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I saw my mom yesterday to pick up her taxes. We talked for half an hour in the lobby of her building with masks on. I drove three hours there and three hours back just to see her for half an hour and wasn’t even able to hug her. :( as it was it’s against the emergency orders for me to travel that far.


My anxiety is overall much better. THANK GOD!

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At this point, my family and I don't care anymore. They are isolated, I am isolated and I get tested frequently. At this point my mental health is more important and my family agrees.


I'm just checked out at this point.

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At this point, my family and I don't care anymore. They are isolated, I am isolated and I get tested frequently. At this point my mental health is more important and my family agrees.


I'm just checked out at this point.

If you are both isolated and tested it should be ok. We haven’t been tested my mom neither so too dangerous at this point.

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I am tested often and regularly. Mom is retired and doesn't see anyone outside of the house but me. She can't get tested but it's not like she has the ability to get exposed much - Dad WFH.


If I wasn't getting tested on the regular I wouldn't see her for sure

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How is everyone today?


I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t sad about things in the United States this past week. Now in addition to the virus, there has been protesting and rioting going on across the country.


You might have seen on the news, but a black man was killed in Minnesota on Monday after a white cop placed his knee on the man’s neck for almost 10 minutes while pinning him to the ground. The man on the ground kept saying he couldn’t breathe. It’s refreshing to know that justice will be served for the perpetrator and conspirators. However it’s sad to see buildings getting burned in addition to businesses being looted and destroyed that had nothing to do with it.


As for myself, still surviving and spending quality time at my folks visiting and helping out with things. Been keeping in touch with my friends through texting and email.

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I've been able to see my family and gave my folks a huge hug. I am still isolated but I couldn't go on not seeing them anymore. I get tested a few times a week without fail now.


School is picking up. I have something to do now, which is nice considering I don't really have a life anymore.


I’m happy to hear that you were able to see and give them a huge hug. Like you, I would have also gone crazy being isolated in my apartment for months and not seeing my folks.

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I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t sad about things in the United States this past week. Now in addition to the virus, there has been protesting and rioting going on across the country.


You might have seen on the news, but a black man was killed in Minnesota on Monday after a white cop placed his knee on the man’s neck for almost 10 minutes while pinning him to the ground. The man on the ground kept saying he couldn’t breathe. It’s refreshing to know that justice will be served for the perpetrator and conspirators. However it’s sad to see buildings getting burned in addition to businesses being looted and destroyed that had nothing to do with it.


As for myself, still surviving and spending quality time at my folks visiting and helping out with things. Been keeping in touch with my friends through texting and email.

Yes, I saw that and it is horrifying. Just the death toll in your country the people all around everywhere not listening to anything . The story of George made me cry. We get pretty saturated with American news. People here are pretty horrified by all of it. I am sorry you guys have to endure all this.

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Yes, I saw that and it is horrifying. Just the death toll in your country the people all around everywhere not listening to anything . The story of George made me cry. We get pretty saturated with American news. People here are pretty horrified by all of it. I am sorry you guys have to endure all this.


Yes it’s frustrating how some don’t care and just do whatever they want. No regard for others. I’m staying optimistic, however I feel like this is going to be never ending.

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So despite a seaside town hospital having to close to new patients due to 100 staff testing positive for Coronavirus.. the lock down is still being eased. It's becoming extremely clear that the economy is far more important and they're pushing for herd immunity.


Life guards are being slated for not patrolling beaches, but how can they do their jobs safely? 3 people in the 2 stories I've read have drowned. It's been plastered everywhere that life guards are not on duty do not enter the water. But people still do and lifeguards get slated CPR literally requires mouth to mouth selfish people.


Although I admit I'm hoping we can visit in laws next weekend, I need a bit of normalcy my family drama is too much and I'm really struggling being a new mum with no support other than my fiance. I know they can't hold her, but to just get out of this bubble would be amazing.

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Not covid but my city went insane last night. We were placed under curfew. Dozens of stores have been looted and smashed through the ENTIRE city, protests, things smashed, people shot, etc. My friends and I both heard gunshots and people were setting off fireworks close to me.


Police blocked the major roadways so I couldn't leave even if I wanted to.

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Not covid but my city went insane last night. We were placed under curfew. Dozens of stores have been looted and smashed through the ENTIRE city, protests, things smashed, people shot, etc. My friends and I both heard gunshots and people were setting off fireworks close to me.


Police blocked the major roadways so I couldn't leave even if I wanted to.


Same-ish. I'm so sorry about this.

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Not covid but my city went insane last night. We were placed under curfew. Dozens of stores have been looted and smashed through the ENTIRE city, protests, things smashed, people shot, etc. My friends and I both heard gunshots and people were setting off fireworks close to me.


Police blocked the major roadways so I couldn't leave even if I wanted to.

I can’t even watch what’s happening there it feels like I am going to have a heart attack and die. So I can’t even imagine how you feel. I am so sorry. Last night on YouTube I watched a CNN crew almost flee for its life. We are thousands marching in protest in Toronto against civil law right now but it was peaceful. But thank you Covid spreaders. We had a young black lady die here this week . I agree with public protest that is peaceful but during a time where the law states that you’re not supposed to be more than five people. I can’t say I completely understand their anguish because I am not targeted by people. So I will never know what that feels like. However ,we are going to be trapped at home much longer now. And your country will suffer big I think.

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So despite a seaside town hospital having to close to new patients due to 100 staff testing positive for Coronavirus.. the lock down is still being eased. It's becoming extremely clear that the economy is far more important and they're pushing for herd immunity.


Life guards are being slated for not patrolling beaches, but how can they do their jobs safely? 3 people in the 2 stories I've read have drowned. It's been plastered everywhere that life guards are not on duty do not enter the water. But people still do and lifeguards get slated CPR literally requires mouth to mouth selfish people.


Although I admit I'm hoping we can visit in laws next weekend, I need a bit of normalcy my family drama is too much and I'm really struggling being a new mum with no support other than my fiance. I know they can't hold her, but to just get out of this bubble would be amazing.

We ,are still pretty much locked down here. We can’t be with people other than members of our own household and you can’t be in public with more than five people. Some other provinces might be different and have opened up more because they had far less virus than we did.

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I was under a curfew last night and I will be tonight. Dozens of businesses were broken into, things smashed/stolen. I watched some of it live online through video, people just looting and pillaging. I couldn't sleep because loud noises woke me up and I would reach for my gun and then it would take me a while to get back to sleep. People are STILL looting as I speak right now.


I don't support these violent protests because most of the businesses hit were small ones and even some residences in some places. Someone tried to light an apartment building on fire too.


I am SO TIRED today, I am dead on my feet.

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Life guards are being slated for not patrolling beaches, but how can they do their jobs safely? 3 people in the 2 stories I've read have drowned. It's been plastered everywhere that life guards are not on duty do not enter the water. But people still do and lifeguards get slated CPR literally requires mouth to mouth selfish people.


How can life guards be blamed for that? What happened to either "do not enter the water" or "swim at your own risk"? Personally, I dislike guard-manned beaches so I don't swim with guards but I am a strong swimmer and that is a risk I am willing to take. If I drown then I drown, and it's either my own damn fault or a bad accident.


As someone who works in healthcare, I've had colleagues raise the question - what if we need to perform CPR on a stranger in the age of COVID? Do we do it? Well, I was in the "HELL NO" camp prior to COVID and I am still in it now. I will call 911 for someone but I will not administer CPR when I am outside of work unless it's a friend/family member. I also don't stop for car accidents I'm not involved in. I know that makes me sound like a__le but that's how I feel and I have not benefited from strangers in that way. It's just TOO risky...covid, crime, etc.

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I was under a curfew last night and I will be tonight. Dozens of businesses were broken into, things smashed/stolen. I watched some of it live online through video, people just looting and pillaging. I couldn't sleep because loud noises woke me up and I would reach for my gun and then it would take me a while to get back to sleep. People are STILL looting as I speak right now.


I don't support these violent protests because most of the businesses hit were small ones and even some residences in some places. Someone tried to light an apartment building on fire too.


I am SO TIRED today, I am dead on my feet.


Hang tight and stay locked and locked and loaded

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Hang tight and stay locked and locked and loaded


I have a shotgun that I like/have a lot of experience. I keep it with safety on, loaded, good to go, in a holster that is hidden but I can reach easily while I'm laying in bed. I live alone on a bottom floor and there are no neighbors to my side, all above me. My father is very upset and wants me home but I have to work and also, part of me is indignant. This is my HOME. Why should I have to leave it so it can be a better target for looting? I worked hard for my material goods with my own money and I have the right to stay home and protect myself/my stuff.

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I have a shotgun that I like/have a lot of experience. I keep it with safety on, loaded, good to go, in a holster that is hidden but I can reach easily while I'm laying in bed. I live alone on a bottom floor and there are no neighbors to my side, all above me. My father is very upset and wants me home but I have to work and also, part of me is indignant. This is my HOME. Why should I have to leave it so it can be a better target for looting? I worked hard for my material goods with my own money and I have the right to stay home and protect myself/my stuff.


I’ll tell you like I told my ex one time while we were kinda together and kinda broke off. If somebody breaks in don’t worry about the stuff just spray and pray. Wall and stuff can be rebuilt, can’t rebuild you.

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People have been defecating in people's gardens and leaving behind used loo roll. How disgusting can people be? If you're going somewhere and will need the loo, don't go! Public bathrooms are closed for a reason! Grr


Tonnes of rubbish (trash) was witnessed today on our walk. Cows have had to be put down due to trying to eat plastic bags and them ruining their insides. People can be so selfish.

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People have been defecating in people's gardens and leaving behind used loo roll. How disgusting can people be? If you're going somewhere and will need the loo, don't go! Public bathrooms are closed for a reason! Grr


Tonnes of rubbish (trash) was witnessed today on our walk. Cows have had to be put down due to trying to eat plastic bags and them ruining their insides. People can be so selfish.


So gross !!! And sad for the cows. 😓

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They just started relaxing restrictions and now we are on a curfew. No protests so far about how the curfew violates civil rights. I thought after all the protests about how requiring masks was infringing on constitutional rights we'd for sure get some about being told to go home at 4 pm. But so far, nothing. I find that interesting.


My workplace is having to have abbreviated shifts and duties due to the curfew. Again, no restrictions on work for the pandemic but restrictions for the curfew.


Maybe it's because people can see the looters and rioters on their TVs but they can't "see" the virus. I read somewhere that visuals are everything.

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They just started relaxing restrictions and now we are on a curfew. No protests so far about how the curfew violates civil rights. I thought after all the protests about how requiring masks was infringing on constitutional rights we'd for sure get some about being told to go home at 4 pm. But so far, nothing. I find that interesting.


My workplace is having to have abbreviated shifts and duties due to the curfew. Again, no restrictions on work for the pandemic but restrictions for the curfew.


Maybe it's because people can see the looters and rioters on their TVs but they can't "see" the virus. I read somewhere that visuals are everything.


I noticed that as well, interesting for sure, I wonder the psychological reasons, but am honestly too emotionally tired to devote any energy to it

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Glued to my TV. Wondering if I'm going to be called back to work after all since my city is under curfew. Everyone is still working but some shifts are abbreviated and they are unable to keep up normal production.


My anxiety is spiking slightly looking at the huge crowds. I am sure there will be hundreds of new Covid cases, which is a shame because these people are trying to make a change. I am not afraid for myself but for the protestors who are most certainly exposing themselves to infection. However, I admire the bravery of those who are literally risking their lives to protest injustices. I wish I were that brave.

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