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Do girls' wetness produce a certain odor?

Double J

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I got into a relationship with my g/f about 2 months ago, and things have been progressing pretty quickly. It seems like each week we do something more, either groping in a different area of the body or what not. Me and my g/f have dry sex a lot.. She says she's not ready to do the real thing yet and she won't be for a while, and I dont mind because she wants to take her time and I respect that. We're both relatively new at this stuff - before this girl I hadn't really done anything major with any girl.. nothing beyond second base anyway.


For the first time, I went inside my girl's underwear yesterday with my hand and I started creating motions everywhere with my fingers.. It was obvious she was wet down there, and when I've come within close proximity of that area and happen to smell, there's this odor... i'm wondering if it's the smell of wetness when the vagina lubricates itself, sweat, or a combination of both? It's definitely much different than the smell of a guy's cum - it's a much stronger odor and it doesn't smell as pleasant (no offense lol). I mean, from other guys who are more experienced in this area, they've told me that when a girl gets wet down there, it tends to be a bit "stinkier" than when a man does, and maybe that's what I'm starting to see now.


So why the smell? I'd like the ladies especially on this forum to comment. Thanks

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I've heard this before, and to be honest, I really don't see why she would smell so bad if she showers regularly/ maintains proper hygeine. Of course there is a bit of a 'scent', but it shouldn't be nauseating, that's for sure!


If this is the first girl you've been with or "smelled", then you're probably just not used to it yet. If the smell is truly sickening to you and turns you off, it sounds like she may have some kind of infection or abnormality. There should be a slight scent, but nothing overpowering.

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Its normal for a female to have a certain odor, the exact strength of the odor is going to vary depending on the female. Since you arent experienced enough to know if the smell is normal or not. Its possible that she could have excess amounts of bacteria which is creating the smell. If you want to diagnose the smell I would suggest doing a google search. That method will be far more informative.

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There will be a slight scent to the lubrication, every woman may be a bit different, and depending on a girls cycle it may also be more "metallic" in smell and taste than at other points.


However it should not "stink" or be that bad to make you gag or anything. If it is, I would say she may have a yeast infection or bacterial vaginosis or some other infection going on, or she does not clean that area very well.

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Ok now I wouldn't know from my own experiance because I have no sense of smell and never have, there for have no clue if when I get like that it smells. However My ex has told me before that after people have sex that someone could walk in the room and probably know if they were paying any attention to it. because both the male and female have diff smells down there and yeah so you could smell it. it's normal. But yeah it shouldn't make you sick smelling it, I've never heard of that before.

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Some women have a stronger odor than others.


I've noticed a slight trend for fairer haired women to have a milder odor, and darker haired women to have a stronger odor. This isn't a rule... just a trend.


Hygiene, the material of her undergarments, what food she tends to eat (or ate that day), what she had to drink, as well as where she is in her monthly cycle can all have an influence on the odor.


In general, I find that most women have a very pleasant odor, but I have come accross a few that have an overpoweringly strong odor that isn't exactly pleasant.


It is possible that it is just a new and unusual odor to you

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As mentioned, there is a certain smell to it, and it may be strong to you if you've never smelled it before. When I first experienced it, I noticed the smell was actually pleasant when I was having sex, but not something you'd want around when you're not in the mood if you catch my drift.

I have also experienced a not-so-good smell, it was very strong and was quite a turn-off, but it wasn't a normal odor. It WAS an infection, you'd definitely be able to tell the difference.

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I would agree with RayKay, if the smell is particularly strong and unpleasant a likely cause is bacterial vaginosis. Of course it is a very delicate topic to bring up!


Anyway the cure is very simple. One pill taken once only will clear it up.

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Urinary incontinence can also provoke bad smell even if the girl showers every day. Any little urine escaped can make the area smell bad after a while. It happens more frequently in women who have had children.


But usually hygiene, if there isn't any infection, should take care of strong odors. Some women need to clean the area twice a day. Since few people have time for 2 showers a day, the old bidet used in France and Brazil and other countries does the trick. I have never seen it in America. You can attach a hand shower next to the toilet though and wash your privates after a particularly hot day or urine escape.

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The smell produced by the female genitle region is supposed to be an aphrodisiac, meaning it's supposed to arouse sexual desire. If this smell is turning you off... i don't suggest telling her, it would deffinetley put up an unwanted barrier, and probably give her self esteem issues. But anyway yes there should be an odour but not an i watering, stomach turning one.

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