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White noise machines and others


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Thank goodness it is over. I had to share a hotel room with two other women this weekend. One brought a white noise machine. She had it on “ static “ and super loud even after I had told her it kept me awake half the night . She suggested I get a “ sleep study” if I get woken up “ so easily. 🙄

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  • 2 weeks later...
Thank goodness it is over. I had to share a hotel room with two other women this weekend. One brought a white noise machine. She had it on “ static “ and super loud even after I had told her it kept me awake half the night . She suggested I get a “ sleep study” if I get woken up “ so easily. 🙄

Oh my! O.O Did you tell her that even a "sleet studier" would agree that her white noise machine would keep Sleeping Beauty awake?

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If you aren't used to it, of course it would bother anyone!

When my sons were in the late teen and early 20's, still at home, coming and going all hours of the night, I couldn't sleep for the life of me.

One hot summer I used a fan in my window at night. Well into winter I had that same fan, now on the floor on it's highest level to block out the clatter of 1a.m showers and patio doors sliding open and shut. I got used the noise and liked it.


At the same time I wouldn't expect anyone else to appreciate it. I'd be respectful and do without. Bringing it into a hotel room with 2 other people is just plain rude.

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I do listen to ASMR on my phone as I fall asleep. But it is basically someone whispering. It stops after 20 mins. But I wouldn’t play it if it annoyed the other person . But this was full on 90 decibel noise she had happening. Then she had the nerve to call me “ not social “ in the morning after she kept me up all night.


I do have problems with sociability in the morning and I will admit that . I like quiet. But I was fit to be tied. I wanted to strangle her.

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I'm shocked that she would just go ahead and turn that on without thinking of how it could affect someone who isn't used to hearing it all night long. Seems rather sel-absorbed of her. What a nightmare, I seriously think I would have just gone over and shut it off.

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I'm shocked that she would just go ahead and turn that on without thinking of how it could affect someone who isn't used to hearing it all night long. Seems rather sel-absorbed of her. What a nightmare, I seriously think I would have just gone over and shut it off.

I did turn it off. She woke up and turned it back on. 😳 I was ready to slap her head. Same woman.


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At first I thought this was about your husband, in which case I actually think sleep is one of the few things that should go without compromise and if it comes down to separate bedrooms should a partner need white noise, so be it.


But helping yourself to blasting your static in a room with two other all but strange women? I would have gotten all kinds of petty. Glad you got through it.

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This is one of the rudest things I've ever heard of an individual doing. To do something, in a room-sharing situation, that affects others, is highly selfish. When one person raises a question about it, and the person blatantly ignores it, that speaks of self-centeredness, in the truest sense of the word.


I just returned from a weekend group retreat, where I room-shared with 2 other women. I actually bed-shared with one of them! (king-sized bed). One of the women is a friend, the other is someone I barely now. All 3 of us were practically tiptoeing around the room, so as not to disturb each other, while getting along extremely well. When I couldn't sleep one night, but I wanted to look at my phone, I put it on the dimmest screen possible, and looked at it under the covers, keeping the room dark. When another had to use the restroom many times during the night, I could actually feel her literally tiptoeing, closing the door behind her so slowly, so as not to wake us.


Lesson learned for you: with this particular white noise machine woman.....never again.

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