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Emotional support group Covid19


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My coworker's maid of honor cancelled due to not wanting to travel. Her wedding is in just a couple of weeks. She simply selected another MOH. Totally understood.


I hope your neighbor locks him out when he tries to come back after the wedding. Kidding. Sort of.

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Hi guys! So after yelling at me for coming in when I didn't need to (according to her) the doctor examined me. No fever, no chest congestion or lung fluid, no swollen lymph nodes and no sign of infection in my throat or tonsils. She diagnosed me with a run of the mill upper respiratory virus and prescribed rest, fluids and over the counter cold meds.


You have no idea how relieved I am! I had told her even a strep throat diagnosis would be a relief but I didn't even have that.


Thanks for your well wishes. I will continue to self-quarantine, only going out when absolutely necessary and I will not go into work Monday if I'm still feeling unwell because there's no need to spread even a common virus around.


That's good to hear!



Re the animals being discarded - apparently some people were getting rid of their cats and / or dogs due to believing that they may be coronavirus carriers. Very disheartening!


What is concerning is how individuals who are unable to earn money at present, or in the near future, will be able to survive. Some peeps live pay check to pay check. Then, there are the homeless who rely on soup kitchens for food and shelters to keep warm at night.



Anyhow, as for positive things, the silence is wonderful. Being able to hear animals instead of cars, is actually nice. Also, global air pollution levels are plummeting. So there's that, too.

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I'd love to hear more ideas on good things people are doing. I've got free time and am not overloaded with work or care duties.

I had contacted my community center , which is now closed but the skeleton crew of volunteers is still going mostly from their homes. They have a grocery, meal prep and delivery program going for those who can not leave home and/or are struggling ( mostly focusing on the elderly ). One lady is doing a FaceTime bingo - pretty cute!

I'm baking fresh loaves of bread with notes because a) it's therapeutic for me b) I know a bunch of the regular senior attendees there and they always loved receiving it before c) I don't know what else to do! Lol.


I saw a sad vid about animals who are suffering during this too, being discarded or neglected, hurt my heart so much. Maybe if any of you know a way to reach those little guys?

I would just DIE to know people are doing that to pets. 😓😓🥺🥺🥺

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I'd love to hear more ideas on good things people are doing. I've got free time and am not overloaded with work or care duties.

I had contacted my community center , which is now closed but the skeleton crew of volunteers is still going mostly from their homes. They have a grocery, meal prep and delivery program going for those who can not leave home and/or are struggling ( mostly focusing on the elderly ). One lady is doing a FaceTime bingo - pretty cute!

I'm baking fresh loaves of bread with notes because a) it's therapeutic for me b) I know a bunch of the regular senior attendees there and they always loved receiving it before c) I don't know what else to do! Lol.


I saw a sad vid about animals who are suffering during this too, being discarded or neglected, hurt my heart so much. Maybe if any of you know a way to reach those little guys?


I have been walking 10,000 steps a day.

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My coworker's maid of honor cancelled due to not wanting to travel. Her wedding is in just a couple of weeks. She simply selected another MOH. Totally understood.


I hope your neighbor locks him out when he tries to come back after the wedding. Kidding. Sort of.


I think she should contact her OB/Gyn and ask how to protect herself/her pregnancy. I agree with you.

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I'm completely on edge every day at work. Watching like a hawk for respiratory symptoms. I can't eat much or well. I'm basically a supervisor at my current job and I'm exhausted from the stress AND also having to dispel rumors ("No, there is no COVID in our facility. Let's put that to bed.") and managing in-fighting with some staff and patients. Everyone's nerves are frayed and they take it out on each other. I had a nurse practitioner almost bite my head off today and I just looked at her and I said" I'm sorry I'm adding to your stress. I really am. I am scared and stressed myself." and she treated me differently (better) after that.


I want to drink but I don't. Today I ate one small egg wrap, half a sandwich, and 3 cups of coffee.


The cases just keep going up in my city and I'm worried.

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My son has symptoms so it’s likely my daughter and I will get whatever it is too, as we’re all “sheltered in place” together.


It’s day 3 for my son and I’m super relieved to see that it’s super mild for him (18yo, no known underlying risk factors.) He basically has a cold.

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Unfortunately, a very small minority of people here in Australia seem to be taking the social distancing/stay at home thing seriously. In my state, they aren't testing people who don't fit into the categories of recently returned from overseas or have been in personal contact with someone who has been confirmed as having coronavirus. They have no idea what the community spread is, which I think is causing people to think this is less serious than what it is. There are about 2200 or so ICU beds in the whole country. We need to flatten the curve.


The people who are hoarding all the soap and hand sanitiser are morons. We need the whole population practicing good hygiene - not a small minority.


One thing I hope comes out of this, once the dust settles, is a reevaluation of our society and what is valued. A lot of low paid workers are propping society up at the moment. I hope we don't forget that.

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Hi everyone this group is a great idea! I'm in Western Europe and my country went into lockdown recently we can only go out for a valid reason. I am working form home, took extra hours to keep myself busy, I miss the social contact though. My early April trip has been cancelled, I am a little sad about it, but I know it's necessary. I wish people would take it more seriously, at least in my city.

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I have congestion. No fever, coughing or suffocation. After speaking with an urgent nurse who interviewed me, she told me to get in touch with the health dept to get tested. All because of my husband’s job. I’m livid and terrified all at once. 72 hour lockdown at home. Am told to call 911 if I have worse symptoms. Trying my hardest not to panic. Worried about if my husband and I end up in ICU, then who looks over my daughter? She is 1 years old. Does the state take her? In-laws are overseas and my parents are high risk if they contract the MFer

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On edge. Hasn't hit my facility yet...terrified. My already fragile pts go into respiratory distress sometimes and I can feel my pulse quicken. I'm in total isolation outside of work. Running out of PPE. I've made my own masks that account for micron size and conform to my face. I won't say what I use because I can't have people panic buying, sorry.


Homemade masks, this is what it comes to.


I can't sleep properly. This is the worst thing that has ever happened to me and I'm still reeling.

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I went on Amazon and I couldn't believe my eyes...a toilet paper listing!!! I hit buy as quickly as I could as we are running out or will run out not long.


I was actually able to purchase it.


But then I sat back, took a second look at the screen and had a moment of somewhat shock and amazement...has it really come to this? Has it really gotten to the point where acquiring toilet paper is comparable to winning the lottery?


It's surreal. A month ago, life was still "normal", things still seemed under control. I wake up and am hit with reality once again and honest to god it feels like a really weird Sci Fi movie.


I pray for those who are sick. I pray for those whose loved ones are sick. I pray for those who are scared. I pray someway, somehow, this all can be fixed.

Support one another, love one another in these difficult times.


It's what matters the most right now.


Sending love out to you all.

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Places are closing early, disinfecting and restocking overnight. Some are practicing social distancing by only letting a costumer in when one leaves to keep a low minimum in the stores. So get to grocery stores as early as possible.


There is way too much hysteria which doesn't help. What helps is common-sense evidence-based personal safety and public safety measures. What helps is people educating themselves on CDC and WHO recommendations. What doesn't help is over-saturating on too many news shows. What doesn't help is hoarding vs appropriate stocking up. Becoming a prepper doesn't help. All the ammo in the world won't kill a virus.


What helps is practicing appropriate hygiene and distance. What helps is keeping your immune system as intact as possible. What helps is keeping yourself together mentally and physically. What helps is trying to go about your business as normally as possible and making the appropriate adaptations and adjustments such as working from home, not going out, etc.


People are freaking over the number of confirmed cased. Even though this number is far from complete as many people are not tested. Some people have varying symptoms from mild flu-like symptoms to respiratory shutdown and death. The number to look at is the death vs case ratio.

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There are days I want to scream all day at the stupidity. On our spouses Facebook page they are just the stupidest questions I’ve ever seen in my life like this morning where can I get my nipple pierced? Wt.... why do you need to be this close to a friggin individual at this time an individual that you don’t know from Adam. Or I can’t to get Daycare to go to work because 85% of this is bupkus anyway and everybody’s an essential worker. It is friggin stupidity like this that’s going to doom the human race. I just want to scream and scream and scream and have us go into lock down.

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I am feeling....good. Unsettled, but good. Decent.


Two days ago the anxiety was pretty acute, the edginess razor-sharp, while for the past 48 hours it has been more manageable. Can't put a finger on why, exactly, and I suspect many more waves of disruption and disruptive emotions on the horizon. One at a time.


My girlfriend and I were talking earlier today about how this is a moment to get very, very comfortable living with three words: "I don't know." Because, alas, what other choice is there? There was no shortage of comfort in that idea, and in sharing it with someone.


This is a weird moment, a scary one—with the fear, for most of us, being uncertainty, the great boogeyman to the human spirit. Always lurking, some times more aggressively than others. Adapting to uncertainty is a challenge—perhaps the greatest—though I take some comfort in recognizing it as a challenge that humans have risen to over and over and over again.


Sera? I hear you on those frustrations, about where the most petty-seeming of things are still being prized and prioritized by some. Have gone down a number of those wormholes, reacting both to news stories and to ways friends are coping, or what certain friends are deeming "suffering" right now. Gets me angry, defeated-feeling, lonely and frightened.


I've tried, for whatever it's worth, to remind myself that it's kind of just people looking for a toehold, best they know how. For instance, I dedicated some time yesterday to (a) looking for a good book to read and (b) figuring out where I could get (safely) a sprocket wrench so I can replace the brake lever on my motorcycle. It was nice, that time, a little respite. Pedestrian concerns, of course, like a pierced nipple. Something to grab onto when the bottom seems to be falling out.

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