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My journal to help heal.(hopefully!) may contain triggers.


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Well i have very few/little DPDR episodes now my PTSD is gone. My depression is all but gone and my anxiety has reduced significantly. Just went a whole month without therapy which is great considering 4 months ago i had to have 2 different types a week to stop me potentially doing somehting bad to myself. Most importantly my memories are returning and my brain fog is pretty much gone. I'm still not as sharp as i was before my accident but i'd say i'm at about 80% of being the full me which i cannot quite believe! I genunely thought i'd be a brainded zombie for the next 40+ years.


The fire in my belly is re-igniting, i am becoming more socialable and looking forward to spending with people. My sense of humour is returning. Honestly so happy i could cry.

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  • 3 months later...

Ok so my uncle died yesterday and thats kind of brought my DPDR stuff back. I think it's because i am not close to him and on a personal level didn't like him but i guess i'm feeling guilty for not being that bothered. He had a short battle with cancer which he lost after 6 months so even though i'm not keen on him i feel bad he had to suffer through his illness. I just can't level that sympathy i do have for him with not being particularly upset.


My house is finally on the market and that nightmare chapter of my life is set to be all done with over the next few months and on the plus side i'm due to walk away with around 250k ( in US dollars) after all debts are cleared for a fresh start.

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  • 7 months later...

Finally agreed a completion date for my house at start of week. What a relief. Much of my stress has disappeared since this happened. My DP/DR and PTSD has virtually gone. Anxiety and depression also way better.


Due to move out of my home on June 1st. Applied for a job in a different country and now financially secure for life. Can buy a new ,more modest home for cash and be mortgage free at 40. After 3 years things are starting to look up.

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Thanks Seraphim! How are things with you? Havent been on here for a while to be honest so out of the loop with all the current COVID19 stuff going on.


I have good days and bad. The beginning of the covid ssue was really bad but now my brain seems to have reached that this is a reality and this is how we have to live so I’m not as bad as before.

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I have good days and bad. The beginning of the covid ssue was really bad but now my brain seems to have reached that this is a reality and this is how we have to live so I’m not as bad as before.



It's a real tough situation at the moment and i guess coming to terms with riding the storm out so to speak is all we can do.


I'm in the UK so the laws on lockdowns etc will be different here but hopefully your business has not been destroyed by it. Stay safe :)

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