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If you don't think this is a big deal I don't know what to tell you. There are mountains of evidence that this is a big deal but so many choose to stick their heads in the sand.


But keep saying it's not a big deal... Every person out there who does so just causes yet another chip in my dwindling faith in humanity. Makes me want to root for the virus.

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The people in the apartment building next door are hosting a cookout. Now, it may be 10 people or fewer. I only saw 3 adults and a couple of kids but some were out of my line of sight.


I got used to my own townhouse in a super quiet neighborhood. Now there are sirens, lots of people walking around and my next door neighbors go in and out frequently. My cat looks at me every time she hears people as if to say "what happened to our quiet?"


In happier news, I saw one of my kids and my son in law today. We socially distanced so I only saw them from a few feet away outside my car, but it was wonderful. All of us have been tested and the virus was not detected in any of us, so once I am settled in they want to visit. I will wear a mask and sit 6 feet away with windows open, but it will still be wonderful.

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Hey friends, and happy Sunday! I am still working from home, the strict lockdown has been uplifted over here, so I got my nails done this week, and I went for a stroll with my friend. Shopping malls are now open. I try to avoid big crowds though. Masks are obligatory in public transport. And I also went to M&S:D

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Hey friends, and happy Sunday! I am still working from home, the strict lockdown has been uplifted over here, so I got my nails done this week, and I went for a stroll with my friend. Shopping malls are now open. I try to avoid big crowds though. Masks are obligatory in public transport. And I also went to M&S:D


Glad you are returning to a semblance of normal and that you feel good about it!

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Things are still locked down here. Have to wear a mask pretty much anywhere now...can't go into any store without one. Even when I walk outside in some areas, there are police on patrol (foot, bike, sometimes horseback in the parks) and are looking mask compliance so I keep one in my bag and when I see them coming, I put it on. Sorry but I am not wearing a mask 100% of the time when I'm outdoors and no one is walking or coming near me. That's insane.


Busy with school, it's been 2 weeks since I've seen my family and months since I touched anybody.

I am just busying myself with schoolwork at this point.

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Hi Batya, yes, it feels great to have this sense of normality! How have you been?


Thank you for asking! Feeling better today -but I feel like my "feeling better" days are kind of random and I also have random sadness, atypically. Menopause? Pandemic related? Both? Who knows. I basically made my son go outside just now -he resists partly because of fears of the virus but it will be too hot later so I "made him". I do feel things loosening up here somewhat -some stores require masks, some not, I am in no situations where I otherwise need a mask. For stores that require it I comply every single time. I wear one to the store that doesn't in case it is crowded. I am still making sure I don't eat treats more in response to this situation -that's a little hard between my son graduating and this "holiday" weekend.


One of my friends drove with her son to a beach community yesterday to rent a small carriage house without a fridge for 4 days. Curious to see how it goes -from what I can see it looks quite crowded. Her son is 10.

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hey everyone xxxxxx


I got my laptop finally fixedt and an hour after I got it home I stood on it ...so now I can't get back on facebook ..I also cant remember my passwords *sigh but at least I can get on here now .


I have been desperate to know how everyone is .


I see images of New York and actually feel sick inside for all of you ..trying to remember where you all live ..of course we see all of America that comment wasn't exclusive to my New York friends on here , all of you ..that was just the last thing I saw .


I hope I have returned to a full house here and Hermes if you read this thankyou for letting me know you are ok .


The day the world changed ....Sometimes I can put myself in my little bubble and forget'ish ...then the dreaded trip to the shops with my mask and gloves on , fear absolute fear that someone might stand to close , the anxiety of cleaning it all when I get home , the empty shelves , people trying to , well avoid people like the plaque ..who the hell thought that would turn into a real quote in 2020 eh .


Anyway , you all have never left my thoughts , even those who get on my t1t ends ...we are in it together and I wish you all good health xxxxxxx

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This is the were we are in the UK ..


So we can go out for exercise as often and for as long as we like now ..we can sit on the grass and benches and we can meet one person from our families .


We cannot have people in our houses nor can we go in theirs .


Our shops are still under strict control ..mask and gloves optional at the moment ..only so many in the shops and happy to report that the shelves are filling up .


We are still being urged to work from home but you are allowed to go to certain jobs now ...NO ...pub/bars/restaurants ..no hairdressers/beauty treatment shops .

Building work has started back up . i know for sure as 5G is is getting done in our street and we had 11 hours of road drilling ..grrr I nearly went mad .


Are people doing all this ? ...no ...and that is why the ones that are sticking by the rules live in fear of going out !!! The majority are abiding by the rules set out ..but it has gotten quite sloppy here and the rush hour on the tubes etc are not good at all .


I remember at the start , going to the supermarket , I walked in and there wasn't any fruit or veg ...nothing , I walked further round and no tins , no toilet roll , no frozen food ....I just stood , in shock , it was the most apocalyptic scene I have literally ever seen .

I came home with a bag of pepper pig frozen veg lol ..Emily just looked at me hahaha .


Things have got better though , you can't get everything but mostly we are finally back on track .

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We have a shooting nearly everyday now here, sometimes twice. People gathering in groups of 100-200 for illegal parties and then fights break out and streets have to get shut down. A couple officers were hurt a few days ago because one of these parties.


I never thought I'd say this but we need martial law because it's getting really bad here

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We have a shooting nearly everyday now here, sometimes twice. People gathering in groups of 100-200 for illegal parties and then fights break out and streets have to get shut down. A couple officers were hurt a few days ago because one of these parties.


I never thought I'd say this but we need martial law because it's getting really bad here


The stuff I see coming out of the US is almost pre-apocalypse. I think I’m staying right here forever.

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And if it didn’t already blow now we have for a very wide area no Internet and/or cable. I still have Internet but no cable and some people have no Internet and no cable. 🤯🤯🤯🤯🤬🤬🤬


That would actually cause me real distress. No internet means no ability to work on my schoolwork or study.

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The stuff I see coming out of the US is almost pre-apocalypse. I think I’m staying right here forever.


I miss my Canadian family. 😭 I wish I could see them again. I have a Nexus pass and a car, lemme over! I don't want to be here 😭

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That would actually cause me real distress. No internet means no ability to work on my schoolwork or study.


Yep ,people are losing their crap here because now they can’t even work or watch TV ,the only things we had left. I’m afraid if we had no Internet my son would probably lose his mind. 20 gigs of data on a shared package between him and I on our phones but that wouldn’t last him long.

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Yep ,people are losing their crap here because now they can’t even work or watch TV ,the only things we had left. I’m afraid if we had no Internet my son would probably lose his mind. 20 gigs of data on a shared package between him and I on our phones but that wouldn’t last him long.


My sibs would both lose their minds if the internet went down. Like, I'm talking "we need to go to the ER" kind of anxiety. Bad stuff. I honestly don't know what we would do.


I think my parents would probably pony up for unlimited internet and get a hotspot device to get through it but that is serious $$$ if you want unlimited.

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I miss my Canadian family. 😭 I wish I could see them again. I have a Nexus pass and a car, lemme over! I don't want to be here 😭

We are definitely doing better over here but after that big park Fam jam in Toronto over the weekend I’m sure there’s going to be an explosion in cases. Our premier actually got on TV on Sunday to plead with people to stop doing that.


Someone was arrested here in town last night for causing some kind of disturbance in the grocery store.

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My sibs would both lose their minds if the internet went down. Like, I'm talking "we need to go to the ER" kind of anxiety. Bad stuff. I honestly don't know what we would do.


I think my parents would probably pony up for unlimited internet and get a hotspot device to get through it but that is serious $$$ if you want unlimited.


My son and I our phone bill for month is $320. And that is just our package my new phone and my watch. 😭😭😭 House Internet and local phone and pay $ 147 a month. I think for our house Internet we have 300 gigs a month. And then my husband‘s mobile bill a month is 150.

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Some lady got arrested here for going around and coughing on people on purpose in one of the grocery stores. It's one near my place, glad I wasn't there that day.


It drives me crazy. I've decided I won't be in large groups of people until a vaccine or effective treatment emerges. It's just common sense. Why can't people get this?


I only want to see my family safely again, both in US and Canada, and it's this continued stupidity that is making that impossible and prolonging suffering not just for me but millions of people.

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