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Should I be mad at him or her?

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Me and my boyfriend have been together for a month. And the other day I found out that when we werent together that he "Possibly" got a blow job by his best friends sister. But I didn't get mad at him because of coarse we did like eachother but I was going out with his other best friend at the time, and plus he didn't let her, she did it to him when he was asleep and he woke up in the middle of it. A few days ago this girl names Misty hugged him, he didn't like it, but still she hugged him, and she knows that I am going out with him. And yesterday when we and him where at my friends locker she came by and rubbed her hands on him, I got pissed! He was talking to me but I wasn't listening, I was thinking if I should get my best friend to talk to her or to handle her myself. So I ran into the bathroom and told Karsha, and she keeps doing the same stuff to him, no matter how many times my friends tell her to stop or my boyfriend does. But even though he try's telling her to stop and she keeps doing it he doesn't try getting away from her sometimes. What should I do? Be mad at him or her?

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Dump the Dude #1, you are 13 years old. No 13 year old should have their boyfriend getting blow jobs!! I have a 13 year old sister, and if I ever found out that she was giving oral sex I would super glue her mouth shut. Also, if he knows that what he's doing is bothering you, the hugging and stuff and continues to do it then he's not showing you the respect you deserve. BUT I think you are overreacting, who cares if he gets a hug from a girl- it's not really his fault if someone touches him, she apparently likes him, and you cant be mad at him for that.

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this is messed up.. you have more than one problem here.

I find it weird that she gave him a blowjob while he was asleep, does anyone else know this?? that's disgusting..

Did he just tell you that he was asleep, or do you have actual proof.

But I agree with the previous reply.. dump him, he's bringing too much stress onto you.. and if you don't think it's fair to him.. then talk to him about it one on one.. and if this girl keeps harassing him.. tell the principal or something like that. Also, if you like this guy, stick up for him yourself, dont get your friends to do it.

I do suppose you're only 13, but still.

That's about it, Good luck.

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