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He’s in therapy and promised to change. Should I take him back?


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Why, even when he abused me and treated me terribly, do I still feel hurt and jealous when I think of him with another girl? I feel like it should be common sense for me not to go back to him yet here I am, contemplating it...


Well, what have you done to help yourself stop wanting an abuser? What therapy have you attended (colleges offer therapy free or at very low cost)? You won't even tell your family! Because if you did they'd give you crap for still wanting him.


Are there absolutely no attractive men at your school? He is the one and only man there?

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It has to do with low self worth. This guy has torn down your value and self esteem.


I second getting some professional help. Please tell your family, as you need additional support to keep you away from this creep. You also need to block and delete him.

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He will only go to therapy until you say "yes, i believe you will change, i will take you back". Then it will stop. you will have 1-2 blissful months and then he will be back treating you far more poorly than before. I was in an abusive relationship. I know. you are better than this. If he really wanted to change, he would definitely not bark up the same tree and ask you back.

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He will only go to therapy until you say "yes, i believe you will change, i will take you back". Then it will stop. you will have 1-2 blissful months and then ....


Or blissful minutes. Until it occurs to you that it isn't really him you want--you just don't want him taking up with someone else.


As you mentioned above, that seems to be your big barrier to moving forward: you don't want anyone else to have him. Well, what if you just stopped thinking about that and focused instead on what you want YOUR future to look like?

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