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Emotional support group Covid19


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That's a huge part of the stress. They just don't have all the answers with this because it's new. First it's "masks are useless", then it's "masks are mandatory".


Did read that COVID is found in semen for a while after someone has had it. But who has sex with masks on? Wait....?


Nothing surprises me anymore. :eek:

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I'm cautiously hopeful for a vaccine. HIV is not COVID-19. Whole different MO and way of attack on the body. From what we know about coronaviruses (the kind that covid is), they don't mutate too much. HIV is in a class all of its own here.


That said, safe vaccines take a lot of time.

I'm hoping for an effective treatment. And to be frank, I don't give a s____ about the ones we are hearing more about in the news. Oh, so an IV treatment that works well when given in the hospital to someone who already can't breathe. That's nice - don't really care, it's still added load to the Healthcare system. Key is to find a treatment that will prevent people from going to the hospital because people can be treated early so they DON'T get severely sick.


That's all I hope for at this point.

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I have an appointment for a Covid test this afternoon. I'm a bit concerned because I've had a sore throat and headache for about a week and it just isn't getting any better. Results are to be available 72 hours after testing. That way I can at least know, either it's negative and I will be relieved or it's positive and I will isolate until I am recovered. Of course I am hoping for negative!

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I have an appointment for a Covid test this afternoon. I'm a bit concerned because I've had a sore throat and headache for about a week and it just isn't getting any better. Results are to be available 72 hours after testing. That way I can at least know, either it's negative and I will be relieved or it's positive and I will isolate until I am recovered. Of course I am hoping for negative!


Everything crossed for you! My neighbour had those symptoms and she tested negative.

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Everything crossed for you! My neighbour had those symptoms and she tested negative.


Thank you! I will report back once I get the results.


BTW, it's a mouth swab test, not the long q-tip shoved up my nostril. I would've done it no matter what, but a mouth swab sounds much easier.

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I always wonder what a negative test means? You can still get it the next day? I would rather have a positive result. Some people are getting repeatedly tested and unfortunately bad news media makes it sound like they had the disease several times.

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Of course a negative result doesn't mean I can't or won't ever get it. My understanding is that a negative test means at the time you were tested you did not actively have the virus.


I believe my symptoms are the result of seasonal allergies (sore throat, headache, runny nose, some chest pressure) but it also COULD be Covid. I get these symptoms several times a year, every year, and I usually get a couple of cold events that can last up to a month. Last year I had a cold for the entire month of February, and a couple of years before that I had strep throat and laryngitis that lasted almost a month.


But getting a negative Covid test will ease my mind and if it does that then it's worth it to me. Hoping it's negative of course!

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I've pushed back my annual physical a couple times, but zim going in this morning.


Return to work is looming and I'll be one of the first back. My boss sent a link for face shields for 'those' who will taking staff temperatures. There all sorts of ethical angles about this and who 'those' are. But my boss is reckless and unpredictable and I can assume I may one of - those.


I have some underlining health issues, that combined with my age puts me somewhere close to being at risk. I'm not one to shirk my responsibilities of shy away from challenges, but I'm not willing to risk my health over this.


I want to have this conversation with my internist this morning and let him weigh in on this. I have idea which way this will go.

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I know my neighbour was perfectly fine. She hadn’t left her house in literally 40 days because she has a very medically fragile child. But you can catch colds not just Corona.


Yes, not every single cold or virus is Covid. It is still possible to just have a run of the mill upper respiratory illness i.e., the common cold. Or even a regular flu.


But nowadays, many of us (me included) are honestly fearful, so I would rather just get the test and know at least where I am at right now.

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Yes, not every single cold or virus is Covid. It is still possible to just have a run of the mill upper respiratory illness i.e., the common cold. Or even a regular flu.


But nowadays, many of us (me included) are honestly fearful, so I would rather just get the test and know at least where I am at right now.

Exactly. She just had a run of the mill illness and was better in 7 days.

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I am still taking precautions but I'll be honest - I would not be upset if I got a mild case of COVID-19. I could recover and know that I have *some* kind of immunity (those who test positive after recovering are thought to be shedding dead lung cells from the previous illness, NOT a reinfection).

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I haven't heard anything from Thatwasthen. Hope she's doing alright.

I keep thinking of TiredofVampires. I sent her a message a while back but I know she doesn't come on here much anymore so she probably didn't even see it. I just remember she was going through a lot as is before this and I hope so much she has support and is doing ok.


And for anyone who has posted here regularly but may not be posting right now, hey you are thought about and cared about!

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I haven't heard anything from Thatwasthen. Hope she's doing alright.

I keep thinking of TiredofVampires. I sent her a message a while back but I know she doesn't come on here much anymore so she probably didn't even see it. I just remember she was going through a lot as is before this and I hope so much she has support and is doing ok.


And for anyone who has posted here regularly but may not be posting right now, hey you are thought about and cared about!

Yes, I second this so much. ❤️

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So, I had the test done. I guess when I was told "mouth swab" I was thinking SWAB. It's more like a long skinny stick that they stick pretty far back so they can get a scraping from your throat. My throat is already sore so it didn't feel terrific, and it hurt for about 45 minutes afterward, but I am so glad I went and had it done. I was told 36-48 hours, while the lady on the phone told me 72 hours, so we'll see.


And the person taking my sample was a very nice, very attractive young National Guardsman. I think he said his name is Brandon. If you have to have a Covid test done it isn't bad at all to have it done by someone like him. And now I feel just a bit like a dirty old lady LOL.


So here's hoping for a Negative result!

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So, I had the test done. I guess when I was told "mouth swab" I was thinking SWAB. It's more like a long skinny stick that they stick pretty far back so they can get a scraping from your throat. My throat is already sore so it didn't feel terrific, and it hurt for about 45 minutes afterward, but I am so glad I went and had it done. I was told 36-48 hours, while the lady on the phone told me 72 hours, so we'll see.


And the person taking my sample was a very nice, very attractive young National Guardsman. I think he said his name is Brandon. If you have to have a Covid test done it isn't bad at all to have it done by someone like him. And now I feel just a bit like a dirty old lady LOL.


So here's hoping for a Negative result!

Everything crossed!!

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