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I cancelled having the ladies over on the patio tomorrow night. I found myself reciting in my head over and over what I would need to say to one of my friends in order to clear the air and then caught myself . .'why?'

It's just not how I wanted to spend my evening and figure if she's not comfortable being around me, (based on assumptions) then it's best to just pass on the whole thing.

I am pretty good at letting things go, but how she handled this, trying to shame me on FB after I deleted her question, for her to just repost it is pretty aggressive. I refuse to defend myself.

Our state has just rolled back openings and strongly suggest not socializing with non family members at this point. We are one step away with being asked to shelter in place. With that, I am going with it.

And yet, she's the covid police and wanted to go to a restaurant?

Half the year is over and feel like there isn't much to show for it. It makes me really sad.

My daughter in law is having a drive by baby shower. Try to imagine that? I guess a couple of her friends have resorted to this. People drive by and drop gifts at the door. It's like a bad science fiction movie. . .that or a bad dream.


I'm glad you made that decision FWIW. My friend was over the moon about her bday parade for her 9 year old. I wondered how they were going to deal with the gifts tossed on the ground. At the end the police escorts got out of the cars as a group and hugged the bday boy as a group. No masks. How is that distanced? He loved it for sure and I was kind of like - is it worth all that and it's kind of asking for gifts without a party.

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😷"Doomscrolling" 🙁


"Your phone alarm goes off at 6 in the morning. You check some news sites and Facebook. It’s bad news after bad news. Coronavirus cases keep climbing, and so do deaths. Children can’t go back to school. Your favorite restaurant and barbershop are still closed. People are losing their jobs.


This experience of sinking into emotional quicksand while bingeing on doom-and-gloom news is so common that there’s now internet lingo for it: “doomscrolling.” Exacerbating this behavior, shelter-in-place orders leave us with little to do than look at our screens; by some measures, our screen time has jumped at least 50 percent.


Article: https://www.nytimes.com/2020/07/15/technology/personaltech/youre-doomscrolling-again-heres-how-to-snap-out-of-it.html

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I’m not feeling good about school, for M. He’ll be going into 2nd grade(holy crap, has it been that long?). So far, the school is offering the first term as in person, hybrid or total remote. As much as I want him to socialize and be in that setting, there are 2 immunocompromised individuals in the house and I can’t send him.


Interestingly, he actually thrived with e learning in areas where he was weak(reading, for example).


Just today our state health department director was talking about the bulk of cases soaring here in kids 10-19. How can I, in good faith, send him? I can’t do it. Our kids aren’t guinea pigs, and that’s what it feels like.

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Can you keep him home ? I believe parents here have the option of not sending.


So far, yes - for the first semester. But the superintendent ultimately will make the choice of offering full remote as an option. It is right now but stuff keeps changing all the time.

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So far, yes - for the first semester. But the superintendent ultimately will make the choice of offering full remote as an option. It is right now but stuff keeps changing all the time.


Same here we have no finally answer of how things will be until late August. 🙄

Everything is up in the air for parents everything is up in the air for school everything up in the air for Daycare.

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I'm glad to hear your son has done well in e-learning. That's not been the norm for many kids so if he's doing better with his reading as a result, hats off to him. Maybe he will improve even more with remote learning. While most kids are not at risk of dying from COVID (many can be asymptomatic) it's just too risky for many parents, who can catch COVID themselves or even worse, like you, they live with immuno-compromised family members/elderly folks.


I feel that this push to get the schools open ASAP is ultimately dangerous. Yes, I get the loss to kids' development and economic toll but if kids are really infectious, then what's going to happen. Do people really think that kids are going to keep masks on 8+ hrs a day and stay 6+ feet apart? Oh please. Hand/Foot/Mouth disease runs rampant through daycares and schools in some areas, what about a HIGHLY contagious, sometimes asymptomatic respiratory illness?


If we had better social supports, then parents wouldn't be forced to choose between keeping themselves/their kids safe and putting food on the table. Grade school is the only child care they may have.

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I'm feeling sick in my stomach at the new cases popping up. My brother is being tested soon due to his work in a hospital where he was in close contact with someone who has it. The hospital is not one of the ones meant to deal with it. It is a smaller community hospital connected to a long term care facility for seniors.

I'm so angry. These people were travelling out of province, then came back and were doing all kinds of shopping and business in several small communities and in the cities. The government put out an alert about various public places they went to so people can be aware if they have been to those places during those times. There are more cases now.

There's an added element of particular communal way of life these folks live. Communal meals for the whole community, lots of shared spaces. It's really worrisome as it would be so easy for this to spread like wildfire.

I'm worried and I'm angry. I'm angry my family and older people in care are being exposed all because of some else's poor judgement. Entire communities now at risk because of it. I'm angry at how lax it is, that we are still just going on an honour system that people won't break the rules. "Have you travelled? Have you experienced these symptoms?" "No." This isn't a joke. Wake the f up. Lying is part of human nature. Sorry, but this is fing stupid.

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I'm feeling sick in my stomach at the new cases popping up. My brother is being tested soon due to his work in a hospital where he was in close contact with someone who has it. The hospital is not one of the ones meant to deal with it. It is a smaller community hospital connected to a long term care facility for seniors.

I'm so angry. These people were travelling out of province, then came back and were doing all kinds of shopping and business in several small communities and in the cities. The government put out an alert about various public places they went to so people can be aware if they have been to those places during those times. There are more cases now.

There's an added element of particular communal way of life these folks live. Communal meals for the whole community, lots of shared spaces. It's really worrisome as it would be so easy for this to spread like wildfire.

I'm worried and I'm angry. I'm angry my family and older people in care are being exposed all because of some else's poor judgement. Entire communities now at risk because of it. I'm angry at how lax it is, that we are still just going on an honour system that people won't break the rules. "Have you travelled? Have you experienced these symptoms?" "No." This isn't a joke. Wake the f up. Lying is part of human nature. Sorry, but this is fing stupid.


I am so sorry your brother and other love ones could’ve been exposed. 😓 hopefully his test is negative !!I think if we are going to survive a second wave we all need to stay in our own provinces and areas and make masks country wide mandatory.

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My friend stands in line to enter her work. She needs to arrive early to make time for the assessment to enter. "Do you have a fever , sore throat, have you been sick or around anyone else who has?" Temp is taken and they enter.

You figure if you did this drill everyday and any of the above questions were true you wouldn't have gotten up, got dressed made your lunch and drove to work just to say yes to any of the questions.

It seems pretty pointless and my guess it's designed to protect the businesses liability and not the staff and its customers.

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My friend stands in line to enter her work. She needs to arrive early to make time for the assessment to enter. "Do you have a fever , sore throat, have you been sick or around anyone else who has?" Temp is taken and they enter.

You figure if you did this drill everyday and any of the above questions were true you wouldn't have gotten up, got dressed made your lunch and drove to work just to say yes to any of the questions.

It seems pretty pointless and my guess it's designed to protect the businesses liability and not the staff and its customers.


My company does the same thing, I think for the same reason; to protect their liability rather than keep employees safe.


Before they started doing the assessment one employee informed them he had tested positive. They asked him if he'd been having symptoms and he said yes. They then asked him why he continued to come to work knowing he was sick. He said he has a family to feed and if he took time off from work not only would he not get paid but he would have been let go for not showing up at work. Both things are true; the company has told us either you show up or you will be termed for job abandonment. The only excuse for not coming to work is a positive coronavirus test that your doctor sends to the company HR department. Otherwise, you either come in or you're fired.


Poor guy...I can't imagine what he's going through. What a choice to have to make. And that particular location has had a huge outbreak of cases. No way to know if they stemmed from this one man (most likely not) but what a scary situation.


I hope all of you remain safe and healthy.

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I have to answer a bunch of questions and get my temp done too to go to work. I'm a healthcare professional and I supervise a group of other healthcare professionals. Every single one of us has a license and we not only had to learn about infectious diseases to get certified but we do that stuff every single year.


If anyone could be exempt from the questioning, it would be us. But yeah, no one is exempt. It's absolutely for liability reasons at this point.

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I felt sick about two weeks ago. I woke up with a sore throat, quite bad body aches and feeling just flu-ish.


I didn't panic. I left it a day or two to see how I felt. A few days passed and I felt about the same. Husband was having similar symptoms, so we decided it was time to get tested for Covid.


The test was a swab to the nose and it was a gross/odd/weird sensation. But it was done quickly which was good.


We had to wait a few days and I was slightly worried but trying to remain positive. They rang today, we did have some type of flu virus, but it wasn't Covid.


Part of me was relieved, part of me kind of wished I had actually gotten past Covid and knew that I was healthy enough to deal with it. Not that I actually want it, but seeing as my sickness is on it's way out, it would have been somewhat of a good thing to know I was strong enough to overcome Covid.


But at the same time, I am relieved. I am concerned about this new virus as so much is unknown about it.

Luckily my sickness has finally passed either way.

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I felt sick about two weeks ago. I woke up with a sore throat, quite bad body aches and feeling just flu-ish.


I didn't panic. I left it a day or two to see how I felt. A few days passed and I felt about the same. Husband was having similar symptoms, so we decided it was time to get tested for Covid.


The test was a swab to the nose and it was a gross/odd/weird sensation. But it was done quickly which was good.


We had to wait a few days and I was slightly worried but trying to remain positive. They rang today, we did have some type of flu virus, but it wasn't Covid.


Part of me was relieved, part of me kind of wished I had actually gotten past Covid and knew that I was healthy enough to deal with it. Not that I actually want it, but seeing as my sickness is on it's way out, it would have been somewhat of a good thing to know I was strong enough to overcome Covid.


But at the same time, I am relieved. I am concerned about this new virus as so much is unknown about it.

Luckily my sickness has finally passed either way.


I'm sorry you weren't feeling well and I'm glad it wasn't covid!

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