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Some lady got arrested here for going around and coughing on people on purpose in one of the grocery stores. It's one near my place, glad I wasn't there that day.


It drives me crazy. I've decided I won't be in large groups of people until a vaccine or effective treatment emerges. It's just common sense. Why can't people get this?


I only want to see my family safely again, both in US and Canada, and it's this continued stupidity that is making that impossible and prolonging suffering not just for me but millions of people.



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Here in Canada you pay out the butt for Internet.


I know, I saw what my family pays out there. I couldn't believe it. I don't pay for internet (fiber is included in my rent) but I can get a decent broadband connection for about 50-60, no data caps


The companies tried to institute data caps several years ago and it went over so terribly that they had to go back on it. Cell phone companies are largely the same now as well. The standard is that you have unlimited, up to 20GB high speed and then it is throttled down.


But home internet is never throttled. I regularly pull 200gb a month just by myself.

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I know, I saw what my family pays out there. I couldn't believe it. I don't pay for internet (fiber is included in my rent) but I can get a decent broadband connection for about 50-60, no data caps


The companies tried to institute data caps several years ago and it went over so terribly that they had to go back on it. Cell phone companies are largely the same now as well. The standard is that you have unlimited, up to 20GB high speed and then it is throttled down.


But home internet is never throttled. I regularly pull 200gb a month just by myself.


Now in Canada you can get unlimited mobile data but they really throttle you down after about 20 gigs. I think you can pay for up to 80 gigs of 4G and then after that you’re like slowed down to nothing. But now that we’re in the house almost all the time if we use three gigs in a whole month we’re lucky. So basically I’m paying $320 for a plan I no longer need right now and of course you’re tied into the plan for two years.🥳

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Fortunately my cell service provider (T-Mobile) is providing free mobile hot spot access. I'm not sure how long it will be free but it allows me to connect my desktop and tablet to my cell service. Thankfully, since my self installation kit for TV and internet won't arrive for at least a week.

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Fortunately my cell service provider (T-Mobile) is providing free mobile hot spot access. I'm not sure how long it will be free but it allows me to connect my desktop and tablet to my cell service. Thankfully, since my self installation kit for TV and internet won't arrive for at least a week.


Yeah here too it’s self installation.


We have almost the whole southern part of the province is down as far as cable and internet. 🙄

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We have had it here too fudgie ...people coughing at the police and spitting on them and running off shouting they have covid .


It has brought out ome truly heart warming ,tear jerking stories but it has also brought out some very dark souls !


That's awful vic about the internet , I know I am always damaging someything or other but I am thankful to be able to switch *something * on and see someone , anyone .

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Pippy, so good to see you posting ❤️


Today I was able to plant a garden. The weather is good enough for it now. It felt so good, did wonders for my mental health. Just being able to do something tangible, physical, peaceful and outdoors. So excited for it to grow lol.

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England's response to all this is a bloody joke! All non essential shops can open middle of June, yet no news on when families can see each other and interact (unless your Cummings 🤬🙄)

This is so trying and such a difficult time. Bit it feels like we're not learning from other countries mistakes, we've watched Italy, Germany, China(although a lot of people think China is sugar coating or lying) etc. Lives are still very much at risk send the spread of the infection is still high. Ugh. I want to see family, I need to see family. My mental health is nearing rock bottom and I don't want to reach there.

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Thank you for asking! Feeling better today -but I feel like my "feeling better" days are kind of random and I also have random sadness, atypically. Menopause? Pandemic related? Both? Who knows. I basically made my son go outside just now -he resists partly because of fears of the virus but it will be too hot later so I "made him". I do feel things loosening up here somewhat -some stores require masks, some not, I am in no situations where I otherwise need a mask. For stores that require it I comply every single time. I wear one to the store that doesn't in case it is crowded. I am still making sure I don't eat treats more in response to this situation -that's a little hard between my son graduating and this "holiday" weekend.


One of my friends drove with her son to a beach community yesterday to rent a small carriage house without a fridge for 4 days. Curious to see how it goes -from what I can see it looks quite crowded. Her son is 10.


I actually had random moments of sadness and feeling okay during the lockdown too. I remember I would cry for no apparent reason a few times. I am sure I ate too many treats, like I didn't eat too much, but I was buying too much chocolate :eek:


Once I spent 2 nights at this cheap hotel and I couldn't find the fridge when I first entered our room, it freaked me out :D

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Pippy, so good to see you posting ❤️


Today I was able to plant a garden. The weather is good enough for it now. It felt so good, did wonders for my mental health. Just being able to do something tangible, physical, peaceful and outdoors. So excited for it to grow lol.


And you my friend


The garden sounds wonderful and that is the only time I lose myself ( well i can get very involved with box sets on the tv as well ha ) but yes my garden ..I have always been able to calm my mind in my garden . I haven't been able to do as much as I usually do because I was unable to get compost , so I set a little table out on my front and just gave my seeds away and my neighbours grabbed a few so that was nice to see them going somewhere . I have used last years compost to start off my Sunflowers so one way or another I have my favourites growing . I also had quite a lot of bulbs so they will come back anyway ...so one way or another I will still make it lovely . Wish it was easier to post pics on here cos I would love to see everyone's garden .

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England's response to all this is a bloody joke! All non essential shops can open middle of June, yet no news on when families can see each other and interact (unless your Cummings 🤬🙄)

This is so trying and such a difficult time. Bit it feels like we're not learning from other countries mistakes, we've watched Italy, Germany, China(although a lot of people think China is sugar coating or lying) etc. Lives are still very much at risk send the spread of the infection is still high. Ugh. I want to see family, I need to see family. My mental health is nearing rock bottom and I don't want to reach there.


I know my darling isn't it a joke . I have watched it all this morning just to catch up and then it will be going off , but so many are just carrying on as normal and not taking any notice of the rules . So when the announcements are made that we can meet a family member in a public place but still not go in each others gardens ...but we know so many are doing that anyway ..I know loads who have family and friends over ..I live between two beautiful lakes and yesterday I went out on my bike , now that is rare for me to use the exercise but I did and there were big groups having bbq's and all sat fishing and playing footie ...and the images I am watching of our sea side places is shameful , I don't know how they are not scared .


You be kind to yourself , remember I know it is a cliche , but your hormones are literally all over the place and that scrummy little bundle of beauty will keep you going and keep you strong xx you will get through this xxxxxx

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I actually had random moments of sadness and feeling okay during the lockdown too. I remember I would cry for no apparent reason a few times. I am sure I ate too many treats, like I didn't eat too much, but I was buying too much chocolate :eek:


Once I spent 2 nights at this cheap hotel and I couldn't find the fridge when I first entered our room, it freaked me out :D


I always check the hotel room fridge to make sure it works and always make sure we book one with one!!


So I'll share here to "vent" I guess. A friend of mine with a son my son's age-ish told me she and her husband spent the day with friends at their pool etc. I felt slightly envious but also cringed inside. I mean - how is that safe -even if the other family is "quarantining" - and she was one of the ones full of "stay home!!!" posts all judgey etc on FAcebook. I get that people feel confined but of course um there's an outdoor socially distanced picnic at a park and bring your own stuff, etc. It's not my business. I replied "sounds good!" with no comments -my only comments are here so thanks Seraphim again for creating this safe space.

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oh vic lets hope that was the last one .


Weeks without a community spread or any new case . And of course there was Mother’s Day and the Victoria day weekend when we celebrate the queen’s birthday . And obviously people got together and voila it’s back.

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I don't know why people can't understand that the reason things got better was BECAUSE of social distancing and stay at home orders.


It would be like me deciding to go off my BP meds because gee whiz, my BP has been so good since I've been on them, so I should be able to stop taking them!


It seems obvious to me but apparently others don't get it.


And if one more person tells me it's just like the flu or more people die from the flu each year (not in the space of two months!!!) or "people die of heart attacks and cancer and we don't shut down the country!" (Heart attacks and cancer are not contagious...)



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So I'll share here to "vent" I guess. A friend of mine with a son my son's age-ish told me she and her husband spent the day with friends at their pool etc. I felt slightly envious but also cringed inside. I mean - how is that safe -even if the other family is "quarantining" - and she was one of the ones full of "stay home!!!" posts all judgey etc on FAcebook. I get that people feel confined but of course um there's an outdoor socially distanced picnic at a park and bring your own stuff, etc. It's not my business. I replied "sounds good!" with no comments -my only comments are here so thanks Seraphim again for creating this safe space.




This reminds me of a pool-related "vent" of my own. Heard someone say the other day, without a trace of shame, that they were using their hefty govt grant—the sort that, in the US, went primarily to people who weren't directly affected—to put a pool in her yard. At once jaw-dropping and not at all surprising.

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That's good news. (@seraphim)


My city has been holding steady. Not declining but not increasing either. People walking outside are about 50/50 mask/no mask but they're required inside retail establishments and to pick up take out food. Hospitals are at 60% capacity and healthcare worker PPE is stocked. We are hopefully prepared.

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Doing ok -thanks for asking! So far so good now that school is out - we see some people returning to "normal" and we're somewhat conflicted but still playing it safe. My son got a used bike from my friend so he's excited to try it -it's been too long for him only going out for a walk -of course he'll just bike with one of us running alongside -totally safe as far as the virus.

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I've been able to see my family and gave my folks a huge hug. I am still isolated but I couldn't go on not seeing them anymore. I get tested a few times a week without fail now.


School is picking up. I have something to do now, which is nice considering I don't really have a life anymore.

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I would love to see my kids and they are willing, but my county still has an order forbidding gathering with anyone outside of your own household. My household consists of me and my cat. People are not exactly complying, but still. I'm not sure if it would be considered a "gathering" if it's just me, my child and their spouse. But I don't know. If I do see them it will be a non contact visit with masks and distancing. At least for now.


We all were tested ("Covid Not Detected") but that was a couple of weeks ago. I haven't been back to work yet but still.


Very difficult.

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