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Please help, I think I messed up


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So I’ll keep this short, this girl and I have been talking for 3 weeks, both texting and on the phone, and things were going absolutely perfect, we even went mini golfing a week ago and she said she had a great time. So the texting continued and I felt like we had a great bond, then this weekend comes around and we made plans to go see a movie and then go to a bonfire afterwards. So it is me her and her best friend and her best friends boyfriend, we meet at target and shop for a little while we wait for the movie, we were holding hands and she kept resting her head on me (good signs I thought) then the movie comes and we go to watch it. Now this might be where I messed up, I couldn’t make a move during the movie, couldn’t even put my arm around her. And I also noticed she kept texting someone, (pretty sure it was her friend that we were with, probably talking about who ridiculous I was being) so immediately afterwards her attitude changed, she was walking fast and not looking at me to talk to me like she had been, then her friend made up some story about how they had to get home. So I immediately could tell that she made it up because my girl obviously wanted to get out of the situation, so I said ok no problem and we went our separate ways, then I was angry at myself so I snap chatted her saying “take care of yourself, you’re great” and she opened it but didn’t reply, then the next day after watching my story she blocked me on snap, I messaged her on insta asking to talk about what happened and she blocked me on there too. I guess my question now is, was she completely not into me and doesn’t want to talk to me ever again or did I mess up by sending that Snapchat, maybe she wasn’t breaking up with me but she thought I broke up with her? Is there any chance of fixing this? Thank you guys, this girl was very special

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Sounds like things started out well and you did all the right things... except sending that preemptive manipulative message.


Are you dating exclusively? It sounds like there's another boy she's interested in (and was texting) and your quasi-breakup snap put the final nail in the coffin, so she blocked you.


You'll have to apologize (nothing specific, just "sorry for the misunderstanding") in person and ask her out again. If she won't go out with you again, move on and next time stop using social media like this and do not shoot yourself in the foot with insecurities.

I also noticed she kept texting someone, so immediately afterwards her attitude changed. I was angry at myself so I snap chatted her saying “take care of yourself, you’re great” and she opened it but didn’t reply. she blocked me on snap.
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She’s actually one of the greatest people I have met, that’s what makes this so hard 😕 I was really looking forward to spending the holidays with her, we had all kinds of plans already because things were going so great over text, that’s why I’m so confused how it changed so fast, we were gonna go to six flags, the nutcracker, Christmas tree lighting, all kinds of things! And then just because I couldn’t make a move at the movies she has completely cut me off? That’s why I’m thinking maybe she wasn’t cutting me off and I screwed it up by sending that “take care of yourself” and maybe now she thinks I broke up with her or wasn’t interested

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Well what it was I think is she told me straight up that she likes her friends going on dates with her just in case something goes wrong, and what I think she was doing was texting her friend telling her to make up a story to get her out of there, so right after the movie I sensed something was off and her friend goes “momma wants us home because we didn’t clean” (they live together but aren’t sisters, weird situation I know) and then she was like “that means I have to go with them” and I immediately got pissed at myself for not being more forward and that’s when I sent the message

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That’s what I’m thinking now, but what would be the best way to fix the situation? Because if that’s the case she’s probably hurt because she thinks I dumped her, but that doesn’t explain the odd behavior after the movie ended? All day she had been walking next to me with my arm around her but after the movie she was walking ahead of me very fast and not paying me any attention. She obviously wanted out of there. Maybe I didn’t pay her enough attention and made her feel like I wasn’t into her.

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Don't beat yourself up about this.


Sounds like you did nothing wrong.


Who textes during a movie anyway?


You sound quiet young and unfortunately teenage girls constantly seek validation from their friends. So maybe it had something to do with her friend I'm not sure.


But sounds like you was lovely the entire time and this has nothing to do with you. It's her!


It's three weeks and it's a learning process.


Just be the same the next girl you meet. Hopefully they are not immature like she is.


Best of luck.

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And then just because I couldn’t make a move at the movies she has completely cut me off?
I doubt that was why she doesn't want to see you again.


She's too immature to even tell you that it wasn't working out for her and wish you luck in your dating so just accept that she's not the one for you and get on with finding someone who wouldn't judge you so quickly.

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Should I leave her some kind of voicemail? That is if she hasn’t blocked my number yet 😕


No! Please don't!


You will gain nothing from it. Right now you have you self respect.


Leaving her a voicemail will serve you no purpose.


You already know she is not interested. A VM will not help that make it anymore clear.


I know it hurts. But be grateful it is now and not later down the line!

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Should I leave her some kind of voicemail? That is if she hasn’t blocked my number yet [emoji53]


Absolutely not! If she blocked you she doesn’t want to hear from you... a phone call will enter into stalking territory.


Something makes me wonder if she was texting with another guy and wanted to get out of there so she could go meet up with him... I mean if she is going to be that weird about you not being all over her at a movie that would be a red flag IMO. Not to mention that she has to bring her friend on dates with her... is she just a kid or something?


Just let it go, you’ll meet someone else.

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Dakotax, may I ask what you find so appealing about this girl?


I mean bringing her friend on your date, texting godonlyknows who while on your date (probably another guy), abruptly leaving the way she did, blocking and ignoring your messages now, what the f?


Yet after all that, you ask if you should leave her a voice mail??? :eek:


I can't figure it, is it the challenge? What?


Edit: You said she's one on the "greatest" people you've ever known? When? Where? With whom?


Not with you, clearly. Her behavior towards you was (is) rude and insulting, you should be blocking her!

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Forget this girl, OP. As the others have already said, she is immature and doesn't understand basic courtesy. I highly doubt it was something you specifically did during the movie date. It sounds to me like she has someone else on her radar and doesn't have the manners to tell you directly that she is going to go in another direction.


And how can she possibly be the one of the greatest people you have ever met? You barely know her, man. It's critical to keep healthy perspective when dating. It will prevent you from idealizing someone you've talked to for all of 21 days.

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This girl was rude. Texting during the movie is rude, let alone texting while on a date with you at all. Unless there was some emergency, there was absolutely no reason to be engrossed in her phone rather than engaging with you (and the other guests in the party), and texting during a movie is so unbelievably rude, it would be a deal-breaker for many. I don't know what was expected during this movie, and I don't really know how you had no ability to at least hold her hand or something, but I find it hard to believe that not making some bold move was her breaking moment, and what move was expected? I hazard a guess that there's some other guy, or on this date this girl's best friend was in her ear tossing fodder? Criticizing and judging?? I have no idea, but the reality is everything unraveled fast, and this girl couldn't even do so much as let you know it's not working out for her. Instead she bolts without a word and blocks you everywhere. I personally don't see your little lob on Snap as that bad. This girl was finished anyway. Unless you can think of something that you did that was highly offensive, possibly while shopping or something (?), I'm going to hazard a guess that there's some other dude that takes precedence here. There's no point in chasing her. I really hope you rethink any desire to be with her because she's flighty, and just plain rude, and her behavior towards you was cruel, and I think you can do better than that.

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