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Life in the Driver’s Seat (extended)


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We got home an hour and a half ago thankfully. Going to bed very soon and back with my cats. Unfortunately, when we left home some one had turned the heat off before we left because it was about 5 C. The house was 10 C when we got home and poor kitties must have been frozen. Heat is on now and almost 20C inside now . 

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My gift from hubby. Diamond studs , with princess cut diamonds, from the first Canadian diamond mine . It is located in The NorthWest Territories, the Ekati Diamond Mine . The actual diamonds are inscribed with a number identifying them as Canadian diamonds from that mine . 


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7 hours ago, boltnrun said:

I know about ten people who have had Covid in the past six weeks or so. It definitely is not "gone".

I also have family members who are sick. Hopefully they all recover soon. 

I know many as well who have it right now . It is still going around for sure . 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻For everyone to get well. 

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Going to the nation’s capital today. It is about 1 hour and 20 minutes from us . It has been about 6 C and foggy and raining for a week and a half sooooooo annoying. Today it is -10C and the miserable fog is gone and the snow will resume. Thank goodness! I hate rain with a passion. 

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1 minute ago, Seraphim said:

Going to the nation’s capital today. It is about 1 hour and 20 minutes from us . It has been about 6 C and foggy and raining for a week and a half sooooooo annoying. Today it is -10C and the miserable fog is gone and the snow will resume. Thank goodness! I hate rain with a passion. 

I hate cold rain.  We had that -not too much -during our recent trip out west.

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11 minutes ago, Batya33 said:

I hate cold rain.  We had that -not too much -during our recent trip out west.

Yeah, I lived in Vancouver, BC when I was a kid and the rain was ridiculous. But the clouds have to drop all the rain to pass over the costal mountains and then the Rockies.  So Vancouver it rains A LOT. Part of BC even has a rainforest! 

This weather pattern was stalled over the province for ages and it was no white Christmas for us because of El Niño. 

Thank goodness the cold air has returned. The province has been hit hard with Covid and influenza and gastro and pneumonia. We have been so lucky and remained healthy. 

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15 minutes ago, Batya33 said:

I was in Vancouver once.  Mid September 2005. I flew on Sept. 11.  I LOVED it - biked in Stanley park and had awesome seafood too. Was there on business.  

I spent a lot of time in Stanley Park and the various beaches. My brother spread our father’s ashes on Third Beach, the beaches there were my dad’s fav place in the world. So my brother flew his ashes across the country and spread them there, well half of them. The other half are buried with his parents. 

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6 minutes ago, Seraphim said:

I spent a lot of time in Stanley Park and the various beaches. My brother spread our father’s ashes on Third Beach, the beaches there were my dad’s fav place in the world. So my brother flew his ashes across the country and spread them there, well half of them. The other half are buried with his parents. 


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I had planned to take a trip to Vancouver and specifically wanted to visit Stanley Park.  Then Covid happened.  And of course I'm not traveling via airplane now because I don't feel safe.  Someday I'll make that trip, when Covid is more under control.  I understand it's beautiful!

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23 minutes ago, boltnrun said:

I had planned to take a trip to Vancouver and specifically wanted to visit Stanley Park.  Then Covid happened.  And of course I'm not traveling via airplane now because I don't feel safe.  Someday I'll make that trip, when Covid is more under control.  I understand it's beautiful!

BC is one of the most beautiful places on Earth for sure but you better love rain. I lived there from 1971-1975, 1980-1983. 

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Seeing as we will be moving again I asked my husband and son where they feel they are from. They mentioned where they were little kids is where they are from . My husband never  moved from his little village until he was an adult. Where he is from is so small there was no school even. He had to be bused to the next city . 

My son was born in a major city and lived there until he was almost 13. 

I was raised everywhere, East, West, major cities and tiny hamlets.  So when people ask me where I am from I never know what to say . I am a child of everywhere. I am very lucky to have experienced so much of Canada. 

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Yesterday when we got home we were so tired our legs barely got us to the house . This travelling around to everyone is getting too much . We are utterly exhausted and have bags under our eyes from not sleeping too well in hotels all over the place . So glad to be home . 

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On 12/26/2023 at 1:44 PM, Seraphim said:

Christmas was a firecracker for the first time ever as an adult I had a yelling match with my brother. Of course my mom takes his side and isn’t talking to me and said thanks for ruining  her  Christmas. And then expects me to leave all my food for my step sister to come today because she is too tired and broken to go to the store . 🙄🙄🙄😒😒😒So some how it is ok to not talk to me and blame me but need all my food . 

More about it later as we are at my MIL’s. Just suffice it to say my brother and his gf can’t mind their business and decided to be pushy. 

I figured out what contributed to this . I had inadvertently taken myself off caffeine. I can’t drink diet Pepsi anymore because it makes me feel like I’m going to vomit due to my new medication so I started drinking diet Gingerale. My mom had told me oh yeah, all pop has caffeine but root beer so I listen to the woman who has never looked it up and found out no Gingerale does not have caffeine. I wondered why I was in such a horrible mood with headaches and nightmares. That is why. So I will have one bottle of Diet Pepsi at lunch time which should avert the crazy. 

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18 minutes ago, Seraphim said:

Yesterday when we got home we were so tired our legs barely got us to the house . This travelling around to everyone is getting too much . We are utterly exhausted and have bags under our eyes from not sleeping too well in hotels all over the place . So glad to be home . 

We stayed in 6 hotels in 9 days for our trip.  I feel you. I had to skip some coffee on our trip.  I quit soda/diet soda many years ago - I was a tab and diet coke fiend for years.  Do you drink coffee or tea as far as caffeine withdrawal?

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1 minute ago, Batya33 said:

We stayed in 6 hotels in 9 days for our trip.  I feel you.

Yeah, it is getting too much combined in with new medication and holiday stress and my brother’s gf being pushy etc , no sleep and no caffeine. It all just did me in . 

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I am not normally that unruly and angry . As I said I have never had a fight with my brother in almost 40 years of being an adult . We are always kind and loving to each other . We may not see each other that often, but we do love each other and are kind to each other. So that was totally uncharacteristic. I think it was all too much on my body and brain and I didn’t have the restraint and patience I usually have . 

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