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Did I Ruin Everything By Blowing Up His Phone After We Had Sex?


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I don’t think we’re being played. It just doesn’t make sense to us because it’s above our heads.


We all know what the right thing is to do here, which is to cut ties with him, and ThatGirl knows this, too.


But until OP pulls the plug on the relationship, and gets to the bottom of why she’s so attached to a man who adds no value to her life by speaking with a therapist, there really isn’t much more we can do here on ENA other than to keep encouraging her to do same.


ThatGirl, it’s easy for all of us to sit here and advise you on what you should be doing. The fact of the matter is, I believe you know what you should be doing, too. So if you want to change your life for the better, you’ll have to make these changes on your own because no one can do it for you.


Gotta put the wheels in motion.

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I have asked her twice what qualities he brings, as well as him being a father if they have children, she has not answered. i have also asked about the robbery, and have not gotten the story. Things are coming in bits and pieces, this is why i do not think it is legitimate.

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I'm sorry, but what part of "pleads guilty to robbery" and beats you and has a restraining order do you find attractive? If that's your thing, then go for it. But if you have even one ounce of respect for yourself, the haul ass as fast as you can.


Why do you think you are so worthless? Why do you have so many excuses? Are you capable of having your own thoughts?


You are a victim of abuse. It is a nasty, nasty cycle. But you are not a victim of that cycle. YOU can choose to end it.

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Charles Manson, Richard Ramirez and Ted Bundy all had groupies. But this loser is no high profile serial killer, just a drug using run of the mill punk..

I'm sorry, but what part of "pleads guilty to robbery" and beats you and has a restraining order do you find attractive?
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I'm sorry, but what part of "pleads guilty to robbery" and beats you and has a restraining order do you find attractive? If that's your thing, then go for it. But if you have even one ounce of respect for yourself, the haul ass as fast as you can.


Why do you think you are so worthless? Why do you have so many excuses? Are you capable of having your own thoughts?


You are a victim of abuse. It is a nasty, nasty cycle. But you are not a victim of that cycle. YOU can choose to end it.


I don't know. Honestly, I just feel really brainwashed. It's like I'm back in that abuse relationship cycle mindset again. I can tell. I'm picking my skin, I'm more depressed, more anxious, more paranoid, and more on edge. Things I hadn't felt when we weren't speaking for a month.

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I don't know. Honestly, I just feel really brainwashed. It's like I'm back in that abuse relationship cycle mindset again. I can tell. I'm picking my skin, I'm more depressed, more anxious, more paranoid, and more on edge. Things I hadn't felt when we weren't speaking for a month.


You are definitely brainwashed. And it's not "like" you are in that mindset. You ARE in that mindset.


Honestly, I think you could benefit from checking yourself in to a psychiatric inpatient facility for a bit. You are not crazy. But you are describing some alarming behaviors and sound like you need INTENSIVE therapy.

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You are definitely brainwashed. And it's not "like" you are in that mindset. You ARE in that mindset.


Honestly, I think you could benefit from checking yourself in to a psychiatric inpatient facility for a bit. You are not crazy. But you are describing some alarming behaviors and sound like you need INTENSIVE therapy.


I don't have the money or insurance for that. Therapy is included in my tuition so I do plan on taking advantage of that when I go back to school in the fall.

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I don't know. Honestly, I just feel really brainwashed. It's like I'm back in that abuse relationship cycle mindset again. I can tell. I'm picking my skin, I'm more depressed, more anxious, more paranoid, and more on edge. Things I hadn't felt when we weren't speaking for a month.


But, you said he made you happy when together. Is this what your happy looks like?

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No. I don't feel happy. I feel scared and desperate.


Then stop making excuses for him and telling us what a great guy he is, and block him. If he reaches out report him for violating the order. Get on the phone and find a free support group! Take some action!


Isn't it time you helped yourself!


You also need to tell your family that you have been meeting up with him

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Then stop making excuses for him and telling us what a great guy he is, and block him. If he reaches out report him for violating the order. Get on the phone and find a free support group! Take some action!


Isn't it time you helped yourself!


You also need to tell your family that you have been meeting up with him


Only my mom knows we met up. And of course she was extremely upset. I know, this can't go on anymore, it's really not healthy, and it's tearing me apart inside.

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Interesting. That kind of does sound like me. But, he wasn't always this awful to me. Really. He wasn't.


You should have bolted when you knew he was stealing. Why wasn't that enough? Did the robbery come before or after the physical abuse?


Why are your standards so low. You are in school and have a future. He has an unpredictable job with no benefits, is a felon and a thief. How was this appealing? He is also playing with the law again, by breaking the restraining order- which you allowed- and contacting underage girls. How was this excused away for you. No one can talk that smoothly.


If you do not take this seriously, you will end up dead!

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You should have bolted when you knew he was stealing. Why wasn't that enough? Did the robbery come before or after the physical abuse?


Why are your standards so low. You are in school and have a future. He has an unpredictable job with no benefits, is a felon and a thief. How was this appealing? He is also playing with the law again, by breaking the restraining order- which you allowed- and contacting underage girls. How was this excused away for you. No one can talk that smoothly.


If you do not take this seriously, you will end up dead!


Because I love him I guess. Am I supposed to just walk away and act like I don't love him at all?

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Because I love him I guess. Am I supposed to just walk away and act like I don't love him at all?


You need to love yourself more. You can still love him or parts of him and recognize that he is not good for you.

Besides no one is all bad, but this one is definitely bad enough.

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Because I love him I guess. Am I supposed to just walk away and act like I don't love him at all?


You are supposed to call the abuse hotline or seek out some resources. You can't do it on your own, but yes, you are supposed to walk away. Whether you love him or not. The same way someone who is addicted to heroin would need help to get off of it.

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