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Games, fun and keeping him wanting more!


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hey people right umm...really i would just like to know if any of you have any games that don't involve leading to sex but do involve being intimate and passionate with kissing. My boyfriend and i play this game where i have to temp him into kissing me tease him lol and he finds it really hard to resist, i would really like any other sujestions to games i could play to keep him wanting more! ....

thank-you so much x x

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My and my g/f play the control game-similiar to what u do.

Also, its not a game, just something we do... but when I want her to kiss me I say come here and she'll move a little closer... until she is touching my lips and then we kiss. Its cute and sweet.

Sometimes she'll tickle me and ill tackle her and pin her arms down and kiss her, etc.

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