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Hey friends, hope everyone is well out there. I've been working extra hours while working from home. The lockdown will be over on May 11 in my city. I'll be still working from home. I miss my family. And cookies from M&S.

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Some restrictions are being lifted Monday. Way too soon!!! The nhs and carers do not have enough or appropriate ppe, it isn't fair to lift them this early! I desperately miss my family, and I wasn't my daughter to meet her grandparents uncles aunts, and extended family. My fiance and I have both celebrated our birthdays in this pandemic lock down, it sucks.. but I'd rather us all be safe.

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Our province numbers are up again .😓 Back to 477 new cases.


I'm sure the numbers will increase, as restrictions begin to lift. To each their own, but I'm not buying into this moving on point this soon. I understand the frustrations many are feeling but my thoughts are, what's the lesser of two evils?



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I'm sure the numbers will increase, as restrictions begin to lift. To each their own, but I'm not buying into this moving on point this soon. I understand the frustrations many are feeling but my thoughts are, what's the lesser of two evils?




Me either. We have a mild restriction lift starting tomorrow. Hardware stores can reopen and greenhouses can reopen but they must follow strict guidelines. On Monday stores with an outside door can start doing curbside.

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I am a little relieved, at least for the time being. We had a team meeting (zoom) this morning and our company is taking a 'wait and see' approach to reopening. They are watching the outcome of the phase 2 openings and weighing the consequences.

I asked point blank how we were doing as a company whole. . are we successful and efficient working remotely? Funny how they hedge and carefully consider their response. The answer was yes. So my thinking and assuming that's what's been taken into consideration, is there is no point to rush staff back into the same space if we are successfully managing the company remotely.


It doesn't hurt that it's a member owned coop and it's owned by doctors. No doubt they know more than we do and if they are happy with the service provided it will be interesting to see exactly how long we stay out for.


I don't love the house arrest. . that's for sure. But I sure don't like my job enough to risk my health over it.


one day at a time. . .

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My city has started to reopen. People are rushing to restaurants, shopping centers and salons.


I had takeout for the first time today. A sandwich paid for at work.


Out of necessity I had to relax some of my self protection routines. There was just no way to not touch things and I had to repeatedly take my reading glasses off and put them back on. I just couldn't hand wash or sterilize every time, so I just gave up and didn't do it. I didn't touch my nose or mouth. And I did have a mask on. About 125 people in the building. And I have a wretched sore throat. I felt like hell all day. No fever, no cough.


I'm tired...

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My city has started to reopen. People are rushing to restaurants, shopping centers and salons.


I had takeout for the first time today. A sandwich paid for at work.


Out of necessity I had to relax some of my self protection routines. There was just no way to not touch things and I had to repeatedly take my reading glasses off and put them back on. I just couldn't hand wash or sterilize every time, so I just gave up and didn't do it. I didn't touch my nose or mouth. And I did have a mask on. About 125 people in the building. And I have a wretched sore throat. I felt like hell all day. No fever, no cough.


I'm tired...


Big hug. ❤️

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My city has started to reopen. People are rushing to restaurants, shopping centers and salons.


I had takeout for the first time today. A sandwich paid for at work.


Out of necessity I had to relax some of my self protection routines. There was just no way to not touch things and I had to repeatedly take my reading glasses off and put them back on. I just couldn't hand wash or sterilize every time, so I just gave up and didn't do it. I didn't touch my nose or mouth. And I did have a mask on. About 125 people in the building. And I have a wretched sore throat. I felt like hell all day. No fever, no cough.


I'm tired...


I am impressed at how flexible you were and I'm sorry it was so hard!

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I am impressed at how flexible you were and I'm sorry it was so hard!


Thank you. The biggest issue was that I feel so awful. My head and throat feel the way they always do when I'm fighting something off or when I have a cold or something. However, it might have actually helped because I had little energy to freak out about not being able to wash or sterilize constantly. The whole day was a fog.


I'm waiting for my hair to dry and then it's off to bed. I have the weekend off and then I'm back in virtual classroom manager training until Thursday.


Hope you are doing well.

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Thank you. The biggest issue was that I feel so awful. My head and throat feel the way they always do when I'm fighting something off or when I have a cold or something. However, it might have actually helped because I had little energy to freak out about not being able to wash or sterilize constantly. The whole day was a fog.


I'm waiting for my hair to dry and then it's off to bed. I have the weekend off and then I'm back in virtual classroom manager training until Thursday.


Hope you are doing well.


Sometimes I get that way when I'm overtired -my ear will hurt or it will feel like cold symptoms so I hope you are better today and glad you have the weekend off! And that you can do virtual next week.

The local farmers market did order in advance and pick up so I'm picking up local produce soon-contactless - paid in advance too. Can't wait.

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I watched a YouTube video last night posted by a young woman who was flying from Ontario to Saskatoon. The airport didn't have many people in it but no one was wearing masks, which surprised me. Then she went to a HUGE grocery store (can't remember the name) and again, no gloves, no masks and no social distancing.


I kind of envy those people who are living through this with not one bit of fear. It makes me doubt the reasonableness of my own reaction to the situation.


OK, Googled it..."Real Canadian" is the store.

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I watched a YouTube video last night posted by a young woman who was flying from Ontario to Saskatoon. The airport didn't have many people in it but no one was wearing masks, which surprised me. Then she went to a HUGE grocery store (can't remember the name) and again, no gloves, no masks and no social distancing.


I kind of envy those people who are living through this with not one bit of fear. It makes me doubt the reasonableness of my own reaction to the situation.


OK, Googled it..."Real Canadian" is the store.




This would be why Saskatchewan has had relatively very low numbers. However moving from one province to another you are supposed to be 14 days in quarantine. And actually some provinces won’t let you come there at all.

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Well, this young lady went straight from the airport to the Real Canadian store. She didn't quarantine, although she said she would be staying with her father for a while. She said someone is currently living in her home so she's been "traveling around" during the entire pandemic.

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Well, this young lady went straight from the airport to the Real Canadian store. She didn't quarantine, although she said she would be staying with her father for a while. She said someone is currently living in her home so she's been "traveling around" during the entire pandemic.
Hopefully she gets fined and or jailed. She’s another one of these a holes spreading the disease. Ontario where I live is highly impacted and she’s going to a low impact area.
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Hopefully she gets fined and or jailed. She’s another one of these a holes spreading the disease. Ontario where I live is highly impacted and she’s going to a low impact area.


And to post it on YouTube! Not too smart.


Another video I watched was of a young couple who traveled from Bangkok to Texas during the pandemic. They asked their parents to drop their car in the airport parking garage rather than be picked up, and they drove straight home. They also wore masks the entire trip. The parents filled the car with food supplies so they wouldn't need to go grocery shopping for a couple of weeks. But that other young woman had her dad pick her up at the airport and then they went straight to the store!


If you don't care about your own health that's certainly your choice. But why would anyone want to potentially be responsible for infecting someone else? What if God forbid she got her elderly dad sick?


I was thinking this morning about grocery shopping. Very few people in my area are wearing masks, and the governor started lifting restrictions. Wearing a mask doesn't protect me from all those people, but since I've been working onsite during the entire pandemic I will continue to wear a mask just in case I am infected and don't know it. I do NOT want to be responsible for infecting someone in case I am a carrier!

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Today our province announced they will reopen provincial parks only for walking and hiking. You must still maintain social distancing and no groups bigger than five. No beaches, no playgrounds, no camping, No facilities will be open in the park.

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Today our province announced they will reopen provincial parks only for walking and hiking. You must still maintain social distancing and no groups bigger than five. No beaches, no playgrounds, no camping, No facilities will be open in the park.


Hopefully they will have better success than some locations in the US. They tried, but couldn't stop people from gathering in crowds and people completely ignored social distancing. People spread towels and placed chairs and sat down to sunbathe. Some places had to re-close because they realized no one would pay attention to the guidelines.


I hope your province will have more success!

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We are all questioning our sanity lately. We see people shopping in hazmat suits, then see people in large crowds protesting. One protester had a sign that with a mask crossed out on it that stated "my body my choice". These are the same people who do not comprehend epidemiology and infectious disease.


I get it. We are all sick of the masks, gloves, toilet paper crises, cleaning rituals, closed stores, etc. We are all weary from the bad news only to be followed by more bad news. "Death toll", "Worst unemployment since the great depression". It starts looking so grim.


Hang in there.💐 Watch the trees bloom, listen to the birds sing 🐦. Take a break from all the bad news.🌈🌞🌴

I kind of envy those people who are living through this with not one bit of fear. It makes me doubt the reasonableness of my own reaction to the situation.

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Hopefully they will have better success than some locations in the US. They tried, but couldn't stop people from gathering in crowds and people completely ignored social distancing. People spread towels and placed chairs and sat down to sunbathe. Some places had to re-close because they realized no one would pay attention to the guidelines.


I hope your province will have more success!


I hope so!!


We have had two occasions in the past week where people have gathered onto the base. The repatriation of our six fallen CAF members and the SnowBirds OP Inspiration. I felt people were way too close together. My area has about 40 active cases and about 190 presumptive cases. I live in a more rural area.


Most of our prairie provinces are rural. There are a few major cities on the prairies and that’s pretty much it. So their numbers tend to be lower. Ontario and Quebec who have most of the country’s population have just been kicked and Quebec worst of all. Quebec went on March break before everything closed and then brought everything back.

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We are all questioning our sanity lately. We see people shopping in hazmat suits, then see people in large crowds protesting. One protester had a sign that with a mask crossed out on it that stated "my body my choice". These are the same people who do not comprehend epidemiology and infectious disease.


I get it. We are all sick of the masks, gloves, toilet paper crises, cleaning rituals, closed stores, etc. We are all weary from the bad news only to be followed by more bad news. "Death toll", "Worst unemployment since the great depression". It starts looking so grim.


Hang in there.💐 Watch the trees bloom, listen to the birds sing 🐦. Take a break from all the bad news.🌈🌞🌴


I do. There's this young kid whose YouTube videos I enjoy watching. Yes, by necessity he makes mention of the pandemic but he's just cheerfully walking and riding around his city (New York, no less!) and making observations.


I am finally going to be able to move to my home state after being delayed by 2 months, so that makes me happy. I will be 2 miles from my kids instead of 290 miles! And much nearer to my siblings and cousins too. Part of my depressed anxiety is due to being completely all alone in this state. I used to love being on my own but after last Christmas I realized I was lonely. I do have lots of friends but as I get older, family is becoming much more important. And I will be living in a lovely city 8 blocks from the ocean!

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I do. There's this young kid whose YouTube videos I enjoy watching. Yes, by necessity he makes mention of the pandemic but he's just cheerfully walking and riding around his city (New York, no less!) and making observations.


I am finally going to be able to move to my home state after being delayed by 2 months, so that makes me happy. I will be 2 miles from my kids instead of 290 miles! And much nearer to my siblings and cousins too. Part of my depressed anxiety is due to being completely all alone in this state. I used to love being on my own but after last Christmas I realized I was lonely. I do have lots of friends but as I get older, family is becoming much more important. And I will be living in a lovely city 8 blocks from the ocean!

I am so glad you will be closer to your kids! ❤️

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