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Gestational diabetes


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Ugh dinner was a write off last night, I had a handful of chips (steak cut fries) and a pesto veggie filled burger, 9.4, I had literally nothing else in that I could do. I really wasn't feeling myself, hangover effect from my medication as I took it too late and didn't wake naturally. Oh well today will be better, planning on a sweet potato jacket with chickpeas and cheese for dinner.

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0.5 difference in my fasting results today. I'm getting very frustrated with this! The second result is still a lot higher than what my usual result is so it still feels inaccurate. 9 weeks roughly until baby is due, so probably 7 or 8 weeks left of all this rubbish. My mental health has taken a massive hit and I feel so out of control and lost. My fiancee is doing his beady to keep me ok and reassure me, my mum's also doing a lot. But I just can't cope anymore with all this.

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Reduced movements and ketones in urine today. Although I was dehydrated and ketones went back to normal after plenty of waste. Baby was hiding behind placenta, and ended up moving so much that they couldn't find baseline heart rate for baby for ages..typical lol!

Managed to have 4 roast potatoes today, with a tonne of cauli cheese and got a really good number. I'm scared of how much weight I'm gonna gain from all the cheese though.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Trying not to panic, but a newborn baby and it's mother have tested positive for Corona virus in the UK. I'm scared now. 😥


Please do not panic! Just do the handwashing and social distancing if at all possible ok? I am not a medical professional just doing that myself (I am not high risk but my mother is so she's limiting her outside activities a bit more than me) You will be fine.

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Pregnant women in UK now top isolate for 12 weeks. Baby is due in just under 6, not sure what the advice will be for newborns by then, but possibly a minimum of 8 weeks isolation as that's when first vaccinations are. Anxiety is quite high, although I know it's all precautionary, we're don't actually know what this can do to other vulnerable groups.

I have a growth scan and consultant tomorrow, also midwife 4 appointments, 1 St. Gp 3 at hospital. Fun

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You will be ok. Infants and children are not getting severe cases. I am high risk so is my mom, my mom’s brother as he recently had cancer. I might be closing my daycare for a bit . Just wash wash wash and stay away from crowds.


Keep safe seraphim! I've seen you're closed until my birthday. Look after yourself and family x

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Took him long enough, country is going into lock down.

Getting impossible to find gd friendly foods, luckily if I exercise after eating a higher carb meal I can just about keep my levels under control. Fiancee is having to work from home and isolate also, as no point in one isolating if the other catches it while out. Luckily he's a web developer so can easily work from home. I'm getting more scared of what the next few weeks have in store, I'm scared about bringing a baby into the middle of all this.

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Took him long enough, country is going into lock down.

Getting impossible to find gd friendly foods, luckily if I exercise after eating a higher carb meal I can just about keep my levels under control. Fiancee is having to work from home and isolate also, as no point in one isolating if the other catches it while out. Luckily he's a web developer so can easily work from home. I'm getting more scared of what the next few weeks have in store, I'm scared about bringing a baby into the middle of all this.


I am sorry love. Holding you in my heart.

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There's no where to get online delivery from. Luckily my tolerance is increasing for normal foods and as I live so remote I can exercise go on walks around my area and not come into contact with anyone. Lots than 5 weeks until baby will be here. Really unhappy about having a baby in the middle of all this, but it is what it is and we'll make the most of it. I've got a few things I still need to urgently buy for baby, socks, booties and cardigans being a small example (baby has very long legs, to be expected when daddy is 6'5). I've come off social media as there's a lot of false news. Country is now on lock down, which is really good news as people ignored the social distancing warning over the weekend. I'm lucky I don't personally know anyone infected.

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There's no where to get online delivery from. Luckily my tolerance is increasing for normal foods and as I live so remote I can exercise go on walks around my area and not come into contact with anyone. Lots than 5 weeks until baby will be here. Really unhappy about having a baby in the middle of all this, but it is what it is and we'll make the most of it. I've got a few things I still need to urgently buy for baby, socks, booties and cardigans being a small example (baby has very long legs, to be expected when daddy is 6'5). I've come off social media as there's a lot of false news. Country is now on lock down, which is really good news as people ignored the social distancing warning over the weekend. I'm lucky I don't personally know anyone infected.


Hang in there -sounds good under these awful circumstances and I'm really glad you're getting fresh air- so good for your mindset etc. Thinking of you!!

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Hospital policies are changing. Currently my hospital is allowing one person to accompany to appointments, but many aren't allowing anyone. I have a scan and consultant's next week, I can't understand what any of the consultants say (all have accents and I'm extremely hard of hearing) so I need my partner there. I'll keep an eye out for updates and get him to call them if it changes to no one accompanying. Tempted to push for a home birth, but first baby and gestational diabetes I don't think I should. It's all so difficult. I wish I could keep baby put until all this blows over. Major anxiety right now.

Sun is shining though so I'm going to relax in my garden later if I can cope with the pain..

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Hospital policies are changing. Currently my hospital is allowing one person to accompany to appointments, but many aren't allowing anyone. I have a scan and consultant's next week, I can't understand what any of the consultants say (all have accents and I'm extremely hard of hearing) so I need my partner there. I'll keep an eye out for updates and get him to call them if it changes to no one accompanying. Tempted to push for a home birth, but first baby and gestational diabetes I don't think I should. It's all so difficult. I wish I could keep baby put until all this blows over. Major anxiety right now.

Sun is shining though so I'm going to relax in my garden later if I can cope with the pain..


Wishing you all the best!

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So much going on. So many complex emotions.

I'm ill with toothache and my ears, yet again, which makes my bloods extremely low, 3.7 this morning, although responded well to weetabix and a yogurt.


Feeling extremely vulnerable at the prospect of giving birth in this, and now hospitals are saying no visitors whatsoever after baby is born, birthing partner has to leave right after birth (within the hour) and only allowed in when in established labour. This is no good for me, as my hearing is atrocious and most of the hospital staff have accents I can't understand.


I feel like people who are actively trying to get pregnant during this pandemic are being reckless and selfish. If I'd known I'd be giving birth in this situation, I'd have held off trying until it was all over, despite the fact it took 19 months to get pregnant and was in process for being tested for fertility issues. Maybe I'm wrong, but we haven't a clue how this virus affects early pregnancy, or any time of pregnancy tbh..

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So much going on. So many complex emotions.

I'm ill with toothache and my ears, yet again, which makes my bloods extremely low, 3.7 this morning, although responded well to weetabix and a yogurt.


Feeling extremely vulnerable at the prospect of giving birth in this, and now hospitals are saying no visitors whatsoever after baby is born, birthing partner has to leave right after birth (within the hour) and only allowed in when in established labour. This is no good for me, as my hearing is atrocious and most of the hospital staff have accents I can't understand.


I feel like people who are actively trying to get pregnant during this pandemic are being reckless and selfish. If I'd known I'd be giving birth in this situation, I'd have held off trying until it was all over, despite the fact it took 19 months to get pregnant and was in process for being tested for fertility issues. Maybe I'm wrong, but we haven't a clue how this virus affects early pregnancy, or any time of pregnancy tbh..


Do you feel the same way about women who try to get pregnant but refuse to get a flu vaccine, for example, or refuse other vaccines that could harm them and/or the baby if they got the disease? Or women who try to get pregnant when they are financially struggling and would need government assistance, for example? Right now we don't know if it harms a fetus even if the mother gets sick - seems to be no but we don't know. If we knew, then ok but I'm not sure if I'd go down that slippery slope -just worry about you - nothing to worry about -I mean just go about your life and your choices -the judgment will just increase your negativity which isn't great while being pregnant either. I try not to get judgey when this kind of situation is happening -enough negativity already in the air! I know you're having a hard time and I'm sorry!

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Do you feel the same way about women who try to get pregnant but refuse to get a flu vaccine, for example, or refuse other vaccines that could harm them and/or the baby if they got the disease? Or women who try to get pregnant when they are financially struggling and would need government assistance, for example? Right now we don't know if it harms a fetus even if the mother gets sick - seems to be no but we don't know. If we knew, then ok but I'm not sure if I'd go down that slippery slope -just worry about you - nothing to worry about -I mean just go about your life and your choices -the judgment will just increase your negativity which isn't great while being pregnant either. I try not to get judgey when this kind of situation is happening -enough negativity already in the air! I know you're having a hard time and I'm sorry!


Thank you! I know it's none of my business what others do, I think it's just compounded by my fear. Plus a very good friends of mine, who is already in a vulnerable group, is desperate to get pregnant. I dunno it just feels... but yes none of my business and I'd support her either way..


Yes too much negativity. I keep trying to knit a blanket for baby, but I've screwed up the same row, in 3 places 3 times now, metaphor for my brain currently lol!


I love feeling baby moving, and baby kicks daddy loads too, is lovely 💜

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Thank you! I know it's none of my business what others do, I think it's just compounded by my fear. Plus a very good friends of mine, who is already in a vulnerable group, is desperate to get pregnant. I dunno it just feels... but yes none of my business and I'd support her either way..


Yes too much negativity. I keep trying to knit a blanket for baby, but I've screwed up the same row, in 3 places 3 times now, metaphor for my brain currently lol!


I love feeling baby moving, and baby kicks daddy loads too, is lovely 💜


Oh I loved the kicks just not right near my bladder when I couldn't get to a bathroom! I tried to get pregnant starting at almost 41 years old knowing I'd be a high risk pregnancy. I know of many who judge women like me for "putting our careers first" etc (not why I waited, at all). That's all I meant. I get it. I felt really really judgey the other day when an extremely intelligent and highly educated mom I know posted a photo of her 7 year old riding in a shopping cart full of items all near and over his body.

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