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People need to learn to use paragraphs and formatting.


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The posts on this forum are often very long, because relationships can be a very complex subject where context is important. Thus it is sometimes unavoidable to write a very long post.


However, lots of people tell their story in one giant wall of text. I do not know how other people manage to read those. If I see one giant blob of text, I click away. Organize your thoughts, tell your story in digestible stages so the message can be understood without a huge effort.

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Yep, just don't read those. They tend to be copy/pasted and spattered on every imaginable forum from reddit, quora etc and are almost always one-and-done posts. They are not looking for answers/discussion and more or less want to just put it out there in a survey-like fashion. You can report those, but usually the editing feature has expired by then. People who post like this really don't want answers/help, so don't bother.

lots of people tell their story in one giant wall of text. I do not know how other people manage to read those. If I see one giant blob of text, I click away. Organize your thoughts, tell your story in digestible stages so the message can be understood without a huge effort.
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I'm new today, to this site. I just wanted to say I totally understand the frustration with non-paragraph formatting, however I know that I just posted my first advice request and its long and I didnt think to put paragraphs, because it was difficult enough trying to organize my thoughts and clearly portray the situation. But its genuine and I'll be active on it, as well as hoping for answers or advice. Also my apology in the beginning for it being long is genuine, as I want it to be as fair, and clear as possible. I'm not taking this thread personal. Just wanted to give some insight into the person who unintentionally frustrates with those errors. Or at least myself

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I'm new today, to this site. I just wanted to say I totally understand the frustration with non-paragraph formatting, however I know that I just posted my first advice request and its long and I didnt think to put paragraphs, because it was difficult enough trying to organize my thoughts and clearly portray the situation. But its genuine and I'll be active on it, as well as hoping for answers or advice. Also my apology in the beginning for it being long is genuine, as I want it to be as fair, and clear as possible. I'm not taking this thread personal. Just wanted to give some insight into the person who unintentionally frustrates with those errors. Or at least myself


Thanks for clarifying. I'm sure someone will be on it shortly.

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I'm not taking this thread personal. Just wanted to give some insight into the person who unintentionally frustrates with those errors.


Good for you Adoormat! :) I’m sure it’s never done to intentionally frustrate.


I must admit, though, I am someone who tends to shy away from long posts, especially those with no paragraphs. Mainly because I find them too hard to read. If you want more people to respond, it is definitely better to keep your post as short as possible and as clear as possible.

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I totally understand.

I think my thread is in administration hands right now being approved. Not sure how long that takes. I read this post and so I want to repost it with these edits so people dont shy away from it. It's probably lengthy but I definitely gave the short version haha.

Will I be able to edit once posted or should I delete and repost?

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They have short window of time to edit it and break it up into paragraphs. There are several of us who will try to jump in a advise them to so, asap. That's IF they want someone to actually read it. For the most part it works. Not always, but often.

If you see it, tell them.

I personally won't read a giant wall of text and will pass it by.

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Also the thing is once you get above 40/45 in age it is impossible to read a giant wall of text . Your eyes simply won’t allow for it . Even with progressive lenses I can’t do it . I may want to read the post but I can’t . People need to be aware not everybody is 25.

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Yes. I think that is my problem too!


Also the thing is once you get above 40/45 in age it is impossible to read a giant wall of text . Your eyes simply won’t allow for it . Even with progressive lenses I can’t do it . I may want to read the post but I can’t . People need to be aware not everybody is 25.
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It's just that these are almost always the one-and-done ones. Additionally no one wants to read a tome of mostly irrelevant excessive details. A simple synopsis and question suffices, details can be discussed as responses come in. There appears to be no word limit, but even if there were often they will post sequential posts with more and more excess details including entire text dialogues, etc. Keep in mind some posters email/share threads to prove a point to whoever they are asking about.

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I’ve noticed it as well Wiseman. The people who post novels, never come back! I remember when I first started on this forum and I made the mistake of reading the large wall of text and responding to each and every one of them. Of course the poster was M.I.A. at that time.

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Hey there,


Bit late to this, but I recently learnt that this is actual one of the forum rules:


6. Please post in letter style. Use paragraphs, punctuation, and capital letters appropriately. Netspeak and shortcutting (b4, str8, etc) are difficult to read and not permitted in posts.


Of course, it's probably a bit OTT to report a post for it, but that doesn't mean it isn't tempting sometimes...



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  • 3 weeks later...

i really dont see the reason for anything like that because you know its like its just you are thinking and then a thought comes so you write it and that should be easy to do but sometimes people get confused and its easy to forget that we are all in this together and trying to be the best self we can be but then life happens and you ask yourself if that is what it really all means because you know how do you know when that is so how does that even happen when all that time you were thinking you were on the same page but then really everyone has their own page so what does it all matter in the end?

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