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Fave Christmas treats??


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Woohoo, thanks so far!

The ones I get asked for the most, and so has become the 'holy trinity' core of my baking have been:


Butter tarts

Biscuits au sucre a la creme

I make so many of these, it's crazy.


So shortbread is a yes! And I will be trying batches of the ideas given here, for variety in the mix.



Green dots, I don't do anything fancy. I keep most frozen until close to giving out. I wrap in plastic wrap. Maybe someone else will chime in!

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I enjoy a good old mince pie grandy , especially ones with icing on .


So shortbread is a yes! And I will be trying batches of the ideas given here
bl00dy hell wish I lived next door , imagine me ion a munchie session and you are baking all that a stones throw away lolol I would be perched on your doorstep like a little annoying gnome .


Well done for doing this , the purpose behind it xx

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I don't know if they're actually seasonal or if they just were for my family, but we'd all make buckeyes. Big fan.


And not a baked good, but the holidays were also when we'd splurge a bit and always have some jamon serrano to snack on.

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Pippy, I wish I could share treats with you! I haven't made mince pie since I was a teen- we used to make them for my grandpa. After he was gone, they'd sit there lonely and sad lol.


Rum soaked! That could be dangerous.


I had to look up buck eyes. I think those would go over really well. Anything like that, people seem to love.


Drooling thinking of that ham. I think I would have liked eating at your house!!


Kouign amann.. oh my god, yum!

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We're actually hosting a pre-holiday season brunch this coming Sunday (though I'll be making myself a burger and my wife can divorce me if she doesn't like it). I am trying to expand into baking a bit and try a couple things out on some folks this weekend, so hopefully we get some more suggestions rolling in here.


Re: the ham. I actually bought a leg of ham to cure as our sunroom is pretty much perfect for hanging one up during winter. We'll see how it goes and how quick the cops get called when my neighbors see a dangling hunk of flesh.

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Nice, you'll have to let me know if you do bake and how it goes!


One of my favorite topics is food so I'm excited to hear about you hanging a ham! I love everything from the growing and origins of food, the stories, trying my hand at home made this and that, and of course cooking and eating. Spain is one of those places I really want to explore and eat my way through.

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