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Is the alpha male thing true?


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I have been reading all kinds of seduction books and pages for almost a year now, but instead of this information helping me, it has made me tremendously insecure.


Some of the things I've learned:

- All women are genetically wired to mate with the dominant alpha male leader

-If you become friends with a woman first, the relationship can never turn romantic/sexual

-dating is a set of skills, it isn't about people finding partners, it is about generating this sexual attraction and chemistry.

-If a girl says she likes you, you shouldn't tell her you like her too, because you would ruin the attraction. Instead you should push her away and say "I know" to amplify the attraction.

-you shouldn't even go to "dates" (that's for beta male nice guy supplicators) unless you want to reward a girl you are already sleeping with

-women test men constantly to see if they can get the man to comply with them. If you comply then you lose your alpha status and sexual value and hence, can no longer have sex with them


This thing is quoted from link removed

"Nothing sexual happens between men and women unless the man can fire off a woman?s unconscious mating triggers. Nothing. From there her reactions towards you are guided more by deeply held instincts than any intellectual process. Some women are virtually helpless in the face of these powerful feelings and sensations."


To me these things sound stupid, but there are thousands of guys who promote the information found on these pages ( link removed link removed link removed for few )


I have never even kissed a girl so it's hard for me to have a realistic perspective on this. I can only trust the experiences guys. So on to the question, is this stuff really true or not?

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All true


If you become friends with a woman first, the relationship can never turn romantic/sexual


More than likely...but not 100% of the time. Depends on how much you flirt with her still.



If a girl says she likes you, you shouldn't tell her you like her too, because you would ruin the attraction. Instead you should push her away and say "I know" to amplify the attraction.




women test men constantly to see if they can get the man to comply with them. If you comply then you lose your alpha status and sexual value and hence


True, depending on how experienced the woman is with dating and guys.

You could have a girl that's totally into you and screw it up with one bad move that makes you look like less of a man...i.e. myself, not kissing the girl I went out with when I should have taken the chance.


What I like to read over and over again....ATTRACTION isn't a choice, its a gut feeling that no one can control.


A lot of stuff from that first site is true tho...I was always too nice.

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I am attracted to Alpha Males, because they exude confidence and independancy. If I told someone that I was interested that I like them and they said "I know" I would take that as "I know you like me and I wish you didn't because I don't like you".

I read all the time due to my schooling, a lot of philosophy and pyschology. In all books you have to take bits and pieces not the whole thing.

You are only 16- Just be yourself and everything will be fine.

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Youve got the wrong attitude man. Stop getting brainwashed by these dating sites. They are made to open up your mind. REAL experience comes from actually doing, in this case dating. There arent any rules. Dating is supposed to be a fun game, not a mission impossible. Until you get that in your head, you wont succeed with it.


PM me if you want advice.

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that is all total and complete bull. seriously. first of all, of course you have to be friends with someone before you form a romantic relationship with them. i wouldn't be able to go out with someone if i wasn't friends with them first!! also, if i told a guy i liked him, and he didn't say he liked me back, i wouldn't still chase him and be attracted to him!! i'd probably just be embarrassed and leave him alone after that.

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If you only follow the rules and never have any fun, you really wont find a mate that way either. Falling in love is about chemistry, but the hotter the chemistry, the more likely it is to wear off quickly.


Start with a lot of friends that are girls, be you around them, and see if they are attracted to you or not.


Inside we are all attractive, it is society that makes us behave in ugly ways!

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Umm, yeah, if you took more time to dig that stuff up, it says specifically (doubleyourdating) that you have to be an inbetween: Nice but not a girlie man..basically a gentleman, a jerk...but in terms of the jerk's confidence levels and stuff not his mean qualities and his arrogance, women hate arrogance!

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His age has nothing to do with it...he might have more experience than all of us for all we know. I know I'm not highly experienced...but ya know what....they DO work. I'm still myself, I'm not using those sites for just sex or playing with girls. I needed a bit of reality in my life tho...and that's what helped it. They are right, I hardly dated in HS b/c I was always too nice....my freshman year of college now...about to end...I've had more dates than all thru-out HS. Now you're right...college is bigger...more people...but that's not it... I went from rarely even being touched by a girl, to almost into a relationship...I'd say that's a nice step from just learning a few things about women/girls in general.


I don't abide by those sites, but the general psychology of them is very well thought out and ...works...b/c its more than likely true from what I've seen and experienced over the past year.

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Don't listen to any of that stuff, just listen to yourself and what your heart and concousness tells you is right. Everything you need to know, you already know.


. Using gimicks that tell you how to act may get you laid, but you'll never find much more with them. You're better off without them.


Precisely. If your in it just to date or find a sex partner, those tips are good. If you actually want something serious, avoid them like the plague.


but in terms of the jerk's confidence levels


Jerks actually have the least amount of confidence of anyone. They appear that way but in reality are masking their deep insecurities.


Alpha by definition means the first, leader of the pack. So how can someone be an alpha male if they are following the tips of some dating guide and doing what they are told will make them successful with girls? That's following the masses, not leading them. Blaze your own trial and do things your way. Thats being a true alpha male.

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Well that's why nice guys go with nice girls that can handle their emotional ***** lol.


Though, the Doubleyourdating thing says that you have to be an inbetween. But it says if you act like a jerk you can get the girl but it isn't going to last. Basically, you just have to read that and then get advice from a bunch of girls. Women are the direct source, they'll tell you what's right and wrong. Although not every one of them is going to be correct lol.


But if your not already an alpha and your trying to be, it isn't a big deal. I mean you will adapt to it. All you need to do is walk confidently, head tilted back a little bit, you know the rest of the stuff. Sure, your phony right now, but once it becomes what you are it's actually you. I went from a nice guy, to an alpha male....girls don't sense that I'm fake...if so I wouldn't have any girls that'd like me! So it works.


Basically, the DYD is 95% correct. The last 5% is the whole jerk thing. You have to be a nice guy, with "style". They should have just let me finish off the book lol, the style part is like you have to have the confident alpha male characteristics, not clingy, not insecure.


The whole thing that separates nice guy, from nice guy with style (what most girls want) is that the guy with style doesn't have the insecure characteristics like the nice guy does, and that he can tease girls and that he's confident. To sum up what the whole DYD is about, The author in the book is trying to say you have to be a bad *** on the outside, but a tender guy on the inside, get it?


(I'm not very good at explaining it...just sign up for the newsletter and read it. It talks about crap at first..but then it gets better after a week or 2.)

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I don't disagree at all what the first respondant mentioned. I've been observing human behavior like a maniac for a major part of my life, and to tell you the truth, I thought most of what's mentioned are what a genius would say.


I think they're not bad ideas, but it's not the whole picture to a fulfilling life. So that i would discredit what's mentioned in the first post, but will give credit to these two respondant.


two things i like about the respondant:


1. SisterLynch talking about not having any fun if we follow those rules


2. LastCynic

Using gimicks that tell you how to act may get you laid, but you'll never find much more with them. You're better off without them.


I agree to these two respondant in a way that these technique based method to treat a human being would be used against yourself in the end.


But i suggest you guys to be open to what genius has to say. Disagree later, but see it for yourself first.

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"that is all total and complete bull. seriously. first of all, of course you have to be friends with someone before you form a romantic relationship with them. i wouldn't be able to go out with someone if i wasn't friends with them first!! also, if i told a guy i liked him, and he didn't say he liked me back, i wouldn't still chase him and be attracted to him!! i'd probably just be embarrassed and leave him alone after that."


Very well said!



These techniques are nothing more than some smart guy trying to make some bucks using cheap pyschology. It's the Male "The Rules", that makes women play games with guys.


You know what? If a Rules girl meets a DYD guy they will basically never see each other, never talk about feelings and miss all that wonderful feeling that awashes you when you meet someone who rocks your boat anf it is RECIPROCAL. If you have fallen in love and the person fallen with you too you know what I am describing.


I am not advocating than men shoud be gooey in the beginning and tell the girl he loves her 10 times a day and call her every hour. You have to let feelings develop, and sometimes it takes time.


Use common sense. If you llike someone tell her. There are already too many women out there complaining about jerks; we don't need any more!!

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Look for all you nice guys and people who don't get it, your never going to get it, stop arguing we all look like a bunch of idiots arguing over this bs. If it works for you, great. And for those who understand the DYD and apply it good, it definitely works. So stop arguing, it's really pointless and getting nowhere. End of story.

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get advice from a bunch of girls. Women are the direct source, they'll tell you what's right and wrong.


Strange. You say this now yet everytime I say that I have gone directly to the source and that women almost always back up what I've been saying, I get told that girls are just saying that to be nice and only telling me what I want to hear. You can't possibly be telling me that all these girls are only trying to spare my feelings and that there all giving me wrong advice. That is what's always got me about this, when the majority of girls are giving the same advice that I give, who do you think should be listened to?


Sure, your phony right now, but once it becomes what you are it's actually you. I went from a nice guy, to an alpha male....girls don't sense that I'm fake...if so I wouldn't have any girls that'd like me! So it works.


If you have to be phony at all, is it really worth it? If you have to deny part of who you are in order to get something, do you really want it? You can't fake confidence, it's something you have to feel. If you try to fake it either you'll fail miserable because your not being you or it'll work but you'll always have a seed of doubt about whether you did the right thing. It isn't if girls sense that you are fake, its about you. People can lie about anything and others will believe it. But in the end it comes down to are ou satisfied with the choices you have made. That's why I think people have to individual evaluate who they are. Can you stand to be a so called "alpha male" or would you rather just be you? Is a number of dates worth it? Or is it better to wait for the one person who can see the real you without you having to fake anything or change I thing about you.


The whole thing that separates nice guy, from nice guy with style (what most girls want) is that the guy with style doesn't have the insecure characteristics like the nice guy does, and that he can tease girls and that he's confident. To sum up what the whole DYD is about, The author in the book is trying to say you have to be a bad *** on the outside, but a tender guy on the inside, get it?


What people still fail to realize is that nice guys don't have anymore insecurities then anyone else. We all have the same insecurites and fears. The nice guy is just more open and honest about it. He has enough confidence to be in touch with his feelings rather then deny them and give off phony appearances. Girls want a guy who is authentic and secure in themselves. A nice is those things.


Luciana, your whole post is great. Love it.

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Strange. You say this now yet everytime I say that I have gone directly to the source and that women almost always back up what I've been saying, I get told that girls are just saying that to be nice and only telling me what I want to hear. You can't possibly be telling me that all these girls are only trying to spare my feelings and that there all giving me wrong advice. That is what's always got me about this, when the majority of girls are giving the same advice that I give, who do you think should be listened to?
Because girls and a lot of people are brainwashed with that society bull.


If you have to be phony at all, is it really worth it? If you have to deny part of who you are in order to get something, do you really want it? You can't fake confidence, it's something you have to feel. If you try to fake it either you'll fail miserable because your not being you or it'll work but you'll always have a seed of doubt about whether you did the right thing. It isn't if girls sense that you are fake, its about you. People can lie about anything and others will believe it. But in the end it comes down to are ou satisfied with the choices you have made. That's why I think people have to individual evaluate who they are. Can you stand to be a so called "alpha male" or would you rather just be you? Is a number of dates worth it? Or is it better to wait for the one person who can see the real you without you having to fake anything or change I thing about you.


Yeah it's worth it. And overtime when you "fake" confidence, you get to feel it. If you stay positive and keep thinking your confident you will be. It's all about faith in yourself that you will. And overtime when your considered an alpha male, that becomes yourself. I wouldn't want to wait like you, and wait for someone all your life. That's like waiting for someone to give you the winning lottery ticket in the supermarket from out of nowhere lol. Plus, why wait for this one person? How boring. You have to have experience you know, and you have to figure out what you like! You never know what you hate or like in a person without "practicing" on it first.


And at the end there where your misinterpreting what I'm trying to say,and your basically describing a jerk, you don't get it. Arguing over this, is really stupid. No one cares, if it works fine stop whining about it. All I know, is that I've seen guys on here, and this one guy I can't remember his name but he wrote a post on that he was going to slit his throat because he screwed up with a girl because he was drunk, but that's another story. But he stated in there that being niceGOT HIM NOWHERE!. Plus how could you tell everyone that being nice is great and works and everything when your in the process with one relationship, technically you've had zero. How do you know that teasing doesn't work if you NEVER tried it?! If you hate it that much and think it doesn't work actually try it for a week on a girl and see what happens.


Oh yeah, and if any of you guys out there are interested in a girl, when you hang out and let's say your not very good of friends yet, try teasing the girl. It gets down to being good friends pretty fast depending on how much you do it.


You don't ******* get what I'm saying here, I'm saying it's ok to act like a nice guy, BUT with confidence and knows how to keep the relationship alive with teasing. Ok? So let's stop these flame wars..they are so pointless because they will go on and on.[/b]

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Those of you who know me will know what i am about to say...i've said it so many times before (infact did i even say it earlier in this thread?)...


Be the nice guy with an edge!!!


Shysoul, you say that women are always telling you that they want the nice honest guy, etc etc. That is true. They do. But like it or not, there is something more primal than that which will attract a woman to one guy and not the other. Its not about honesty or anything like that. They don't even know what it is, so they can't tell you. It's just something. It is different for everyone, but some guys seem to be able to tap into it a bit more, and more often than not it is all linked into confidence, and the ability to remain un-intimidated by even the most gorgeous people! Hence people saying about teasing and that kinda thing.


As for all these dating websites. I have only looked at them briefly, but by and large they give good advice for what they are meant for - DATING. You guys are all missing the main word here!! They aren't called "link removed". They are for DATING. Dating is casual, and is the process of picking out the person you really like and really get on with and would like to be in a relationship with. These sites seem to suggest ways you might increase the number of people you can choose from. Dating is not about love. Dating is about leading into something that could turn into love.


The tips on the site are more in line with getting people to notice you and getting people to WANT to go out on more dates with you!!


As for the insecurities thing, of course ALL of us have insecurities. The fact that the nice guys / shy guys are more honest and open about them is exactly part of the problem. If you are in a DATING phase, the LAST thing that you should be unloading onto anyone are your insecurities. They will run a mile.


It's like all the other rules of things you should never talk about whilst dating - Politics, Money, Other Women, Sex. Insecurities sit right alongside all those things!

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I believe that you shouldn't mistreat women, but however you can not be a "nice guy" either. I'v read a couple of those books, they are very helpfuling in terms of my dating life.


The people that says they are completely crap are people that have never tired the material out before. It is however a skill you have to learn, just like anyother skill. It requries practice and hardwork, trust me its all worth it in the end when you know exactly what to do and knows what she's thinking every moment while you are with a girl. That feeling of confidence is priceless.

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Strange. You say this now yet everytime I say that I have gone directly to the source and that women almost always back up what I've been saying, I get told that girls are just saying that to be nice and only telling me what I want to hear. You can't possibly be telling me that all these girls are only trying to spare my feelings and that there all giving me wrong advice. That is what's always got me about this, when the majority of girls are giving the same advice that I give, who do you think should be listened to?

Because girls and a lot of people are brainwashed with that society bull.


Sorry...I couldn't resist this..I'm guessing Shy said it, b/c I can't see on my post reply screen.


Shy goes straight to the source....uh huh...you're talking to girls on this site, that's not straight to the source. You pour out feelings and emotions, but that will get you no where. You know...I go straight to the source, then guess what...I dated my source b/c she liked what I knew.


ShySoul...there is still one thing you do NOT get and will not listen to any of us. You're right, these girls are not lying to you, they're not giving you wrong advice...the problem with them answering you and saying how great you sound...is that is all in their minds. You don't seem to understand that attraction is a feeling...not a choice. Girls see your poured out feelings and think(yes think), to themselves that "This guy should be awesome, look how much he knows about relationships", but then again...you've only recently dated one girl that I recall. So how can he know so much? The problem with girls replying to you, is that they are answering with their minds, and not their feelings. You talk too much, but you don't take enough action to make me believe what you say is true.


Besides the fact that we have all been in your shoes...well not all...but a lot of us remember out mom's teaching us to be 'nice' to girls....god I wish I could go back and tell my mom to stop feeding me that crap when I was younger, then maybe I'd have realized how awesome it is to have this confidence and fun flirting around girls much sooner than my freshman year of college.


I don't know if anyone can teach you Shy...you come back with all these well-thought out responses with plenty of talk, but you still have no evidence to support it. I have dated more girls(as I said before earlier in the post), and have soo many more friends that are girls than I ever had in my life just in this one year. I used to have a few close girl friends...now I have a bunch that I call and hang out with and have a good time...something I never had before when I was all-out nice and shy. It's not that I'm a jerk to them...I've just learned how to give them a gut feeling that makes them like being around me and they have fun hanging with me....its not a choice by their minds, just and uncontrollable feeling.


And I got way off topic...I always go on too long tryin to talk with Shy about all this.

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Women: How important is social status to you? I mean is it important for you that your bf is placed high in the societys pecking order hierarchy and has power? Does your interest in a guy increase significantly if you know that other women also want the same man?

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Guys, I'll get back to you on everything else since its late and I'm tired. But I want to address GuiltyAsCharged since he is the topic starter.


Guilty, first I'm sorry if this topic seems like it goes off topic. I hope that anything that is said you'll look at and take something out of. Now, your young. It's perfectly natural to be asking these questions. And I won't lie, at your age social status, a hierchy, and power is probably important to some girls. Some girls will care about these things at any age. But you'll find as you get older that less and less girls do. Popularity is less important as people see the truth, its who the person is on the inside that matters. At any age, girls who care about this stuff aren't the girls you should be interested in. The good ones will see you and like you for who you are not how much power you have. These are the ones you want, they'll respect, love, and appreciate you. With the other girls you'll never know if they like you or the social status. And you'll never know if they'll leave you should someone more popular come along of if you fall in your level of power.


Some women may become more interested in a guy if they know someone else has him or is interested in him. Again, these women should be avoided. If it takes another girl liking you to get someone interested in you, she's not worth it. She should like you for you, not because your with someone else.

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Because girls and a lot of people are brainwashed with that society bull


Now your saying that girls who say what I'm saying have been brainwashed by society? Yet, I rarely see society saying any of this stuff. Instead I see sex and arrogance promoted more. I think that if anyone is being brainwashed its the people with your position.


Plus, why wait for this one person? How boring. You have to have experience you know, and you have to figure out what you like! You never know what you hate or like in a person without "practicing" on it first.


What if you know what you like? I have always known what I like or dislike in someone. As far back as I can remember I have liked people who were honest, nice, respectful, giving, had a good heart, intelligent, and who understood me. I have had problems with people who are hypocrites, hold things back, play games, say rude things, make assumptions about me without even hearing me out, care about meaningless things such as appearance, etc. These are the kinds of things that will decide if the person is right for me, how well they understand me and appreciate me for me. I don't need any experience to know that. If anything, all these years of not having people understand is enough experience so that I'll know when the right person does come along.


And it doesn't have to be boring. I never said I was sitting around waiting for it. I'm living my life and not worrying. When your concentrating on your own life, you still have fun without the added pressures of relationships, most of which are guaranteed to lead no where.


How do you know that teasing doesn't work if you NEVER tried it?! If you hate it that much and think it doesn't work actually try it for a week on a girl and see what happens


That's why this doesn't get settled, because you guys don't actually read what I write. You gloss over it, jump to conclusions, and say things that I have already addressed before you even asked the question. I know teasing doesn't work because IT ISN'T ME. Remember that thing about treating others as you would want to be treated. I don't want people making comments like that about me, so I'm not making comments about them. And, as I have said before, in moments of sheer stupidity I have said comments that could be considered teasing. The reaction was negative. On the other hand, I've yet to get a negative reaction from a compliment. So I've tried both. Guess which one worked?


I'm saying it's ok to act like a nice guy, BUT with confidence


Your assuming that a nice guy needs to get confidence. As I've been pointing out, a nice guy already has confidence, more confidence then most give him credit for.


Be the nice guy with an edge


Being a nice guy already is an edge. Everyone has agreed that girls want a nice guy in the end. If you are already acting like that, you've got the edge that will ultimately get you ahead.


The tips on the site are more in line with getting people to notice you and getting people to WANT to go out on more dates with you!!


You say its something primal that not even girls understand. Well if girls don't understand how they feel, how can guys? How can these sites tap into forces that we don't even understand. It's all a contradiction. Yeah, these tips may get you more dates, but more dates doesn't necessarily mean a relationship. The point of dating is trial run for a serious relationships. So shouldn't you want to make it like the real thing only less serious? How else can you know if the real thing would last unless you get used to the real person? The same things should apply for dating as real relationships, only without as strong a commitment and attachement. That means being respectful, nice, and honest. Why would a girl consider having a relationship with you if you aren't open with her while dating, or if you intentionally do things to mess with her head? A girl will see that and say to herself that this isn't the kind of guy I want to be with.


So yes, maybe you get more dates. If that's all your interested in then fine, go ahead and do that. But if you want any chance of something more, these tips are a waste of time. If you want a date to lead someone, show her that you care and are a decent person who won't play games with her.


If you are in a DATING phase, the LAST thing that you should be unloading onto anyone are your insecurities.


Who said a nice guy "unloads" insecurities? Of course you don't spill out your every problem right away. But if something comes up in the course of a conversation, be honest about your feelings. That's a surefire way of bringing to people together, to share with each other dream and hopes or fears and insecurities. It makes things between the two of you more personal, and deepens any connection you might have. Wouldn't you feel more comfortable with someone with whom you could share those kinds of things with because they understand and are sympathetic? That beats someone who isn't willing to share their feelings.


It's like all the other rules of things you should never talk about whilst dating - Politics, Money, Other Women, Sex. Insecurities sit right alongside all those things!


Ok, so dating should just consist of talking about the weather, the lastest comedy thats out, and other mindless bits of small talk. How else are you going to get any further unless you take a chance and talk about something serious. If the dates have any chance of going further you should be free and comfortable talking about any subject. Even if you disagree on something the fact that you can have a meaningful discussion on it is a great sign. I bet religion would be another topic to add to the list. Yet after me and my girl had a debate on religion we were both glad that we could have such a deep discussion with each other. Granted, some things would clearly be inappropriate. You wouldn't ask the person how many people they have slept with for example. But you can bring about the general idea of love, romance, and sex. Same thing with insecurities, bringing them up can be a great thing as it forms a deeper relationship between the two.

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trust me its all worth it in the end when you know exactly what to do and knows what she's thinking every moment while you are with a girl. That feeling of confidence is priceless.


We agree on something. It is worth it to know exactly what you are doing. Confidence is priceless. And its even more priceless (does that make sense ) when you have the confidence in yourself to know that you've known what to do all along and that you don't need any books, websites, etc. to tell you what to do. It's that much more priceless when you stick to your guns and end up with the girl you've always dreamed of without ever once changing a thing about you and knowing that you we right all along.


you're talking to girls on this site, that's not straight to the source. You pour out feelings and emotions, but that will get you no where.


Not just girls on this site, everyone girl I talk to about this subject. I don't pour out my feeling and emotions. I'm calm and reasonable about things. I say how I am feeling, I'm honest about that. And its gotten me loads of attention from girls. This year alone, the last four months, numerous girls have talked to me and paid attention to me. I've had girls asking me for help and advice when I have barely said a word to them. I have girls wanting to hang out with me. I've had plenty of compliments on what a great guy I am. And when was the last time any of you slept over at an apartment with four girls?


You're right, these girls are not lying to you, they're not giving you wrong advice


So they are giving me the right advice, yet you are still recommending that I do something else? To quote Spock, highly illogical.


The problem with girls replying to you, is that they are answering with their minds, and not their feelings.


To the contrary, the are speaking with there feelings. It doesn't come out as well when I type it on here, but if you were there with the girl you could tell they really feel what they are saying. It's in the look on their faces, the tone of their voice. If no relationship happens it is not because I'm nice or because of me. It is because we don't have enough in common in the way of interests, hobbies, etc.


remember out mom's teaching us to be 'nice' to girls....god I wish I could go back and tell my mom to stop feeding me that crap when I was younger


Geez, mothers day was a few days ago. How quickly we forget to show our love. Personally, my mom did teach me to be nice, not just to girls but to everyone. And I appreciate what she taught me, its made me a better person. She raised me to be a nice, thoughtful gentleman and always loved me for me. She has always believed in me and that has helped me gain confidence in myself to the point where I'll stand true to what I know is right no matter what. And if you should listen to any girl, listen to her. She has been both emotionally and physically abused by guys, guys who are clearly jerks. If anyone knows how much a nice guy is appreciated and wanted, its her.



I have dated more girls(as I said before earlier in the post), and have soo many more friends that are girls than I ever had in my life just in this one year.


As I said, in the last year I have had so much attention from girls and I've never had to change a thing. Being nice has worked, and has always worked. I have always had more girls who were friends then guys who were friends. And I've had a girl actually initiate the possiblilty of a relationship. Yea, nothing I say works.

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