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My 14-day Journal for a 2 Week Break- By a Serial relationship sabotager


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I am only going from YOUR words:


Fact, of the matter, is that my boyfriend is insensitive. He is not thoughtful, he does not think about me. My grandma was just part of it. No one knows the awful response he gave to my initial request. The inhuman response I got when I told him I just found out my grandma was going to die and I didn't want to be alone.


My boyfriend is not thoughtful. In our whole year together, not one time, not even our first date was anything suggested because of what I enjoy or like to do. We rarely did anything that I liked to do. We mostly did things he wanted, or I wanted to do something I had to make it appeal to him somehow. There always had to be something in it for him. If it was not appealing to him it would be a 20-30 minute convincing talk which resulted in dragging him along. On a rare occasion to his surprise, he discovered he enjoyed whatever I dragged him to.


He's a simple guy he likes drinking, eating a limited selection of food, and watching sports. That's it. We don't have anything in common.


It i want to go to a bar they always they had to carry his favorite drink or he didn't want to go. He didn't want to try new food. Once I got him to go to a place i really wanted and he made sure to let me know he hated it the entire time thus ruining the whole experience for me anyway. I have gotten so used to everything being on his terms now when I suggest anything I know I have to make it appealing to him off the bat, fight about it, or just argue in a loop that ends with us staying home and then him complaining that we never go out, when all we do is go out.


We couldn't even watch a single tv show together in the entire year we were together. Not for more than 15 minutes. I tried. I told him I wanted to get into a show together. I tried to find things that I thought would be interesting to him. I even asked him to pick something. In our entire year together we didn't watch a single thing on TV together for more than 15 minutes. Instead, I asked him to get headphones many times over a year he never bothered to. He would sit in bed watching something on his phone and make it louder than my tv. He didn't think of me. So I bought him headphones he complained he didn't like them and refused to use them. He also woke me up much time with his TV on the phone and refusal to get headphones, even on days when I had not slept at all."

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youre right.. i should stop reading this.

again.. this is an advice forum , not a journal/blogging site.

you are journalling in "getting back together" - not "break up" section.


and no.. when other peopel are talking about and asking about keeping no contact, they are not "by default" journaling like you are.


good bye.

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