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No oral, But there's love....alledgedly

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It all comes down to don't say things you don't mean. Who cares if she says I love you? If you don't love her- don't say it back. And the fact that you admit that you treat girls like crap is funny. Congrats on that one! Exactly what Dragon Girl said- What comes around goes around- And you will get yours. You treat people with the respect that you want back. I personally don't think you are mature enough to have a relationship for the simple fact that you admit to treat girls like crap and you lie about loving them. Don't flatter yourself

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im not even replying to your irrational posts any longer. but there was nothing rude in what i said about "what goes around comes around". expect the same actions you bestow onto other people to come back & kick you in the * oneday. and you not believeing that other people love you is a self esteem issue. dont let it effect the girls you meet by screwing them up in the head by saying you love them too when you dont!



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