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not reay for serious rship? mean he dont care?


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Is it possible to be v hapy in a rship for 12 months but then also scared to get into a serious rship?


my ex broke up with me cos he isnt ready for the full on serious rship steps.


It is myexs first relationship, he has a HUGE hard time in past suffering depression, he says it gets to point where he doesnt even know how to say how hes feeling or what hes feeling ( i know this is true, from his friends tellling me etc)


he tried v hard to open up to me about his depression ( when he was in it, which was here n there but no v often maybe twice in rship) and another time when we had a fight ( i started it over something very small, pms i thinnk) he wrote out his feelings for me to read as he could just not say them. he tried v hard, and i saw how hard it was for him ( sometimes he cried and when he did it was hard core)


he had low self esteem and has to be studing this and doing this to feel as though hes worth something which sometimes left alot less time for us. but we did still make time for one another.


he broke up with me, bawled his eyes out, said it was cos he isnt ready for serious rship, then he said he didnt know if he was completely in love yet but knew he def wasnt ready to be yet.



im more then happy to set him free, weve been broken up 3 months and ive never begged him back , pleaded or demanded explanations, nor have i called him unless hes called me ( he does about once a month alongside few emails) but i just wanna know if this is possible? i adore him so much because he has never been dishonest, never hurt me, always loved me in such an amazing way, and we were v good friends alongside our bf gf rship.


is this at all possible?


can you be happy in rship or happy with that person but just not be ready? does this mean he doesnt love me?

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it sounds like your bf is very depressed and doesn't even love his self that much which probably makes it hard for him to love someone else. he sounds very unhappy. he needs to become happy with his self first in order to have a healthy relationship with someone.

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