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the tech of controling your dreams, ever heard of it???

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ok my uncle told me about this guy he knew who bought a book on how to control your dreams. Like if he was falling he could stop it all and be somewhere else. I also read an article on this that actually told you steps you could teach yourself to take while in a dream to control where you are and what happens. Has anyone ever heard of this besides me? have you tried it? does it work?

just interested.



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Haha wow....weird someone besides me actually thought of this and posted it.


Umm yea I think its possible...I somewhat remember being able to control my dreams sometimes...but it's not in like a heavy dream state. What happens is like, instead of being lost in the dream, I wake up subconsciously and realize that I'm dreaming....but I'm still asleep...then I can control what is goin on....lots of fun!!! Hehe, yea I know, sounds a little bit weird, but I swear I remember doing it before...but only can do it sometimes. I dont know any 'steps' to doin it tho...sorry.

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I have heard about it before- my ex and his friend would talk about out of body experiences, and also controling their dreams. I am not too sure about it but here is a website;


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It's mainly about OOBE though.. not sure if I really believe what people are saying.

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I got really into the idea a while ago, read a bunch of articles and started trying it out --- and it worked. It was pretty crazy stuff. I'd be having a normal dream, but instead of feeling like I was watching it all happen, it was like living it, thinking it, being able to stop and think. It takes a bit to get in the right frame of mind before going to bed though.

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well I don't know a whole lot about dreams. But I do know that I can change my dream whenever I have a bad dream. Believe it or not I still have alot of nightmares and I'm 31.


The way I change them is that after I wake up with my heart in my throat from the bad dream is I concentrate on regulating my breathing and I think of someplace I'd like to be or something that I would like doing. I tell myself that that is what I will dream about and I do sometimes manage to change the theme of my dream so to speak.


just curious, how many of ya all have had dreams that later come true? That's happened to me about 6 times and it was all about bad things.

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i don;t think i would want to control my dreams. I think that everydream means something.


Yeah, I don't think I would want to either. Even the worst of the worst nightmares teach me something. They might keep me up for a couple of weeks and my scare the wits out of me, but I have them to help me deal.. so I can't imagine wanting to change that. .

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Yes, I have done it many times. When I was a young child I had reoccurring nightmares that were keeping me awake. I kept informing myself it was only a dream and that I had the power to control it, and what's cooler than being God in your own world.

In one dream, I was frightened of norman bates style nun in the basement ( i was also afraid of the basement) and in it I found myself physicallt pummeling this apparation which had been haunting me in previous nights. That was the first time. It was frightening but also quite exhilirating. In another dream I killed Jason Voryhees. In another I flew when I wanted too.

Part of it is having an unusual imagination. Part of it is starting out by consciously imagining yourself sleeping in bed and thinking "wow, I am actually sleeping in my bed right now) while you are still dreaming.

I am actually surprised more people can't do this or haven't tried.

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I have tried to do this before, without much sucess unfortunately, i would LOVE to be able to do it.


My ex gf did it every night, shes now 18 and has been doing it for a long time, needless to say shes got pretty damm good at it. I dont know what its like for anyone else, but her mind is so aware of whats going on, that something that couldnt happen in real life, wouldnt happen in her dream. This seems kind of boring somewhat, but really its not. Theres a story line, but you have control over it. She always starts out at her house, and she needs to journey to where she wants to go (aka if she wants to go to australia, she needs to drive or make her way to the airport, buy a ticket, hop on the plane and arrive in australia.

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I am telling you guys, it's a trip. You should try it. Keep telling yourself it's only a dream before you go to sleep. That's a good start. It is like riding a bicycle so you won't have to do that each and everytime. And I don't find most of my dreams enlightening anyway. What is so enlightening about being chased on a beach by a big lobster wearing underwear? Nothing. Well...Umm I don't eat lobster, but they aren't exactly scary or anything.

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