use as side tables, they had aching shelves over doorframes. The place was brimming. Not just with law volumes but my Aunty, she loves nature and is practically a botanist, but not professionally. She had thousands of books on plants and biology. I don't need to say anymore, as a child, I digged this. The impact of all those books, claustrophobically everywhere, has never left me and even though I know personally I could never live like that, man did I love it. And that's just the thing, if that cottage had none of those book and a GOD DAMN IT Kindle on their coffee table, I'm sorry, it ain't the same babes and my Uncle and Aunt would obviously agree.


More than twenty years later they would also agree with you - books are a b***h to move ;) They moved house and, well, you can imagine... hahahaha!


Lo x

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So I donate my old books and have been doing a lot of library borrowing - will do more when it reopens ! My son is 11 and we love reading real books together. I don’t think the book club issues are gender based.


For years my husband and I and some friends had a regular game night and that spawned some interesting in fighting too. Again I wasn’t involved. Well one time I was judged for falling asleep during one. But they didn't know I was in my first trimester and exhausted lol. Nothing to do with gender. The males bickered as much or more and created drama.

So interesting about the house thing. It helps this discussion because I literally have no interest in houses other than when it’s like a museum. I like tours of famous houses.


Otherwise it bores me to tears and I admire living spaces at times and have no interest in hearing the details of decorating or renovating or why the person chose or built a certain house. Oddly I am into bed linens and bedding and choosing the most comfy etc. I’ve never lived in a house. And I don’t want to. Feel so fortunate now to make one phone call and have a maintenance person at my apartment door if there’s any issue whatsoever any time of day or night.


So maybe my inability to relate to that degree of interest in a living space is similar to a non real book reader not getting the appeal of a physical book. Thanks !

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Sarah - this is exactly it! Obviously the content is the same, the argument isn't about the content, rather the experience, it differs so and I am afraid I am team book!


Thank you for your input though, from readers of eBooks I have no resentment, I am just interested in your point of view.


Lo x


Hi, mylolita,


I totally understand that books can make people feel warm, fuzzy, and nostalgic. In my house, I have an entire wall of books, many of which were my mother's first editions. I taught world literature for almost 30 years, and so I'm certainly not anti-paper book. I've read more than my share of paper books.


Audiobooks perform an important function for me. They allow me to get in my exercise while becoming absorbed in another world. So we're really talking about two different things here. Many people look at books as things, objects, memories, etc, sources of nostalgia and childhood, whereas I look at books strictly for the content. I guess it comes from the fact that I'm not overly sentimental about things.


Thanks for the discussion!!!

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I like having a physical collection of things. I also *really* like that on a single hand-held device, I can go between historical non-fiction titles, The Witcher books, husbandry books, and advanced plumbing manuals. Especially with fiction and textbooks, I'll probably buy the physical copy even if I've got the digital version. Same with movies and videogames even if I can download or stream them. I'm a giant sucker for Steelbooks and obviously the physical disc that comes with it.


My wife is by far the bigger reader between us and has got more than a couple full bookshelves. Always a few soft covers lying on various surface around the house. She still makes a habit of appropriating my 8" tablet to use the Kindle app, though. Just kinda is what it is. I think it's fine if you prefer one or the other, or if you can appreciate both.

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In this Information Age, give people options.


I'm more old school and love paper books. However, others prefer the convenience of e-books, Kindle, Internet, etc.


After staring at a computer, cell phone and TV, my eyes are strained, therefore, I need a break from electronic screens so paper books it is for me.


Be flexible otherwise you'll limit members in your book club.

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Btw, I recently donated over 500 books to my local charity. :eek:


I prefer paper books which I borrowed from my local library especially pre-COVID-19 pandemic.


I need to protect my eyes from excessive electronic screen time. I'll read a book for about an hour before bedtime which helps me fall asleep.


I belonged to a book club. Each hostess took turns providing a home cooked dinner, sides and dessert for our group. It was enjoyable but I eventually bowed out because it was stressful for me to host the book club in my home. I would've preferred meeting at a restaurant for a book discussion and it would've been less work. However, the founder of the group disagreed. It was just as well that I decided not to participate anymore because actually, I felt closest to my BFF out of the group and not the rest of the acquaintances in the group.


If you wish to organize a group, you have to make it easy on everyone. People have their personal preferences and everyone wants convenience. Know your audience.

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I always loved browsing through (second hand) book stores for incredible finds and, to be honest, there's nothing like building a beautiful book collection. Managed to amass a nice amount over the years.


Turns out, moving when you've got so many books is a pain in the bum!!! Consequently, I got into ebooks. Took me a while to get into it, but now I love it! It's great when travelling and, let's say, I'm at a coffee shop looking forward to read some fiction. Hang on, didn't I just bring an autobiography with me? Nope, I brought an ebook reader which has it all. Ah! :D

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Interesting thread! I’m a big reader myself. I have to be reading a book at all times actually (not literally, but waiting for me on my nightstand for when my daughter is tucked in, or in my backpack when I’m traveling, or on my desk at work for my lunchbreak). It’s been this way since I was 10 or so. My favorite book of all times is probably Pope Joan. It’s the first historical novel I ever read when I was 12 and it will forever remind me of teenage me laying on the bed with the evening sun rays coming through my window. Ah cheesy! I’ve probably read it another 15 times since then. And of course the Stephen King and Edgar A. Poe collection my Parents had built over the years that would always fascinate me as a child, because I knew they were scary. I didn’t speak English yet at 10, but started sitting down with a dictionary and translated every single word of Edgar Allan Poe’s “the black cat” because it was the one English book we had (all others german) and I wanted to know so bad what it was about.


Anyway, I’m totally drifting off but I’m passionate about books! Can I join your book club? ;) probably not possible since I’m living in Texas, but it would be really cool to connect with like minded people.


What I was going to say though is, as much as I love a physical copy of a book, and there literally is no more room for them in our house technically, sometimes I can’t wait to obtain the physical copy and I download it onto my phone through the kindle app. Because I just need a new one right then and there... it’s also practical for when I tuck my daughter in. She’s 3 and lately, probably due to the whole covid stress, she’s been very attached at bedtime and wants me to snuggle in her bed until she’s asleep. Once she’s sleeping I’ll turn on my phone to be able to read some without waking her by turning on the light or sneaking out of her creaky bed a bit too soon for her to notice. So there’s that, but overall I appreciate books and everything that comes with them. The smell! I have a tiny copy of grimms fairytales that almost looks like a bible from the outside that my mom read me to bed as a child. I still have it and sniff it on occasion because it’ll transfer me right back to childhood.

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Love this thread.


You mentioned audio books in your response to me, articulating a thought I've had about them plenty: modern technology getting us back to the campfire days. And yet! I am literally immune to them, as in: I've tried, and nothing sticks. My girlfriend, meanwhile? She listens to the things while running alone through mountain trails, typically augmenting whatever book (always 3D) she's reading. Moral of the story: to each his or her own!


Funny side note? My Tesla friend was rabid about the Kindle for a while, but ended up converting back to physical books, per some conversations we had. Funny side note part two? He told me this afternoon that he's considering buying an old truck. Not saying that to tout my own lifestyle, which is just an ever-evolving hodgepodge, but maybe to say that some people need to spend some time on Mars to appreciate Earth, while others...well, maybe others are just cool reading descriptions of Mars as a means of savoring Earth.

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I belonged to a book club. Each hostess took turns providing a home cooked dinner, sides and dessert for our group. It was enjoyable but I eventually bowed out because it was stressful for me to host the book club in my home. I would've preferred meeting at a restaurant for a book discussion and it would've been less work.


Sometimes I think that joining a book club would be a lot of fun. But part of me also thinks that I would probably find it exhausting.

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Sometimes I think that joining a book club would be a lot of fun. But part of me also thinks that I would probably find it exhausting.


It depends. I was in two main ones. The first lasted for years and we often met at restaurants. I'm still in touch with most of the women. The second seemed so promising -in my building -meeting at houses - but after three meetings as mentioned there was a falling out. Also I really disliked one of the books -a memoir by a person who made not funny but meant to be funny insensitive comments about a particular culture. I am not the biggest fan of "having" to read something but in my first book group we read some really awesome books -I might even reread one.

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Audiobooks perform an important function for me. They allow me to get in my exercise while becoming absorbed in another world. So we're really talking about two different things here. Many people look at books as things, objects, memories, etc, sources of nostalgia and childhood, whereas I look at books strictly for the content. I guess it comes from the fact that I'm not overly sentimental about things.


Thanks for the discussion!!!




This is the thing! I understand and can deal with the idea of an audiobook a bit better - it doesn't offend my senses so ;)


I have actually listened to part of a Stephen King novella on audio. It's when I was about 16, my parents lived near a river and a golf course and I used to walk along there in the summer and have my headphones in. It was a nice time, and better read than I ever could've but at the same time, at the same time! There was a hitch for me! As imperfect and dorky as my internal reading voice is, it's still the familiar voice I hear narrating my own life everyday and when I read "aloud" inside my head, I mean, there's a certain imperfect pleasure to that as well! For me anyway.


Hard to explain, but thank you for your response, always welcome. I am a massive sentimental sop so you have that bang right there! Maybe most of the physical book people are ;) We have that terrible tendency for romanticism... it's a blessing and a curse I think.


Lo x

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It depends. I was in two main ones. The first lasted for years and we often met at restaurants. I'm still in touch with most of the women. The second seemed so promising -in my building -meeting at houses - but after three meetings as mentioned there was a falling out. Also I really disliked one of the books -a memoir by a person who made not funny but meant to be funny insensitive comments about a particular culture. I am not the biggest fan of "having" to read something but in my first book group we read some really awesome books -I might even reread one.




At the moment our first meet up will probably be video, virtual, WhatsApp something or other. But I hope after that I can host!


I am more than happy to host. I keep having ideas about hosting it in different rooms of the house each time. I've asked everyone what their favourite tipple is and I'll put some food on. Nothing too formal, just snacks, mostly drinks, and somewhere comfy. I am happy to host each and every time but also, I don't want to take over? I would be very happy to alternate houses or the idea did cross my mind of meeting up in a coffee shop or restaurant for a change of scenery. I'll put it to the girls. With us all having young children all under 2 it's hard to get away much and the evening is looking like the best time for everyone to be bubba free!


Sorry your groups didn't work out. Fingers crossed for this one.


Lo x

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Sometimes I think that joining a book club would be a lot of fun. But part of me also thinks that I would probably find it exhausting.


Jibralta... could we have a virtual eNotAlone book club?!



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Anyway, I’m totally drifting off but I’m passionate about books! Can I join your book club? ;) probably not possible since I’m living in Texas, but it would be really cool to connect with like minded people.




Oh my God, you are a Texas gal! This is beyond cool to me, can I just say - I want your life! And OF COURSE YOU CAN!!!


What do you think, could we do a virtual eNotAlone book club? Would that work? Why not?!


And how tenacious and bright you are, especially as a child of 10 to do that. Wow. Massively impressed! When I was 10 I was busy being hyperactive and lip synching to Madonnas 'Material Girl'! Hahahaha! Puts me to shame. A true lover of books though, you have a beautiful lifelong relationship there which will never leave you and will always be there for you. Its just like a love of music. It's such an amazing thing to love.


I want to ask you a million things about America and Texas. I love all things Americana. By the way, my first book suggestion when it comes to my turn for picking is going to be 'Lonesome Dove' by Larry McMurtry - a Western novel. Thats how much I dig the idea of American old west culture and, modern culture as well.


Lo x

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I always loved browsing through (second hand) book stores for incredible finds and, to be honest, there's nothing like building a beautiful book collection. Managed to amass a nice amount over the years.


Hey Greendots,


This seems to be part of the physical ritual of book lovers too! Just another aspect to adore. Thank you for your response!


Lo x

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Btw, I recently donated over 500 books to my local charity. :eek:




This is impressive and admirable! You are obviously a true book worm and very generous! And also... great at having a clear out? ;)


And your point about making it easy on everyone - thank you, I completely take that. It's something that is playing on my mind! I want to make this a really sociable fun thing as well. Yeah, we'll discuss the book but then we can tail off have some drinks, y'know, unwind, talk about other things. I am not a book Nazi, definitely not. I'd feel terrible if everyone couldn't stand it and I was the one who'd suggested the thing in the first place.


Lo x

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I like having a physical collection of things.




By the way, I know this is off topic but did you recently get married? If so - a huge congratulations darling! Now that is an institution my poor romantic little heart believes in!


And a physical collection of things is very true. I am exactly the same. I am not a maximalist at all, I do like a certain amount of minimalism everywhere in my life but I do gravitate towards being a bit of a magpie. We have a section of our living room with books up to the ceiling and I think if my husband had his way he would love a reading room but, that's a little too much in my opinion.


I also have had a complete love affair with libraries all my life. I find them quite spiritual. That probably sounds stupid but I can't help it. Even the way the light falls through the windows, the smell, the silence, the dust settling on the books! All you can hear is a cough, turning of pages! It's like church for me. I have wrote so many things in libraries. They are my antidote to coffee shops and people sitting on laptops in them which AGAIN gets my back up ;) I am 30 now, very cranky.


Lo x

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Love this thread.


You mentioned audio books in your response to me, articulating a thought I've had about them plenty: modern technology getting us back to the campfire days. And yet! I am literally immune to them, as in: I've tried, and nothing sticks. My girlfriend, meanwhile? She listens to the things while running alone through mountain trails, typically augmenting whatever book (always 3D) she's reading. Moral of the story: to each his or her own!


Funny side note? My Tesla friend was rabid about the Kindle for a while, but ended up converting back to physical books, per some conversations we had. Funny side note part two? He told me this afternoon that he's considering buying an old truck. Not saying that to tout my own lifestyle, which is just an ever-evolving hodgepodge, but maybe to say that some people need to spend some time on Mars to appreciate Earth, while others...well, maybe others are just cool reading descriptions of Mars as a means of savoring Earth.


Again bluecastle, such an original response.


You really are an articulate thing! Do you have a journal on here? What do you like to read by the way? I'm very nosy! I'm pretty curious what everyones tastes are now, book wise? What does everyone dig? And don't say everything! I hate it when you ask someone what music they're into and they pause and put their head to one side and then come up with, "Ohh, I like everything really" Erm, biggest anti-climax ever. If you like everything, you like nothing! ;)


And very interesting about your Tesla friend. I would like to say my husband is a mash up of those two worlds colliding. His business is selling old art, antiques, fossils, curiosities etc. He loves everything old like me, was the main driving force in buying our house and everything that comes with it. We are old fashioned and traditional in most of our values but definitely libertarian, but conservative! If you can have such a mash up. But then he goes and loves everything Tesla and I must say it, is a for gadgets. I don't get it. As you can guess, I hate gadgets... HA! I even hate the word gadget. It's well rubbish for a word.


I wish your friend all the best with his pick up truck. I personally have always wanted one and my husband has never taken it seriously!!! If some horrible tragedy ever happened and he died and I was left alone with my children all grown up, I think my personal midlife crisis would be to sell everything, move out to America, buy a second hand pick up truck and go live in a small town and eat fried chicken till my ass is so huge I need one of those special extra wide chairs. It's a big fantasy I have!


Cheers to trucks and books.


Lo x

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Also, my first quibble with book club has begun, and YES THE KINDLE IS TO BLAME AGAIN! Is there no end to the suffering these horrible, tasteless devices derive? ;)


This is why:


I put to you this - is this fair?! We have loosely a month to read our book. These heathens have gone and ordered the thing on eBook or whatever you do, just download it and pay with your account or card or something and me, the idiot, is waiting for it to arrive in the post. Will probably take over a week. And instead of waiting for me, these KINDLE PEOPLE are just going ahead and reading it! And I'm the one with two kids under 2. They only have one. Outrageous.


I am quite fast at reading so I'll give them this one, but I will be chalking it up on the mental score board and it will come out over vol-au-vents. ADIEU.




Lo x

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