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He came inside me unexpectedly


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Ever hear of precum? look it up. The pull out method can still get you pregnant hun. please get some proper counseling from a healthcare professional about birth control/protection/STDs.


^This. Also, you can feel upset but do you have cause? Not really. I mean when you have sex, this kind of stuff happens. You cannot realistically expect a guy to be in such absolute robot like control at all times that accidents never happen. Unfortunately, if you don't use condoms properly and you are not on BC properly, then "whoops" is how pregnancies happen. Good that you took plan B. It is effective and chances of you getting prego despite that are very slim.


Rather than trying to blame him, this would be a good time for you to get educated, learn your lesson and have a conversation about how to use various birth control forms better so you don't have to deal with what you are dealing with right now in the future.


Overall understand that any time you have sex with a guy, the possibility of getting pregnant is there, so be sure you both can handle the consequences. It's just a risk you are taking. Even if you were on full time pill, still there is a chance of failure. Again, please get educated and rethink what you do in the bedroom and how.

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You have been playing with fire and now you could be burnt. What I don't understand is why you didn't go straight to the chemist or GP or whatever route you need in your country to get the morning after pill? Twice in my life there have been occasions where a condom has fallen off and I wasn't prepared to risk getting pregnant, so that's what I did to be on the safe side.

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