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I feel so broken hearted

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Im still madly in love with my exgirlfriend...she consumed my mind ever second of the day...and i miss the warmth of her face against mine....I can't go on.....I bought a book about moving onwith my life...but its not working ...she is to much a part of my soul ...I've tried dating other people ...everything...but i miss her and i cry everyday.....and i now pay the price of regret ..an open wound that only heals when i hear her voice....the problem i am facing is that she just broke up with her boyfriend and she wants to come and visit me for a couple of weeks(she lives on the west coast and im here on the east coast)...she in a lot of pain over this breakup with her boyfriend.....i want to be there for her..i dont want to abandon her because she needs a friend like me (we stayed friends) anyways i told her that if she did come in visit i would want to be romantic with her(sing to her, write her poetry...bring her a rose..) but she says she doent know if she could return the same to me ...i told her that maybe it wasnt a good idea if she came and visit me because i was still in love with her..and i know if she came i would fall deeper in love with her...i dont know if its a good idea for her to come and visit me or not because i dont want to get hurt ...but i miss her so dam much and i think if she was here visiting i could show her the real person that i am(i really blew it when we was together..its strange how regret can change you) so i dont know what to do should dhe come or should i tell her not to .....I just want to hold her and listen to her heartbeat..

thank you for any advice

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I know exatly what your going through. I'm in the same situation myself. Only my ex left me for somebody else, but I can't move on either. I loved her like no other, and I know I did somethings that I regret. Your right about one thing, regret does change people. I pleaded with her, begged her, and told her how much I love her. I cry to. I'm with you man, but your life is not over. Somebody told me what I'm about to tell you. If you still talk to her, and see her, then you will never get over her. It is a good idea for you to try and stay away from hearing her voice, and seeing her face. I took everything my ex gave to me (notes, love letters, ect...) and burned them in a bon-fire. That helped me alot, and I know it will help you. You have to try and let her go. I hate to tell you this, but it's over man. Even though she is now broken up, you said that she didn't know if she could return your love. Take everything that reminds you of her, and get rid of them. Also, do NOT have any contact with her. I know it's going to be hard. I just stopped talking to my ex yesterday, and already I feel like I'm ready to die. But it will only get better. If you can, try to find a support group around your area. Surround yourself with people who are going thourgh the sme problem you are. They can help you realize that you can get over her. I know it's tough. It's tough for me to get over mine. There will be somebody else in your life, and you will love them the same or even more than you love your ex. Don't worry, and try to get over her. If she left then she wasn't worth it anyway. Try to emotianaly separate yourself away from her as far as you can, and get rid of all the stuff that reminds you of her. This has helped me immensly. Even though it hurts to see my ex hold somebody elses hand, and snuggle against him I relize that somebody else will make me feel the same way she did. There are other people out there. LIfe is to short to waste it on somebody who left you. Find somebody who will NEVER leave you, and hold on to them forever. Good luck you, man. I hope you heal.

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