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No, no, no.


She'll hit you up for money the minute you agree to be "friends". After all, friends help each other out, right? Except, you won't be doing it to be "friendly". You'll be trying to buy her love.


Just like however many other men she has tricked into giving her money.


Please stop all the self-torture...the Instagram viewing, the email tracker. And please consider therapy. I worry about how present and effective a parent you can be when you're so obviously emotionally consumed by this scam artist.


Want to hear a sad story? I was dating someone who treated me poorly. He'd announced he was moving his ex into his house because she got kicked out of her home and had nowhere to go. He asked me to stay away while she was living there because it would be "awkward" for him. That same night my kids excitedly announced they wanted to take me out to dinner. They'd saved their allowances and wanted to treat Mom to dinner. Well, I couldn't even eat my burrito because I was so consumed with sadness over that stupid guy! To this day I'm furious that I allowed myself to let that idiot ruin the dinner my kids had been so proud and excited to buy me. Never again.


Please don't make the same mistake.

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I am thinking about emailing her and accept being her friend, so at least I can know how she is doing:( The no contact is killing me. I think maybe if I can at least talk to her maybe I can build her attraction for me again. I miss her so much...
I think that the only reason you need to contact her is to ask for your money back. Her response to that will help you to move on from your obsession to her.


Don't let her hold your personal power in her hand for a minute longer. Time to face reality and stop giving so much importance to a woman that more likely than not, went out of her way to tell you the things you needed to hear and what she knew you wanted to hear in order to get money sent to her that she probably did nothing with but put in her own bank account or under her mattress for that matter.


Did she ever show you any receipts for any of the things she needed to pay for in order to get her visa to come to you?


I'm very sorry that you're feeling the way you do and I hope that you get the strength to stop idolizing her and instead get to the stage of anger so that you can move on from the stage of denial. You don't need to keep her in your life for a lifetime of crumbs that do nothing to help you move on from her. Do yourself a favor and don't consider no contact as killing you but rather the exercises you need to go through in order to walk again as if you just had a knee replacement... painful at first but help you to fully recover as quickly as possible.

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