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help me my world has bin torn apart

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hi,this is a long story so i'll cut it short. im 14 and i went out with a guy, mark, for 2months. last night he finished things with me,my world got torn apart and now the worst thing is i think i am pregant. what am i going to do as i dont know that i can tell him about the pregnancy and it wudnt get us bak 2getha so i dont know what id achieve. i want him back so badly pls help me!!

love kenza

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He is probably too young to understand your feelings. First of all, if he is 14 as well, he is probably just starting to feel his sexual side and wanting to meet other people. Its probably not a good idea to get too attached to someone at your age. Try to let him go and see other people. Have fun! He is! And as far as the baby, you need to talk to your parents about that. If you are indeed pregnant, you are going to need the support and guidance of your family. Also, dont think that having a baby as a way to win your boyfriend back. In fact, he would probably just push you farther away because he wont want to deal with the responsibility. A baby is a life long committment. He cant even commit to YOU for 2 months! Think about it! Sorry if my advice sucked, but I have been through your situations so many times! Good luck!

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Hi, it sounds like you have a really problem. If i was you i think you should go and see a doctor and see if anything can be done on the nhs, i.e. abortion or abortion pills if you dont want the baby. I would tell the father and see wot he has to say.


Here if you need to talk, email removed

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Go to the drug store and buy one of those ETP -- early preganancy tests, to check it out. Read all the instructions before you take it.


If it turns out that you are pregnant, or you get a positive on it, tell him before you do anything else. I feel that he has a right to know what is up and if he will have an offspring in this world...


If he tries to tell you to end the preganancy and that isn't what you want tell him that you'll have to tell your parents and then tell them.


Give it a month or two before you go around and tell people like your parents. You know that they don't want to know that their 14 year old daughter is sleeping with people.


If you aren't pregnant and he still wants to break up with you-- let him go and don't say another word, it will not be a good idea to use this to hold onto him if he doesn't want to stay. You will attract a lot more positve attention from people if you show yourself to be a little independent and work through your options on your own.

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Talk to a friend you can really truly trust or a counsellor you can trust. If you know your parents will not handle it well. Take the test and find out if you are pregnant or not. If you are not and you know that your parents wouldn't understand or freak really bad...and ask your friend or counsellor to come with you...and if you are not...they don't have to tell your parents. But if you are...you should tell them..you will need all the help you can get!


And btw...next time get birth control (either the pill, patch or shot...i recommend the shot...works the best and lasts for a while and you don't forget to take it) and make sure the guy wears a condom!!!! You should get a PAP test just in case to make sure you do not have any STDs.


Girl he is not worth going back to. I know you miss him...but you will heal in time...if you want to talk you can talk to me via yim or msn or e'mail...which ever you prefer!


i wish you luck! and take care of you!

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