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My state goofed on reporting, so in one catch up week the reported cases went up by 200%! But I knew that was due to the reporting "error". It's actually gone down somewhat (I think 9%?) which is better than going up.


My city has almost 10,000 cases total. State has well over half a million.

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My state goofed on reporting, so in one catch up week the reported cases went up by 200%! But I knew that was due to the reporting "error". It's actually gone down somewhat (I think 9%?) which is better than going up.


My city has almost 10,000 cases total. State has well over half a million.


Yeah, we don’t even have half a million in the whole country. I think we are somewhere around 122,000 for the country. We had an increase of . 3% for my province today.

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Yeah, we don’t even have half a million in the whole country. I think we are somewhere around 122,000 for the country. We had an increase of . 3% for my province today.


Yeah, we like to go our own way and will not tolerate anyone telling us what to do! We can see how that's worked out for us :icon_sad:

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I'm still working from home becase of covid and even though I do understand why, I miss my office and my daily routine, I feel trapped in my apartment.


same here. Add in the heat spell we've had here. I've set up my portable AC unit and closing the curtains to contain the cold air, i plunged into darkness at my dining room table. As if things couldn't be any worse on my overall mood. Uhg.

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No AC here either. My cat and I are roasting. Heat wave projected to last at least 9 more days. The only relief I get is in the evenings, BUT...my apartment building management saw fit to remove some screens from one of the windows and the balcony door and the back door, so if I open them I get an apartment full of flies, mosquitos, gnats and moths. And I've found when I ask for maintenance they want to traipse inside with their dirty work boots on and have no consideration for keeping things clean. I asked one of them to wear booties over his boots (and I supplied the booties!) and he forgot something in his truck so he wore them outside. Totally defeating the purpose. In the daytime the bedroom is nice and cool but in the evenings it's roasting because it's on the west side of the apartment so the sun beats down for about six hours.


Good thing about this apartment is there are a LOT of windows and I can get a decent cross wind.


I am starting to talk to myself out loud. Since I live alone and I am following the directives I seldom actually speak to anyone. And when I do get a chance to I talk and talk and talk! I'm sure it's annoying but I just crave conversation.


I'm looking for a new job and am hoping that will help with this feeling of isolation. It will be nice to have people to interact with, at a safe distance and while masked of course.

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Yes! I looked into those and they are a great option. I'm planning to move out at the end of September and I am currently unemployed so I am going to hold off and just drink lots of water and have fans running. I do have a personal air cooler that I can set right in front of me that works OK. Hopefully once this 10 day heat wave cools off we won't get anymore.


My poor son and his spouse don't have AC either and they are on the 2nd of 3 floors. They are miserable...they own their condo so I would guess they will be looking into getting AC installed before next summer.

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Struggling a bit here. Work is busy and my boss left on a medical leave after starting two massive projects that affect the entire company. He knew he was having this surgery, yet still went fwd with the projects and the responsibility now lies with me with no notice. The problem is he holds most of the info to make these happen. Or at least make them fly straight. I spend my days being b*tched at by staff via email (I stopped answering my phone)and putting out fires.

I've been spinning circles for 2 weeks. My anxiety is at an all time high, but I have no outlet. No release.

I try to walk when I get a chance but the heat and humidity makes it hard. I do it anyway.

I feel isolated and alone, yet I could reach out to a friend but by the end of the day I'm so beaten down by angry staff for things that don't work right.. .that I can't fix, I figure I'm miserable company. Just to do it all over again the next day.

I spent the weekend with my bf but I was so distracted knowing what was waiting for me I wasn't good company w him either. He's patient. He listens but at some point this has to get old

Just the lifestyle change during a pandemic effects my mood and my libido along with it, add in intense work stress and I can't pull it together long enough to be present with him.

I want to run away but I don't know where.

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Yes! I looked into those and they are a great option. I'm planning to move out at the end of September and I am currently unemployed so I am going to hold off and just drink lots of water and have fans running. I do have a personal air cooler that I can set right in front of me that works OK. Hopefully once this 10 day heat wave cools off we won't get anymore.


My poor son and his spouse don't have AC either and they are on the 2nd of 3 floors. They are miserable...they own their condo so I would guess they will be looking into getting AC installed before next summer.


That sounds great. I've actually used those screens before or something like that. The ones I had were from Home Depot and put it on the balcony doors of an older apartment. It worked very well! Hope you get some relief with AC soon.


reinvent, is there a contact person or two main contact people for the different projects at the top? They can filter the info down to their people if needed. I hate that feeling at work, dreading the next day.

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How is it I am just now discovering this thread, lol...


Here you all are suffering from the heat, and it seems to be cooler in Oregon. I just now took the ac out of my window and I only used it twice this summer. I actually wore my wool socks today! I feel like we never really had much of a summer. For several reasons I suppose. Wishing you all some relief soon.


So - I have been cooped up at home (by myself) with the summer off of work (just started back today, remotely). I’ve had a lot of doctor appointments lately so I tend to talk their ears off when I go. Sadly, my social life revolves around my doctor visits...

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reinvent, is there a contact person or two main contact people for the different projects at the top? They can filter the info down to their people if needed. I hate that feeling at work, dreading the next day.


That's the problem. I'm main contact for issues and coordination. I have one tech not only configuring and trouble shooting issues. I have a staff of 200 and if they have enough interaction with the tech they go around me and contact him directly, pulling him off of where he's needed and things I've asked him to do.

I've gotten the support from senior management to intervene and check their staff and manage expectations.

I'm still days away from resolving a variety of issues.

With my boss out on leave, his boss just sent me his 2021 budget worksheets due by Monday. I don't typically do these.

If I didn't know any better I'd think they were trying to get me to quit.

Best part. My bosses boss thinks it's a good time to leave for 2 weeks, starting Monday.

I really hate this company.

When I do leave I won't give notice, Ill scrub my PC clean and leave my badge on my desk.

They clearly don't have my back. It might take them weeks off scrambling trying find information for my tasks. They might for a moment experience what I have to do without support or necessary information on a daily basis.

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That's the problem. I'm main contact for issues and coordination. I have one tech not only configuring and trouble shooting issues. I have a staff of 200 and if they have enough interaction with the tech they go around me and contact him directly, pulling him off of where he's needed and things I've asked him to do.

I've gotten the support from senior management to intervene and check their staff and manage expectations.

I'm still days away from resolving a variety of issues.

With my boss out on leave, his boss just sent me his 2021 budget worksheets due by Monday. I don't typically do these.

If I didn't know any better I'd think they were trying to get me to quit.

Best part. My bosses boss thinks it's a good time to leave for 2 weeks, starting Monday.

I really hate this company.

When I do leave I won't give notice, Ill scrub my PC clean and leave my badge on my desk.

They clearly don't have my back. It might take them weeks off scrambling trying find information for my tasks. They might for a moment experience what I have to do without support or necessary information on a daily basis.


My brother is walking out of his job as well and taking 2 other top investors with him. He figures his boss will be fired about 5 minutes after they receive the resignations of their three top investors. Then he said he’s walking into his new office putting his feet up and smoking a cigar. ( figuratively)

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I quit too. Part of it was because of my fear and anxiety, but most of it was because of the shady practices the business is engaging in. First of all, they moved me into a position I hadn't applied for, interviewed for or received and accepted an offer for. They didn't tell me; they just changed my position and the only reason I noticed is because I went onto a totally different section of the company intranet and saw the position name was different. Very angry about that. The other thing that is more concerning is their complete and total disregard for employee safety during the pandemic. The job requires everyone to be in extremely close contact with 200 or more other people for 10-12 hours. They fake safety protocols but management is strong armed into meeting extremely difficult production numbers, and they know there is no way to meet those numbers if they are actually following the safety protocols they say are being followed. I've seen some very frightening things. And there are more than 2500 cases and about 2 dozen deaths. Their response is not to enforce safety but instead they are hiring hundreds of new employees to replace those who sicken or die. Shameful.


I am job hunting. Of course it is extremely difficult to find a job right now. But I was able to save a decent amount of money (thanks, former company!) so I can live for a bit until I run out.


Pandemic is bringing out both the best and the worst in people and in workplaces.

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I've had to double up on some tasks to either help out other colleagues or take over certain things also. This sounds very frustrating if you don't see an end in sight. I sort of took on the extras also and the whole covid situation seems to have oddly worked in my favour. I didn't ask for this though. It was also difficult having some difficult conversations with other employees earlier in the year. Whenever you can try to make lemonade out of these lemons. Don't get me wrong - it's not easy. I take it all out on the driving range and I walk a lot. I walk maybe 8-10 km every evening across a couple of beaches. It overlooks the mountains and I catch sunsets over the ocean on the west so no complaints here on the exercise part. I feel this is vital for me or I'd probably not be as excited every day to work. Also, every time I want to punch someone in the face I do squats. This also helps. The walks though... are divine. I'd say I'm pretty happy overall but it wasn't like this the whole 2020.

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I bought some wires less earbuds. I try to walk during conference calls if I'm able. There are number of them that I'm not an active participant. I feel like I'm getting away with something and as silly as it sounds it does make me feel better. That they are paying me to exercise or better yet check out the beach path. My timing has to but just right sometimes. When I least expect it someone will want a FaceTime call when I least expect it.

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I have to participate in a number of required, "real time" Zoom classes for school. Gag me with a spoon, please.


Work can still be stressful but I am much better off than most people. I was not pulled into the ICU to care for COVID patients last time. I am hopeful that this won't happen in the fall. I'd rather drive into traffic and get injured and be out with most of my pay than go to work with COVID patients. Several healthcare folks have died in this area and I'm no hero - I'd never lay my life down for patients like that. I'll quit and I don't care who thinks I'm a coward.

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