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Emotional support group Covid19


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I think most of us could use some emotional support through the pandemic. To be clear this is SUPPORT , criticism and blaming is not needed.


I know some us out here are high risk or normal risk.


If you need a warm fuzzy today, I love you ❤️ Virtual hug.

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I love this!


I have some compulsive things I do, and I’m a bit of a germophobe so I use Lysol wipes, the spray and all that, they were the first to go, I kept calm thinking things would get better and now they can’t be found anywhere, stressful because it’s making me incredibly anxious to not have my routine.

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Well, can you mail me some toilet paper? lol... Five stores around my area and not a roll to be found. Just spoke to my friend in Newfoundland where there are zero cases reported as yet and she says the shelves are bare for paper products there too.


You are going to be really busy, Vic. Schools closed for three weeks in Ontario or are you going to shut down too?

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I love this!


I have some compulsive things I do, and I’m a bit of a germophobe so I use Lysol wipes, the spray and all that, they were the first to go, I kept calm thinking things would get better and now they can’t be found anywhere, stressful because it’s making me incredibly anxious to not have my routine.

I hear you I compulsively use Clorox and Lysol wipes because of my daycare. Especially now. I did buy before they went off the shelves but now everything’s gone. However ,I did find a bottle of bleach today . Put a capful of bleach in a spray bottle full of water and you will be OK. Bleach kills just about everything. ❤️

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Oh figureitout I'm sorry you're stressed and if you lived nearby I'd give you one of mine (no I did not panic buy! -I happened to have them on hand, bit of germophobe too um more than a bit). I am at normal risk, as are my husband and son. Mom is high risk just because of age and I'm proud of her for being compliant.


I need to be stronger about avoiding my typical moms facebook groups which are overwhelming with posts about that including shaming people who are even considering letting their kids play outside. We are not under quarrantine, we have some confirmed cases nearby but not in our city and schools are all closed.


I send everyone safe and virtual hugs and thank you Seraphim for thinking of this -wishing you and your family well.

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Well, can you mail me some toilet paper? lol... Five stores around my area and not a roll to be found. Just spoke to my friend in Newfoundland where there are zero cases reported as yet and she says the shelves are bare for paper products there too.


You are going to be really busy, Vic. Schools closed for three weeks in Ontario or are you going to shut down too?

I did buy before it ended up off the shelves if you need a mail PM me. I didn’t buy huge because I wanted to leave some for others. But I have a bit extra.❤️


I have to close if they close the Daycare programs and I think that is coming Monday.

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Oh figureitout I'm sorry you're stressed and if you lived nearby I'd give you one of mine (no I did not panic buy! -I happened to have them on hand, bit of germophobe too um more than a bit). I am at normal risk, as are my husband and son. Mom is high risk just because of age and I'm proud of her for being compliant.


I need to be stronger about avoiding my typical moms facebook groups which are overwhelming with posts about that including shaming people who are even considering letting their kids play outside. We are not under quarrantine, we have some confirmed cases nearby but not in our city and schools are all closed.


I send everyone safe and virtual hugs and thank you Seraphim for thinking of this -wishing you and your family well.

Schools are closed here for the next three weeks. I think outdoor plays great and frees the mind a bit. Our early years programs are closed down but I have my daycare kids playing in the backyard.❤️

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Schools are closed here for the next three weeks. I think outdoor plays great and frees the mind a bit. Our early years programs are closed down but I have my daycare kids playing in the backyard.❤️


I agree and others are advocating no outside play -just walks or bike riding individually etc. It's ever changing and a bit confusing. Thankful for my health and my family's and thankful to be able to help others a bit -hoping to do more as this continues.

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I did buy before it ended up off the shelves if you need a mail PM me. I didn’t buy huge because I wanted to leave some for others. But I have a bit extra.❤️


I have to close if they close the Daycare programs and I think that is coming Monday.


You're an angel.


Our daughter is bringing in the kids and some TP. I told her if she didn't the boys would be wiping their hinnys with paper napkins. lol


The kids and I will be at the park... everything else is closed.

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You're an angel.


Our daughter is bringing in the kids and some TP. I told her if she didn't the boys would be wiping their hinnys with paper napkins. lol


The kids and I will be at the park... everything else is closed.


No problems.


I am a little concerned because my son’s stim is chewing clean loo paper . So my stash might go. 😟

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I agree and others are advocating no outside play -just walks or bike riding individually etc. It's ever changing and a bit confusing. Thankful for my health and my family's and thankful to be able to help others a bit -hoping to do more as this continues.


I think outside is great, unless of course someone is obviously hacking all over and or it is crowded.

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No criticism or blame allowed, but can I say I feel angry?

It is my default when I am scared, but I do feel like this was preventable and has been handled stupidly.


Emotion is emotion. It is neither right nor wrong. I meant more no blame or criticism on how people are trying to cope. Anger is totally legit.

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I am currently sitting at home with cold symptoms. Congestion, headache, runny nose, a bit of a sore throat. No fever...I just checked and it's 98.3 Fahrenheit. But after running some errands this morning (and not contacting anyone or handing them anything), I am choosing to self-quarantine. I may drive through to buy some food but other than that I am home. I already notified my boss that if I don't feel better by Monday I will not come in. My company will not dock me for not coming in, but they won't pay me either. I have some accrued time I can use so I won't go broke.


I really don't believe I have Covid-19 because I haven't come in physical contact with anyone who has it or who has been to areas where there are multiple cases. I really think I have either a cold or a mild flu. But I won't risk my coworkers or friends' health. In fact, I cancelled plans with my friend and her toddler because why take a chance?


Fortunately I have my desktop, a Fire TV stick and satellite TV plus a backlog of magazines.


Here's hoping I feel better soon so I don't run the risk of getting anyone sick!

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I am currently sitting at home with cold symptoms. Congestion, headache, runny nose, a bit of a sore throat. No fever...I just checked and it's 98.3 Fahrenheit. But after running some errands this morning (and not contacting anyone or handing them anything), I am choosing to self-quarantine. I may drive through to buy some food but other than that I am home. I already notified my boss that if I don't feel better by Monday I will not come in. My company will not dock me for not coming in, but they won't pay me either. I have some accrued time I can use so I won't go broke.


I really don't believe I have Covid-19 because I haven't come in physical contact with anyone who has it or who has been to areas where there are multiple cases. I really think I have either a cold or a mild flu. But I won't risk my coworkers or friends' health. In fact, I cancelled plans with my friend and her toddler because why take a chance?


Fortunately I have my desktop, a Fire TV stick and satellite TV plus a backlog of magazines.


Here's hoping I feel better soon so I don't run the risk of getting anyone sick!


Thank you for choosing to keep people healthy.


Get better soon! ❤️

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Thank you for choosing to keep people healthy.


Get better soon! ❤️


Thank you!


I have health conditions that cause me to have frequent flu-like symptoms. Plus I'm on medication that causes occasional dizziness. And yesterday my doctor took my blood pressure and it's slightly elevated despite medication (I have a LOT going on right now that is causing some anxiety and stress). So all of that could very possibly be the cause.

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Thank you!


I have health conditions that cause me to have frequent flu-like symptoms. Plus I'm on medication that causes occasional dizziness. And yesterday my doctor took my blood pressure and it's slightly elevated despite medication (I have a LOT going on right now that is causing some anxiety and stress). So all of that could very possibly be the cause.


Same, I am diabetic and have asthma and hypertension. Even on two blood pressure meds the other day my blood pressure was 145/98 just from anxiety. Usually on medication my blood pressure is 110/75.


I might just have a walk and calm down.

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