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Im still confused on what to do

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I still dont know what to do.I mean i wrote before on my sistuation and well hear it goes.I finally told the guy that I really had strong feelings cause I been upset for a while cause he was going after one of my friends at work.Well she finally told him I guess that she only wants to be friends with him.But I talked to him and told him that i have strong feelings for him and there never going to change.I told him no matter what happens im always going to be friends with him cause we been friends for six years now.He told me that Im opposite of him that Im nice and sweet and kind and hes the opposite and he dont think that would turn out into a good relationship but yet hes been staying with me cause he needed a place to live.Yet we get along great and Im always a great friend to him and take care of him.I also told him sometime opposite people can make a great relationship work and he kind of agree to that cause a couple of our friends are in a long term relationship.They worked out great.I just dont know what to do.I mean now that a friend of mine which is a guy talked to him about giving me a chance and that he told that least u dont have to go after chasing a girl and they turn u down shes been there for ya and she has feelings for u.Well also i mean we do stuff together too.Justdont know what to do anymore.I mean I love him to death and Im to make me happy and a better person.I guess all I can do is be me and be there for him.Any help would be good on what to do.Thanks

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It seems like all your doing is waiting around and staying down while waiting for this guy. A guy can't be CONVINCED into realizing he likes you. He should just like you from the start and if hes convinced this usually won't last long out of the infatuation stage. It seems like your hoping and dreaming for something more than there is. I'm not trying to be harsh or anything, but if I tell a girl she is too different from me and it won't work out, its pretty much, "I'm not interested." If he really liked you and thought you were way different, chances are, he still would have given it a try and asked you out to get to know you better. And at this point, your seeming so available and you don't want to be that. Your seeming like no matter what he does, your going to be there for him and all that, and thats admirable, but as for attaining a guy, it just doesn't work. Same for anyone really. You can't put yourself out there like you'll always be there, because he will think you always will and test his options elsewhere. And aside from that, it doesn't sound like hes truly interested anyways.


I guess I sound like a mean guy, and I don't mean for it to come out this way at all, I just want you to look at the truth. And in saying this, I could be totally wrong, I'm just telling you from a guys perspective what I think it is. And I know for sure, having to convince someone your worth dating isn't usually ever gonna work out too great, it will most likely be you loving him more the entire time, and him eventually not treating you how he should. Anyways, this is a lot to read, I'm sorry, let me know how it goes.

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