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I want to say some things to my friend but im afraid

Mr. X

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Sorry this is so long. I'm afraid to tell my best friend things that are killing me on the inside. She has been trying to get me to talk to her and I'm afraid to be open with her. I'm not sure how to tell her without her feeling bad.


1. I want to tell her that I've been physically abused by my mother, how I've never had a birthday or any love from anyone.


2. A couple weeks ago me and her went to the movies to see

The Amittyville Horror and after the movie she said that if someone had a gun pointed to her, she would start laughing right before the guy shoots her. I said that I'd end up finding out and start crying. The problem is that the night before I had a dream of that happening and as soon as I woke up I started to cry.


3. I want to tell her how much I love her and that I have a crush on her.


I want to tell her alone and I can't because she only walks two steps away from the group when anyone asks to talk to her alone.


Im a little curious about this. When we first met we only saw each other for a total of two hours (karate class this is where we first became friends) then she disappeared and we didn't see each other for three years, when she got into high school. Now why would she remember someone she rarely spoke to?


I remembered her because I loved, still do, everything about her. Her personality, intelligence, her inner and her outer beauty. Her inner beauty is the thing that attracted me.


All responses are appreciated.

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i think you should tell her that you like her. and ask her if you can talk to her a little privately like away from her friends. but basically i think that is all i can tell you, don't tell her that you love her cuz that might scare her a little bit, cuz sometimes that can be a little scary for a person. but im sure you will get feelings from her back. just be strong buddy, and you can make it through.

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Thanks guys. But what about the dream I had and my past? And can I please have an answer to why someone would remember talking to someone for a maximum of two hours three years in the past? Sorry if I don't sound it, but I am very greatful for the replies.

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Dreams can unsettle us and be very powerful but they are not real, death in dreams represents a change, a new start, moving on, so this is nothing to be concerned about. It is also natural to dream about things you think about during the day and tells you what you already know, that you care about her and, possibly, that you are scared of losing her.


I would presume she remembers you either becuase she has a good memory or you made a good impression on her. Either way it's not a bad thing so just be pleased she did remember you and dont worry too much about why. You can always ask her at some point if the opportunity arises.

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Today I told her about the dream and how I cried. When I told her she said that she was sorry and had a flattered look on her face as well as a huge smile. I just have one last question for anyone who reads this.


Why would she apologise for something that really wasn't her fault, aside from trying to make me feel better?

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Mr. X, she seems like someone you can confide in. Remember that the past is OVER. Remember to not take yourself too seriously. Also if you are going to tell her u like her, ask her out, dont just tell her. Doing that seems to put people on edge and in my opinion is not a good choice. Just ask her to do something with you, ask her to see another movie, or better yet ask her to do a favor for you. People seem to realize their feelings or someone better when they are helping that person. If there is any thing else you want to ask me fire away, i will help in any way i can.

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