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27 minutes ago, Fudgie said:

I always, always lose my sense of taste/smell when I have a cold. I'm also stuffy as all hell so that doesn't help. Who knows. I'm hoping it will come back. I'm going to have a mental breakdown if I can't smell ever again.

I feel so, so, so bad. I would never tell anyone to work while sick. It was just such a stupid thing. If I hadn't gotten the booster, there's no way in hell I would have gone in with headache/chills. But again, we were so short-staffed, I couldn't do that to them, we've had so many people call out, both sick and not. My boss was fine with it too because I tested recently and we had been getting the results back quickly and the lab had a backlog and just never did anything or told anyone - I was positive and worked nearly the whole weekend. 

I am terrified I gave it to a particular patient, who is too young to be vaccinated. She's really sweet. I wore my PPE. If she gets it I'm never going to forgive myself. 

Hopefully she is ok. Is there anyway you can find out ? 

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They will likely test everyone and then provide appropriate treatment. It's good she is in a medical setting where care is immediately available.

Just to give you some reassurance, my cousin had Covid and was sick enough to be hospitalized. She was placed on oxygen and received monoclonal antibody treatment. And, believe it or not, neither her husband (who she shares a bed with) nor her son (who she kisses and hugs multiple times per day) became sick. My nephew's girlfriend didn't get sick either. So your patients may be fine.

I'm hoping for the best outcome for you and your patients.

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You're right. I need to put it out of my head. I talked to a couple coworkers who told me that all of the patients were fine from a covid standpoint, no symptoms at all. The REALLY sick ones were not there when I was there, they were in the hospital. 

I am hoping to get some antibodies tomorrow. Can't stand these chills. Otherwise, I'm pretty good. No fatigue, no respiratory issues, not even a sore throat. No sense of smell is really messing with me baldy, in a psychological sense. I keep trying to tell myself it will eventually go away but it's freaking me out. 

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On 10/4/2021 at 11:51 PM, Fudgie said:

You're right. I need to put it out of my head. I talked to a couple coworkers who told me that all of the patients were fine from a covid standpoint, no symptoms at all. The REALLY sick ones were not there when I was there, they were in the hospital. 

I am hoping to get some antibodies tomorrow. Can't stand these chills. Otherwise, I'm pretty good. No fatigue, no respiratory issues, not even a sore throat. No sense of smell is really messing with me baldy, in a psychological sense. I keep trying to tell myself it will eventually go away but it's freaking me out. 

How are you feeling ?

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I watched a YouTube video of this American couple who was trying to cross the border into Canada. They had their forms, proof of vaccination and their negative Covid tests. But they had a canister of pepper spray in their van conversion and got sent to secondary as a result. They didn't know pepper spray was a disallowed item to bring into Canada. Apparently you can actually be arrested for bringing it over the border.

Canada isn't messing around when it comes to letting Americans across the border. Which IMO isn't a bad thing, since too many of them are refusing to get vaccinated and are forging vaccine records and test results.

My city in particular is at about 79% vaccinated. I feel safe here.

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3 minutes ago, boltnrun said:

I watched a YouTube video of this American couple who was trying to cross the border into Canada. They had their forms, proof of vaccination and their negative Covid tests. But they had a canister of pepper spray in their van conversion and got sent to secondary as a result. They didn't know pepper spray was a disallowed item to bring into Canada. Apparently you can actually be arrested for bringing it over the border.

Canada isn't messing around when it comes to letting Americans across the border. Which IMO isn't a bad thing, since too many of them are refusing to get vaccinated and are forging vaccine records and test results.

My city in particular is at about 79% vaccinated. I feel safe here.

Many items legal in the US are not legal here. Most guns, pepper spray , mace, brass knuckles , most knives, any non prescription drugs. Prescription drugs must be in their original bottle with the licensing physician and your name on it.  even if legal here it can’t cross the border. ALWAYS call and see what is banned . They were banned entry due to the pepper spray. 

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Where this couple is from, guns are practically worshipped. People in the Southern US love their guns! 

This couple didn't have any guns but I believe they have pepper spray because they live in their van conversion and often spend nights in Walmart parking lots. But yes, they should have researched what is allowed and what is not.

They were ultimately allowed to cross the border. No arrest or fine. They were just detained, the pepper spray was confiscated and a document was submitted.

I once got sent to secondary at the airport because I had a pocket knife (similar to a Swiss Army knife) in my backpack. I totally forgot it was in there. I used it to open packages and such. The TSA just confiscated it and allowed me through.

I was pleased to see this couple is vaccinated, but I think they did it because they make their living posting travel videos. They knew if they didn't get vaccinated their travel options would be extremely limited.

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2 minutes ago, boltnrun said:

Where this couple is from, guns are practically worshipped. People in the Southern US love their guns! 

This couple didn't have any guns but I believe they have pepper spray because they live in their van conversion and often spend nights in Walmart parking lots. But yes, they should have researched what is allowed and what is not.

They were ultimately allowed to cross the border. No arrest or fine. They were just detained, the pepper spray was confiscated and a document was submitted.

I once got sent to secondary at the airport because I had a pocket knife (similar to a Swiss Army knife) in my backpack. I totally forgot it was in there. I used it to open packages and such. The TSA just confiscated it and allowed me through.

I was pleased to see this couple is vaccinated, but I think they did it because they make their living posting travel videos. They knew if they didn't get vaccinated their travel options would be extremely limited.

Yup, always research when heading to another country. But I know many Americans think of us as an extension of the US or forget we exist. It sticks in our national craw sometimes 😬

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I would like to go to Canada for a vacation. It seems safe there. No airplane trips for me for a long while, though. I wouldn't feel safe being stuffed in a crowded metal container with a bunch of unvaccinated yahoos. And I live too far away for a road trip, sadly.

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19 minutes ago, boltnrun said:

I would like to go to Canada for a vacation. It seems safe there. No airplane trips for me for a long while, though. I wouldn't feel safe being stuffed in a crowded metal container with a bunch of unvaccinated yahoos. And I live too far away for a road trip, sadly.

We are a beautiful country to visit. So much variety in everything . Scenery etc. Most Canadian cities are safe. But like all major cities there are unsavoury areas. But overall a very safe country. 

I have been to about 30 US states. when things calm down I would like to go back but being a mixed vaccine individual that still isn’t settled yet. The US doesn’t recognize AstraZeneca. Even though our chief medical officer of health says that a mix of AstraZeneca  and mRNA vaccine actually gives you a better immune response than just two mRNA together  or to a AstraZeneca together. They are working on trying to get the USA to recognize mix dosed individuals. Until that is sorted out I can’t go. But as the vaccination rate isn’t as good we probably won’t go for a long time. 

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On 10/8/2021 at 12:53 PM, Seraphim said:

Yup, always research when heading to another country. But I know many Americans think of us as an extension of the US or forget we exist. It sticks in our national craw sometimes 😬

Honestly, that would make me really annoyed too. It's kind of disrespectful. If you're going to go into another country, it's only the right thing to do to bone up on some basic information re: the laws.

I carry pepper spray and a large knife in my car when I am home in the US. I've had people approach my car and bang on the window before. I haven't had to spray anyone - yet, but displaying them cannister with my finger on the button makes people back away from my car, as they should! I also have some sterile, wrapped needles in my glove compartment - I bought these legally at a pharmacy, no script needed. 

I go to Canada quite often and I have a little "check-list" I go through before I go over the border. I leave the mace and large knife at home. I also take Canada-accepted proof of my auto insurance, should I get into an accident. The only other knife I have is a small pocket knife (it's quite small) so I always keep that in my bag.

Don't get me wrong, I like guns and now am a registered gun owner but I think it's the height of self-centeredness for me to assume that everyone else/ every other country is the same way. Just because we share a land border, that doesn't really mean anything.

I miss Canada. I was planning to go over but had to cancel my trip due to my breakthrough infection. I am hoping to go over in the future, when I'm better and I test negative. I'll be over there soon enough. 

Canada is my "back up" plan. I would not want to work in Canada as I stand to make a LOT more in the US but if the worst happen, I would move, live with Canadian family, and apply for citizenship. I'd rather commute over the border for work. 

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On 10/8/2021 at 11:58 AM, Seraphim said:

How are you feeling ?

Pretty good. I had a monoclonal antibody infusion. No fevers, no respiratory symptoms, no more chills, and no headaches. Smell is still gone but I get "whiffs" here and there. I am confident it will come back with time. I have some residual fatigue but not much. Gets better everyday. 

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I think you'll get your senses back.  My nephew took about six months to start getting his sense of taste back, but as you know everyone is not the same.

I am going to schedule my Pfizer booster asap.  I do want to go on a road trip to visit friends and I want to get the booster before I go.  I cancelled my scheduled trip for later this month because my friends live in a tourist town (where literally the only industry is tourism) so there are no safety protocols being enforced.  I don't feel safe going there just yet.

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I get "Whiffs" here and there of smells. I think I just have a lot of inflammation but I'm pretty confident it will come back and I don't think it will take quite as long. I have already started "smell training".

Definitely getting the booster is a good idea. I don't regret getting mine, although I ended up getting infected before it took effect. 

Planning a trip to Canada in later November. I think I should test negative by then. 

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2 hours ago, Fudgie said:

Pretty good. I had a monoclonal antibody infusion. No fevers, no respiratory symptoms, no more chills, and no headaches. Smell is still gone but I get "whiffs" here and there. I am confident it will come back with time. I have some residual fatigue but not much. Gets better everyday. 

Glad you are doing better !

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I'm expecting to be called back into the office any day now. I'm not worried about exposure there, but it's been nice to have zero commute and not have to spend over $200 per month on gas. Going back into the office will mean my budget will be impacted and my work day will increase from 8 3/4 hours to 11 hours, including 2 hours of freeway travel. Oh, and I'll have to buy more corporate type office clothing. Can't wear shorts, leggings or sweat pants to the office.

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The US will allow mixed vaccine dosed individuals like me when they open the land border on Nov 8. However, pointless for a day trip as you must have a Covid test to return back to Canada even if you have been gone an hour which could have a $300 price tag for the 3 of us. 

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6 minutes ago, boltnrun said:

I have an appointment to get my booster shot this Friday after work. I'm so happy! I think it will help me feel much safer shopping and dining out and going to (outdoor) events.

I think it is going to be a long wait for us here. The only person I know who has got a third shot is someone undergoing chemo. However I think children 5 to 11 are next in line. 

Right now we are holding at about 346 cases a day for about a 15 million population of the province and a positivity rate of 1.5 % so we are doing fairly well . But we have been in some stage of lockdown for since March 2020. As of Monday we have no number restrictions for any event or indoor occupancy but masks are still mandatory until at least next March. Next March we may see all Covid restrictions disappear but it depends on how the winter goes. 

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We have such a surplus of shots here in the US so there are plenty even with the government donating millions of doses. Something like 65 million eligible people are refusing to get vaccinated so that frees up a lot of doses.

My friend is trying to get a medical exemption from her employer. She actually contacted me asking for advice on how to get out of getting vaccinated. Her only conditions that she's told me about are chronic fatigue syndrome and an incurable STD so I'm not sure if she qualifies for an exemption. I couldn't be of help because I don't know how that all works. Plus, I chose to get vaccinated, so...

I wonder if I'll have any side effects. I scheduled it for Friday just in case so I'll have the weekend to recover if needed.

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