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Alright, this has probably been asked a hundred times, but I'm gonna go ahead and ask for help. There's this girl in my Gym class who I am attracted to, and I think she's attracted to me as well. The problem is that everytime I think about going to talk to her, I don't know what to say. She's basically the only person that I can't talk to because of the attraction. I feel the "chemistry" with her, yet I have never talked to her. I am just wondering how I should ask her if she has a boyfriend and if she'd like to hang out without seeming desperate or annoying.

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Gym class? This is so easy. Just get on her team, and then talk about the sport you are playing, I mean, give her tips and talk like in a team like manner. Ice breaker is so easy here. After that, you should feel like you have the right to talk to her and go ahead with that. After the class you know. Also, saying hi to her in the halls and stuff is perfectly not awkward thing to do. So do that. Just keep talking to her about activity related things and then when you get the chance like after class go in to something else if the topic seems good enough.

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Baby steps on this one.


start by when you see her in the hall, smile and say hi____ (insert name). Then during gym class try catching her standing alone and honestly say,


"I think you're the only one in this gym class I really havent gotten to talk to yet."


She'll say something and ask her for her number. Then, since it is gym class, you have an excuse to not continue the conversation but rather go back to participating.


This also gives you the chance to think about first what you want to say to her. Write it down.


The other advice given is also good. But no matter what...


follow your heart. run to her lad for she is waiting!


Yes, I am weird. I'll shut up now.



Alright, this has probably been asked a hundred times, but I'm gonna go ahead and ask for help. There's this girl in my Gym class who I am attracted to, and I think she's attracted to me as well. The problem is that everytime I think about going to talk to her, I don't know what to say. She's basically the only person that I can't talk to because of the attraction. I feel the "chemistry" with her, yet I have never talked to her. I am just wondering how I should ask her if she has a boyfriend and if she'd like to hang out without seeming desperate or annoying.
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Uhh..How would I start up a conversation with her in the Hallway when she's alone and on her way to class? She's usually with her friends in Gym class and I don't want to embarrass her or me..


Say something like:


"Hey, you're in 's gym class aren't ya? (wait for response) My name is . You look like an Ashley.... am I correct? (you're supposed to guess to be funny)."


Once she says her name, say something like "Well nice to meet you, ." (being a gentleman is always nice).


From there you can take it. This is becoming a script.. which it shouldn't be. More or less a guide. Don't come off as rehearsed! (kind of contradicting what I am telling you).


The less you THINK about what you're doing and just go with the flow, the easier it will be for you.


Good luck!

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Oh yeah, a tip when introducing yourself, try to be funny, so she remembers your impression and name!! Otherwise when you take a break for a few weeks she will forget it if you don't make her laugh at least..or unless she has good memory and remembers you.

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