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Did I Ruin Everything By Blowing Up His Phone After We Had Sex?


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Drug addict, beats and strangles you, is a felon, messages underage girls...but you have a "wonderful connection" so none of that matters????



So great, that he screws her and then tells her to f off when she tries to reach out to him. What a prince.

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I'm not sure if you realize you are gambling with your own future and life by associating with this guy. If you haven't been told already, by the cops, to stay away and that you are messing up big time and taking yourself straight to loserville or a grave right along with him?


What are your personal values, who do you want to be in this life? Because right now you are saying to the world that you are fine with beaters, thieves, and liars. And decent people are going to stay far away from you because of your complicity with criminality.


How am I gambling my life away? He's changed. He told me has changed from therapy.

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No. Just haven't found one that understands abusive relationships.


Why haven't you contacted an abuse hotline. They give referrals. There are also many support groups. I don't think you have sought help. as there are many resources .

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Either you are trolling or you believe the rehab rap of how changed they are. How often has he been arrested? Does he provide you with drugs/money? Are you a run away? There's a reason you're in this and it's not good.

He told me has changed from therapy.
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No. Just haven't found one that understands abusive relationships.


People in abusive relationships are advised to leave. You don't want to listen to logic or reason. You just want someone to assure you that yes, he has changed!!! And you two will be perfectly happy together after he gets out of prison!!! And never mind that your family (rightfully) hates him, they just don't understand that he's CHANGED!!!


Except he hasn't. Didn't he tell you to f off and leave him alone after using you for sex and to make him look good in court? Hasn't he blocked you from contacting him?

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How am I gambling my life away? He's changed. He told me has changed from therapy.


Yet, just the other day, he was in contact with an underage girl. He has also been violating the order. He also used you for sex with you, and told you to f off and leave him alone. Does;t sound like anything has changed. And, YOU are taking his word for this?!


Change for this type of behavior takes years, not a couple of months. Also, it is not only one issue, it is his entire character, OP, this guy is a real POS. I do not understand why you ever got involved with such a low life. Do you always date losers?

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Either you are trolling or you believe the rehab rap of how changed they are. How often has he been arrested? Does he provide you with drugs/money? Are you a run away? There's a reason you're in this and it's not good.


This is the first time he has been arrested. I am not a runaway. I am a college student who is returning in the fall. No, he doesn't give me drugs or money. I'm just in love with him I guess.

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People in abusive relationships are advised to leave. You don't want to listen to logic or reason. You just want someone to assure you that yes, he has changed!!! And you two will be perfectly happy together after he gets out of prison!!! And never mind that your family (rightfully) hates him, they just don't understand that he's CHANGED!!!


Except he hasn't. Didn't he tell you to f off and leave him alone after using you for sex and to make him look good in court? Hasn't he blocked you from contacting him?


Yeah. He did tell me to chill the out because he was napping when I messaged him and then called me a psycho.

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Yet, just the other day, he was in contact with an underage girl. He has also been violating the order. He also used you for sex with you, and told you to f off and leave him alone. Does;t sound like anything has changed. And, YOU are taking his word for this?!


Change for this type of behavior takes years, not a couple of months. Also, it is not only one issue, it is his entire character, OP, this guy is a real POS. I do not understand why you ever got involved with such a low life. Do you always date losers?


No. He was my first serious boyfriend.

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What qualities do you respect about him? How does he enhance your life? What do your friends think of him?


None of my friends like him. He's very charming, funny, can be really sweet, and can make me feel really good about myself, he makes me feel idk special. He has a good work ethic, is very smart.

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None of my friends like him. He's very charming, funny, can be really sweet, and can make me feel really good about myself, he makes me feel idk special. He has a good work ethic, is very smart.


Work ethic is the only quality on your list. he has a good work ethic yet he steals on a regular basis and robs a liquor store. That doesn't make any sense.


You feel good when he beats you and tells you to f off and that you are psycho .


Maybe, I should say values?


No one can be this naive.


If he is so smart, then why is his life in the toilet? he sounds like an idiot.

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None of my friends like him. He's very charming, funny, can be really sweet, and can make me feel really good about myself, he makes me feel idk special. He has a good work ethic, is very smart.


Sweetie, you don't honestly believe someone who justifies stealing has a good work ethic, do you?

Because I'm wondering now if you understand right from wrong.


It was very foolish to speak to him and go to the hotel after a restraining order was placed. Next time you really need help, you may not be taken seriously. Those orders aren't to be changed on whim; it is there to protect you.


Unfortunately no one can protect you from yourself if you choose this self destructive route. It's too bad you do not see how serious it is.

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"Why is this okay? Is it okay if he murders someone?


And these are qualities you want in a partner? If you got pregnant, you would want this type of influence around your children - a man who is a felon, abuser, disrespectful, attracted to young girls, and someone who will be in and out of prison? This is a great role model and partner material. "

You did not answer this.

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