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Life in the Driver’s Seat (extended)


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We are slowly moving our way through this move and I mean SLOWLY. Without a doubt this is one of the worst moves of my life . The packers just threw things in boxes and mislabeled a lot . One issue about moving during Covid and the fact that the country is still handing out money hand over fist to people sitting at home on their a$$ means that there are very few packers and movers and truck drivers etc. Almost any sector is screaming for workers. 
So anyone working is so over worked and stressed and slammed through jobs as fast as they can go no matter how it turns out . As an example I had a box labeled master bedroom pillows and it was a junk drawer dumped in a box , literally. 

Getting services here was IMPOSSIBLE. Rogers has an absolute monopoly on the base and housing makes it almost impossible to get anything else because they won’t approve any argumentation to the house. But ANYWAY, I order Bell wireless internet and satellite TV which are the only Bell services you can get on the base. Whelp, the appointment time window was 8-5 and dude rolls up at 3:46 and wonders if I can ask housing for approval to put the dishes on the roof . When he knows from past experience that is a no go. So then he tells me you have to get a metal pole you can’t use the laundry line. The pole has  to be in concrete 4 feet into the ground , you have to  dig a trench through your lawn so they can bury the lines so that you don’t cut it with your lawnmower and blah blah blah. UMMMM so what exactly are you for??? I see technicians do nothing anymore. So I know my husband is not going to go for that. So for an entire week we had no TV and Internet. My son was almost literally ready to kill himself due to the size of the house and no services. So we HAD to go with Rogers. 

Rogers mails out the boxes and it says oh yeah takes 15 minutes to set up . Yeah right ,when your connection to the house is working! So after their boxes come they have to send a technician out to find out that there are loose wires in the house to their services. 😵💫😵💫😵💫😵💫😵💫


We put up our second metal shed and literally an hour and hustled all the spare boxes out of the house so that I can start setting up better. but there are literally absolutely literally 200 boxes out there in both sheds. At one point I had 20 plastic totes out in the rain for three days. I’ve had to toss furniture outside that literally don’t fit in the house. That is now all water damaged. 

BUT , I can sleep in my bed and have 2 functioning bathrooms, AC and can get to my fridge and stove. I can sit on my sofa and watch TV. 

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My mom was married in 1965 and by 1967 she had left my dad the first time. She went back in 1969 and she was gone again in 1973. She went back in 1981 only because he kidnapped me and my brother. She left again in 1983 and he followed us to our new province. And she made him leave for good in 1990. 

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Today is Military Family Appreciation Day

For Military Family Appreciation Day 

A personal reflection : 

Feeling much more calm this morning and slept well. I woke up with no headache or anxiety this morning. Might be the beginning of settling into our new home. Still a lot to do but the anxiety is lifting. 

Being a military family is hard. You have to upend your life on the military’s schedule . Leave family and friends and people behind. It is a tough life for all concerned. When I was a child and a very young adult it is not something I would have considered. I knew I had a deep love for Canada as the best place on Earth. I had travelled the country so widely as a child. I knew my family’s connections with the military. 

It didn’t become a consideration until I met R in the late 80’s. The military was the love of his life, his reason for happiness and acceptance and where he could thrive. I saw how civilian life didn’t really work for him. He needed the structure the military provided and it was everything he had always dreamed of. We had/ have spent months and months and years apart . When we only had letters it was so lonely. It was better with advances in technology but of course not the same as when we were together . 

Our son grew up without his dad as a big part of his life from the age of 8 until he was 15. They missed so much together. Thankfully their relationship rebounded and now is tight. 

Having your partner gone for the better part of 5 or more years but for some weekends isn’t good for marriages . We clung to each other and muddled through. 

It is getting close to 33 years with this man as a gf and later a wife. Since I was 22 the military has been  a feature in our life . The next 7 years ( or more if he chooses to extend which he seems happy to do)of being a military family are unknown to us, but here’s to hoping they are good and Canada remembers the sacrifice of its military and their families.

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On 9/8/2021 at 6:53 AM, Seraphim said:

We made it through the night. All our stuff got inside our new house literally as the first rain drops fell. We had rotation but it didn’t amount to much . But this picture is up near my cousins. 


Wow! Fierce looking storm! Great shot though.

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