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My ex wants me back after breaking my heart 4 times...

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Well my ex boyfriend messaged me last night on Icq and we got to talking he said that he was sorry and that he missed me..The thing about this is that I dont know weather to believe him or not because in the past he has broke up with me 4 times and i have done nothing but try to love him each time I came back because i have feelings for him. The last time he broke up with me he dated 3 other girls in a month an a half. He told me that he was stupid for letting me go all those times and that he really loved me he said that he didnt know what he had until it was gone. He said he had no other feelings for those other girls.I dont know what to believe is he just trying to get me to come back to him so he sweep me up and then a week later drop me on my ass. i dont know what to do.. He even said he cryed over breaking up with me and he is the type of guy you dont see cry.. What should i believe...Is he trying to play me or does he really love me..

Here is some of the conversation we had lastnight>


Me: really u wanna see me bad


Him: yes that bad, thats why i wanted to see you tonight


Me: why do u wanna see me so bad


Him: =( i miss talkin to you


Me: really


Him: and i actually want to see you somewheres besides school


Me: yeah Do u ever miss me i mean like any at all


Him: all the time, and what hurts even worse is that it is my fault me messin up like i did


Me: oh u mean breaking up with me like 5 times in a role


Him: Yes have you ever heard the saying, you dont know what you got till its gone?


Me: Yes


Him: well thats how i feel and why i want to see you tonight beautiful


Me: well i thought we had something before.. what about now


Him: if there wasn't i wouldnt be talkin to you right now


Me: True!


Him: i never stopped lovin you


Me: So u really did love me


Him: with all my heart, i cant believe i am sayin this, but i actually cried over it


Me: are u serious...ur not screwing with me


Him: Paige..i love you with all of my heart, i'm just staring at you're beautiful picture right now


Me: why did u break up with me anyway all those times


Him: i'm not right in my head..well i wanna see u to so hurry up an come meet me..


Me: its 1 in the morning


Him: so i need to see you i need to hold u

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From your conversation last night it doesn't seem like he has explained to you what hapened before or is he willing to talk to you about it. He has treated you badly but doesnt seem very remorseful? Only you can decide if he deserves a last chance, but i think you need to have a proper talk before then. I Do think that people shouldnt leave themselves in a situation where they end up wondering what if, and i do believe it is better to regret things you have done than things you haven't. Basically, has he had is chance or are you prepared to risk the hurt again to give him another chance and see if the relationship can be what you want it to be. Good luck

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If this is the abusive boyfriend - don't take him back. This is just more of the same thing and you will end up getting hurt, certainly emotionally, possibly physically.


This guy is bad news.

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If this is a different guy, my advice is that you should try to take a breather and just heal from the last relationship before jumping into another, especially one that has failed 4 times. 4 times is a lot and its enough reason to stay away...but in my opinion you'll only really know how you feel after you've had some time away from guys in order to evautate your feelings and really think things through.

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