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4 months with a cold?!

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I did speak to a pharmacist inbetween appointments as it’s a challenge getting one unless it’s urgent in the uk. He did say I should take antihistamines which I did every day for 3 weeks and didn’t see a difference so I stopped.

Might be worth taking again, I’ll try anything at this point!


Antihistamines work on different prongs. One kind may not help at all, while another works wonders. Consult with another pharmacist and tell her or him which one you've tried and get a recommendation for another. You can combine it with using a nasal saline to clear your passages before also using a nasal antihistamine in addition to an oral one.


You're the only person who can invest in your own care. It makes no sense to throw up your hands and say you've done everything when you have not even invested in learning what 'everything' means. And it also makes no sense to ask for advice and then call the people who've invested time in looking into contributing factors as 'judgmental'.


That seems to be a trolling theme on these boards lately.

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Agree. The cry for help followed by flaming responses seems to be the theme lately.

It makes no sense to throw up your hands and say you've done everything when you have not even invested in learning what 'everything' means. And it also makes no sense to ask for advice and then call the people who've invested time in looking into contributing factors as 'judgmental'. That seems to be a trolling theme on these boards lately.
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Antihistamines work on different prongs. One kind may not help at all, while another works wonders. Consult with another pharmacist and tell her or him which one you've tried and get a recommendation for another. You can combine it with using a nasal saline to clear your passages before also using a nasal antihistamine in addition to an oral one.


You're the only person who can invest in your own care. It makes no sense to throw up your hands and say you've done everything when you have not even invested in learning what 'everything' means. And it also makes no sense to ask for advice and then call the people who've invested time in looking into contributing factors as 'judgmental'.


That seems to be a trolling theme on these boards lately.


Advice I’m grateful to get but seems a little unnecessary for anyone to comment on my relationship and sexual health when it genuinely has nothing to do with my cold.

And it’s ironic that you would call the way I responded as ‘trolling’ bizarre really. Tbh it’s put me off using this forum again.

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Agree. The cry for help followed by flaming responses seems to be the theme lately.


If you think making assumptions on my relationship and sexual health isn’t judgemental then you’re deluded. Thanks for proving that this forum isn’t really a safe zone and actually a place to point the finger. Completely puff off using this again. So yeah I’m done. Thanks.

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It's unfortunate that you see no connection to chronic fatigue and supporting a recovering addict. It's also unfortunate that you see no connection between "flu like symptoms" and many of the STDs including those without overt symptoms such as hep b, c, hiv and many others that may be chronic and undetected. Suggesting a work up that includes these possibilities is not judgmental but rather, logical.

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Advice I’m grateful to get but seems a little unnecessary for anyone to comment on my relationship and sexual health when it genuinely has nothing to do with my cold.


Contributing factors to being run down and exhausted have everything to do with your immune system.


And it’s ironic that you would call the way I responded as ‘trolling’ bizarre really. Tbh it’s put me off using this forum again.


Oh, of course, and I do understand. You're also entitled to a full refund of your purchase price for the advice. We'll see you again soon.

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