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My best friend and my ex

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[/b] Ok, this might seem sortof stupid for me to put this in here but im confused and sortof angry . While I was going out with my ex(who was of coarse my bf at the time) two of my best friends PROMISED!me that they would never ever go out with him if we broke up. And just about three months ago we broke up and my first best friend that promised me she would never go out with him started going out with him for about 2-3 weeks or more. And then they broke up, now my 2nd best friend isn't going out with him YET but she is very close, she flirts with him all the time and he flirts with her. They touch eachother in certain places and he grabs her butt and stuff like that, also she wrote him a note saying that if her and her recent boyfriend(that she is still going out with while doing all this stuff with my ex) ever broke up that she would go out with him, BUT FOR HIM NOT 2 TELL ME!! I dont think it is right. So I reminded her that she had promised me. And she goes "I know and I wont." But again behind my back tells him the same thing that she said in the note. And it sortof p!$$es me off . Because not as much as I used to, cause I am in love with my recent boyfriend that treats me SO MUCH better than he ever did, I still sortof have feelings for him... Is this a bad thing? And how do I explain to my best friend without her telling him or my recent boyfriend??

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You friend should have respected your wishes for them not to go out with your ex- it's violation of the friend 12345 code. Kidding, but seriously I don't think you can really get mad at them. Let them know that they are breaking a promise to you , and that you don't want them to see him- but who cares now? You have a great boyfriend. They are gonna do what they want either way.

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it's violation of the friend 12345 code.


Good one Kskm!


Starbubblez, you're feelings are normal. Unfortunately, you can't control what other people do. If your friends are gonna break promises to you and date your ex anyway, then the best thing for you to do is to ignore it. Pretend he's yesterday's leftovers and they're a bunch of alley cats fighting over the scraps. I know it's hard, but if you blowup and nag everybody you're just going to end up looking like a fool to your ex, "best friends", and your new bf.


If you read these boards a little, you'll notice a lot of folks much older than you drive themselves crazy by focusing on what they can't have or can't control. Do yourself a favor and skip the drama. Have fun with your new bf and make some new friends. The best cure for jealousy is to live a fun, interesting life! 8)

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