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My dad got measles before there was a vaccine for measles. He ended up with arterial damage which caused him a heart attack at 39.  
Before vaccines I had many family members die of typhoid and diphtheria and whooping cough and other illnesses. My mom at 4 years old had whooping cough and her dad had diphtheria at age 6. His 16 year old twin sisters and their mom died. My great great grandmother died of typhoid at 62 . She was raising her grandkids because her own daughter at 34 had died of something completely preventable today.

Vaccines have saved millions and millions of people. 

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I have to partially agree with Lolita, and I am vaccinated though not by choice.

The problem I see is the lack of critique of these vaccines in the public square. It is very difficult to find good or any scientific research on the risks with each. I was limited to one type, due to heart risks for me; and that still landed me in hospital for overnight observation. 

Having had a bad case covid I will say my reaction to the vaccine was far more concerning, to myself and my physician. Yes I was an outlier, but those incidents need to be part of any discussion when making a health decision. Incidents which don't get acknowledged very clearly in comparison with other vaccines.

Unfortunately these  vaccines are being portrayed as a silver bullet to many, where like the flu vaccines they should be encouraged; but not career ending consequences. Yes there are some who are just contrarian, but there are enough who can't. This is a complex topic, which needs a free discussion.

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On 12/14/2021 at 11:36 PM, boltnrun said:

The vaccine does work.

The vaccine doesn't nor was it designed to prevent people from getting Covid.

Exactly, why is it imposed on everyone then? This is what does not make any sense. If someone wants to risk it, it's his/her prerogative since it does not prevent people from getting Covid. In theory, it only helps you not to find yourself in a very critical condition (if you catch it and if you have severe symptoms). 

It should have been like the flu jab. 

I got 3 jabs because of the travel restrictions they imposed not because I am afraid of Covid and this week imposed new rules again (even if you are fully vaccinated).  I got 3 jabs for no reason at all.....Nice way of collecting money, like import/export taxes. 


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Here in the US we are not charged extra for the vaccine. It comes out of the tax money already being collected.

Also here in the US the vast majority of people in the ER receiving life saving treatment are those who are unvaccinated. It is taxing our healthcare system and workers to the extreme.

And yes, there will be people who have bad reactions to the vaccine which is also important.

In the US, tragically we have lost over 800,000 Americans and one in every 100 seniors. That just breaks my heart. And yes, those who have had a bad reaction to the vaccine deserve just as much concern as those who are sick and have died.

But I think this thread was started to be a place of support, not debate. I support everyone and hope not one more person has to become sick or die of this virus. 

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I will say though that I did have heart palpitations for a few weeks after AstraZeneca but nothing with Pfizer. But I have had palpitations many times in my life before and had a heart murmur as a kid that I grew out of . 
My son got Moderna for both and was fine . 

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I agree with the notion that it is an individuals prerogative, but unfortunately one's personal personal privilege affects others. . .and so and so on.

My sister in law is an adamant antivaxer.  I don't dare challenge her, but prior to covid she brought both elderly parents into her home to provide in home, end of life hospice care, mostly handled by herself.  I am curious if she would feel differently if they were still alive. . .But I don't ask.

If my mother were alive, I wouldn't be able to see her, as she had emphysema and wrestled with pneumonia any time she caught a simple cold.  I am pretty certain I would have lost her to covid if I hadn't already lost her to cancer.

I vaccinate for a variety of reasons.  One of them being my bf is a part time caregiver to his parents who are in their 80's with health issues.  It's safe to say I wouldn't be able to be around him under these circumstances without a vaccine.  Because, my choice effects others.  That goes for my one year old granddaughter as well.

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2 hours ago, reinventmyself said:

I agree with the notion that it is an individuals prerogative, but unfortunately one's personal personal privilege affects others. . .and so and so on.

Yes exactly but that would be the case if the jab prevented people from getting Covid. Then yes, it would be the eternal debate "is your freedom more valuable than my freedom". 

Since the jab does not prevent you from getting covid it should have been a choice. If someone is afraid of Covid and thinks he needs it, then by all means, if not what's the point? There is a gap here. 

I am not an anti-vaxxer by the way or conspiracy theorist. I studied science 5 years, I believe in chemistry and science, the vaccine does protect you from dying, period.

I just don't understand why people confuse the transmission rate with the death rate, they are different things. 

Aside from that, why is the government involved in this? Do actually people believe politicians care about the citizens? Or maybe it's because high cases in Covid puts the health care system under pressure *(with whatever political and economical consequences this has)? Or maybe they get a hefty commission from pharmaceuticals? I don't know but I am pretty certain they don't do it because they care about the citizens. 

Now don't get me wrong, covid was a blessing for me career-wise. I would get 50 jabs if I knew I would get a better job or if I was running a pharmaceutical company. I am not a hypocrite, I am just saying there are some gaps which do not make sense.  


*I don't know how heath care is in the US but in the UK(and in Greece) we pay tax for the public health-care system (which never works anyway and in the end you have to go the private route). So in theory since you pay tax you have the right to go to the hospital if you get sick otherwise why are you paying taxes? Another eternal debate




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  • 2 weeks later...

Some for-profit hospitals in the US are mandating Covid-positive but asymptomatic nurses and doctors to report to work without quarantining. They are being told they will be fired if they don't come to work. 

Those poor healthcare workers. Also those who need medical care that's not Covid-related. Go in for a broken leg or heart attack, leave with Covid. So terrifying.

I don't care how sick or injured I get, I will not be stepping foot inside a hospital for anything, and that includes the mammogram my doctor keeps pushing me to get. I would have to go to the hospital and that is not going to happen. 


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We won't get anymore closures or even restrictions because people would scream.

I read on Twitter, someone said they should just remove all safety protocols and if people get sick, so be it.  No consideration for the overwhelmed healthcare workers, no compassion for the sick and the grieving.  For some reason "freedom" has become synonymous with selfishness.  It's really infuriating and sad at the same time.

The only change in my county is, masks are now required indoors regardless of vaccination status.  But the next county over (which is about 5 miles from where I live) has no mask requirements.  I went there on Friday to have lunch with my friends and nary a mask anywhere.  Even the storekeepers didn't have masks on.  My friends and I were the only ones!

My city is about 84% vaccinated but it doesn't do a lot of good when it's a destination city for people who don't live near the beach.  Lots of tourists and visitors and they all act surprised when they're asked to put on a mask.

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Just now, Seraphim said:

We never stopped needing a mask indoors for the last 2 years. 

Here it depends on what state or even what county you're in.  Mask indoors, no mask indoors, proof of vaccine, no proof required...it all changes literally from one mile to the next.  That's a large part of why we can't get a handle on the pandemic.

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22 minutes ago, boltnrun said:

Here it depends on what state or even what county you're in.  Mask indoors, no mask indoors, proof of vaccine, no proof required...it all changes literally from one mile to the next.  That's a large part of why we can't get a handle on the pandemic.

We just rolled back to phase 2 and schools have closed yet again. No indoor dinning, unnecessary retail to 25% capacity and necessary 50%. Closing gyms etc . 

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I've been struggling with some new health issues.  I see the doctor today.  I spent the xmas eve in the ER and have had to wait over a week to be seen.  Needless to say it's been a very long week and I am little on edge.

My boyfriend's son and his girlfriend weren't feeling well last week.  We didn't know until we called them on NYE to say hello.  Girlfriend shares how she had a fever the night before and even though they went out to dinner, they came home early because she wasn't up to staying out.  She mentions she may have caught *whatever her bf had a few days prior.  

Yesterday morning we get a text from them to go to breakfast.  Seeing neither one of them had been feeling well, they were asleep by 9 and up early.   We on the other hand were staying up late over the weekend and binge watching a series.  We didn't see the text until later.  It's 10:30 and we are in our pjs drinking coffee and the two of them show up unannounced.  Outside of only being in my robe, I didn't dare move from my chair for about an hour.  At some point I had to get dressed and sat myself in the dining room at noon to eat some yogurt.   They finally decide to leave after 90 mins and the girlfriend announces she didn't want to hug anyone because she wasn't certain if she was still sick or not.  I was livid.

I told my bf I was really angry and then got quiet.  Naturally, he's prone to defend his son but he didn't say anything.  After about 20 tense quiet minutes, he asked me if I was mad at him.  I told him no and with that I just started crying.  I look back at the past two years, the sacrifices I've made to take care of myself and be sensitive to others. The life I once knew that no longer looks the same and my new health issues likely puts me at higher risk. .   Just to have it undone by two young selfish kids.

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34 minutes ago, reinventmyself said:

I've been struggling with some new health issues.  I see the doctor today.  I spent the xmas eve in the ER and have had to wait over a week to be seen.  Needless to say it's been a very long week and I am little on edge.

My boyfriend's son and his girlfriend weren't feeling well last week.  We didn't know until we called them on NYE to say hello.  Girlfriend shares how she had a fever the night before and even though they went out to dinner, they came home early because she wasn't up to staying out.  She mentions she may have caught *whatever her bf had a few days prior.  

Yesterday morning we get a text from them to go to breakfast.  Seeing neither one of them had been feeling well, they were asleep by 9 and up early.   We on the other hand were staying up late over the weekend and binge watching a series.  We didn't see the text until later.  It's 10:30 and we are in our pjs drinking coffee and the two of them show up unannounced.  Outside of only being in my robe, I didn't dare move from my chair for about an hour.  At some point I had to get dressed and sat myself in the dining room at noon to eat some yogurt.   They finally decide to leave after 90 mins and the girlfriend announces she didn't want to hug anyone because she wasn't certain if she was still sick or not.  I was livid.

I told my bf I was really angry and then got quiet.  Naturally, he's prone to defend his son but he didn't say anything.  After about 20 tense quiet minutes, he asked me if I was mad at him.  I told him no and with that I just started crying.  I look back at the past two years, the sacrifices I've made to take care of myself and be sensitive to others. The life I once knew that no longer looks the same and my new health issues likely puts me at higher risk. .   Just to have it undone by two young selfish kids.

Hugs . ❤️ I hear you . I am a high risk individual due to diabetes and high blood pressure . 

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12 minutes ago, Seraphim said:

Hugs . ❤️ I hear you . I am a high risk individual due to diabetes and high blood pressure . 


I have no history of diabetes. But my blood sugar, for some unknown reason has been as high as 425.  It was 369 xmas eve.  I've had to monitor it all week, while they put me on medication and make me wait.  I've pretty much lived on scrambled eggs and chicken soup with veg's all week.

My levels were fine 6 mo's ago, along with my entire life.

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My cousin decided to attend our family Christmas gathering despite her and her husband being sick.  She exclaimed "but it's not Covid!!" which I thought, how would she know?  Her husband refuses to get vaccinated or tested, so who knows what they had?  I did end up getting sick and was feeling unwell for two weeks.  I didn't get tested because I didn't come into contact with anyone who wasn't also at the family gathering until 10 days had passed.

Again, this is why the pandemic won't end.  You don't want to get vaccinated, fine, that is your choice.  But then please follow safety protocols by wearing masks when outside your home and in an indoor setting, not gathering in groups and staying home when feeling sick.  To me it needs to be an either/or.  But these people want it both ways: no vaccine AND no safety protocols.  It's upsetting.

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